Aita for not expecting my daughter to pay

Aita for not expecting my daughter to pay. When I went to prom (and I went twice, sophomore year and senior year), my first dress was 60 (loved that dress). OP could be an AH in many other ways, but she is absolutely NOT an AH for canceling the cake she ordered and paid for for a wedding she was uninvited from. and your daughter is already going to school full time and works on Friday nights. This has caused them to implement a fee system. Tell her she is free to pay for a suite herself, and if you are feeling generous, you can offer to pay part of it. Throwing out birth control while being sexually active is also insanely irresponsible and dumb. She needs to put on her big girl pants and adult a bit more. ago • Edited 5 hr. AITA for expecting my wife to support my elderly parents. I37m have been married to my wife Sadie37 for 4 years. No 'stink' necessary - set a day of the month the '$30' is due - if it's not paid on time, you take that phone off your family plan. I F19 and my boyfriend M27 have been together for 14 months and we moved in together around 8 months ago. Mar 24, 2022 · AITA For Not Expecting My Daughter to Pay For My Son's Wedding? | 5 r/AITA | Brian's Advice 492. But they absolutely should not be doing the bulk. When it comes to weddings, emotions can run high and expectations can often clash. She can see the problems an unplanned pregnancy could have on your daughter, but also on you and your wife. Offering to get her an interior room was plenty generous. The size difference between a 1 bd and 2 bd apt is about 100 sq ft for the room itself, but you want her to pay almost twice the rent you pay. Take the deal, then try to get a better paying job. Not the A-hole. 2) Step daughter does not trust daycare or nannies. I can only imagine how hard it must have been to actually have to tell your daughter your decision. Until then, we had 50/50 custody, but Sandra has always been less "strict" than me. If she wants a blow out wedding, she can pay for it. Our custody order states any extra expense over $200 has to be agreed upon before either is obligated to pay. 4751. Her dad decided after I got pregnant that the mom of his child wasn't the woman he wanted to marry and is not in her life. So, AITA? AITA for expecting my adult daughter to pay back what she owes me? My (48M) daughter (21F), Aria, abandoned us (her stepmother, younger half-sister and me) when she was 15 to go live with my enabling ex-wife, Sandra, and her husband. SirProfessional4024. Lack of access to sanitary products for menstruation is literally a matter of human rights - and ensuring your children have their basic needs taken care of is basic parenting. That’s a crazy amount of money per hour, and it’s more than twice the minimum wage in my state. She got out of college in February and struggled to find job until October. Your wife needs to channel her fear in a different manner. Step-daughter and I get along fine no big issues but we also are not super close. The size of the fee varies as it is calculated according to how many people plan on using the cabin, and how big the upkeep costs were the previous year. I (50f) told my daughter (24f) she needs to pay rent. My sister (f36) lives nearby with her husband and two kids, (f9 and m7). He should have thrown himself at the chance to only pay 8. Peony-Pony. Forcing the grandparents to pay a fee they can't afford would presumably render such a judgment pointless, though, if you needed a reason to suspect this is fake. 4K Likes, 725 Comments. 7K Comments. Throwawayfcsnow. Mom previously went with her older daughter and signed step daughter and herself up to go in 2025. We like him a lot actually and he has mentioned getting married after the baby is born. My stepdad raised me like a biological child and would have %100 solved this by paying for neither of our college tuition. My wife and I have five kids. She will be confined to home all day with baby for atleast 3 years and lose her job. Make sure to tell her if that includes travel, etc for the bridal couple and family members. Help keep the sub engaging! Don’t downvote assholes! Do upvote interesting posts! Click Here For Our Rules and Click Here For Our FAQ. Offered my $10,000 not to get married and wait until we graduated college. No, that isn’t reasonable, and YTA for that. I (42F) have 3 teens (16F) (16M) Twins and (14F)daughter. My mom burst into tears, my dad said I wasn’t being serious and I just left. first prom cost about $120. I admire your strength. We split our finances equitably, with her paying 70% to my 30%. No shock that son is low contact. Now that two more people have moved in, Jess and I thought it would be best if her son slept in my daughter’s room. I took her home and have told my ex I am expecting him to cover the medical bills and some of my expenses since Lily failed to do her job and her treatment of Kelly. By Sophie Lloyd. Ava will be 19 soon, has no job and a 10 month old baby. AITA for not attending my step daughter’s wedding? Not the A-hole. Even so, I simply don't want to live with Aaron. 4. He was emotionally and physically abusive, and after an extremely difficult couple of years I decided to get out for Their entire party, for both, cost me about 200-300 bucks. Me and my sister do not make Carly r/AmItheAsshole. She didn’t actually touch us, and it wasn’t that big a deal but was a little obnoxious, and I said “there’s no need to My honest belief is that the original poster has to ask himself this question are you prepared to have the whole world basically say you're doing the right thing by holding your daughter accountable for the sins of her mother or are you prepared to basically have the whole world judge you for basically not being there. •. The daughter isn’t asking for a flexibility in cooking on some irresponsible grounds—She’s concerned about her schoolwork. The fine is £60, reduced to £30 if I pay within 14 days. Some history here: 2019 my husband and I took our son on a last minute Then there is my mother; in short, she is a controlling nightmare. 15: Clears table after dinner, does dishes. El (22f) Katie (17f) cam (15m) isla (5f) and I'm also currently pregnant. Fast forward about a year and she meets a guy (he's 28) online and "falls in love". Get a smaller house with a 30 year mortgage like every one else, and charge your daughter rent while she’s living there. The key to all this was open and honest Because of this, we agreed that my husband and I would pay the baseline $900 for the cheaper tickets, and my daughters couuld pay the difference (roughly $300). I told him I'm still expecting him to pay but now he's saying that I'm ganging up on him with our daughter. My daughter hasn't complained about paying us back, and we still have a good relationship. If I pay half then it’s making her trip cheaper. 4 days ago · My (42F) 16 year old daughter is not my husband's biological daughter. I get along great with her kids, especially her son. Tell her anything above that is on her and her fiance. For those who are a bit confused, I have extreme OCD and high functioning autism. My wife has a high-paying job and earns significantly more than I do. In our culture both parents are paying for the wedding, 50/50. AITA for telling my 18 yo daughter to either sue for child support or get out of my house? My (40F) 18 yo daughter " Ava" dropped out of high school after getting pregnant by her then boyfriend, who is 19. Congratulations on talking with your daughter and working things out. Reply reply. Yesterday I turned eighteen years old. While leaving an enclosure some woman sort of cut us off and pushed in front of us to get out first. We always wished we could have had more kids, but due to medical complications that I won't go into, we only had our girl. I got in the car and immediately handed Yeah, it sounds like they're actually pretty generous with their time and money for the length of time they've known OP and her daughter. I have refused to give her a second chance despite Josh asking me to and was called an asshole by him and my in laws. We had 3 kids in quick succession after we got married. I'd go above and beyond for my daughter and the baby, they can stay as long as they need, but not him. We have a daughter “Lynn” (12F) together. Am I supposed to read this as "I asked my brother to babysit my kids and he said 'Sure! I (f38) am a single mom with my teenage daughter, Carly (f17). TIFU by expecting my family to pay for my birthday dinner. Emily originally did not agree with this, but eventually came around when I told her it was either share a room or take the couch. ) We normally get along very well, so this dispute is out of character for us. I work as a teacher and make around 40k, while she works in the private sector and makes £300-400k after tax. IANAL, but at least in Canada, a judge can order visitation if it's in the best interests of the child. Sometimes I ask my brother to babysit my kids and he does it without hesitation. While 12 and under (barring state changes but fed and thus min) are allowed to work into infinity. When she moved back home, we made a deal where she would cook and clean the house as a form of payment for her living here. My Daughter Needs To Pay Me Back!original sound - Reddit On Wiki Podcast. ”. 1 - you pay for a different dress. That's not cheap AT ALL. This could derail work, plans for retirement, etc. AITA for asking Step- daughter to move out. Threatening to compromise her basic sanitary needs is beyond atrocious and dehumanizing. Theyoungpopeschalice. Spoiled Daughter Demands Money From Poor Dad Scene. It was just me and my daughter for the next 7 years until I married my husband. Her daughter, Marcia (19f) my daughter Leah (19f), my son (15m), and our 2 kids together (8m and 6f). 209. Kate has two daughters from her previous marriage, “Selena” (29F) and “Amy” (25F). We have done many activities together, but this time, my girlfriend suggested we have an actually nice restaurant dinner for the first time. 2M subscribers in the AITAH community funzies86. Ex. I 33F am currently pregnant with my first child. At 24, your daughter should have a job. 1K Likes, 5. I supported her during the job hunt and she's been living back home rent free. ago. The economics of 2bd vs 1bd apartments is that most of the cost is in the living room, kitchen, and first bedroom. Time to tell them a job is 100% not optional and they need to be able to raise and pay for this child or adoption. For the past several years she has been driving a car I own. For the past six years like clockwork everyday on my birthday we'd go to the same place for dinner and I'd always get the same thing. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. You could have countered that you would need more time (several days, weeks) to pull the costume and makeup together. Advice Needed. Things might be tough for kids in general, but kids who get $400/mo rentals have it a lot less tough than most! If she wants to suggest some sort of alternative arrangement, fine - but expecting to freeload off of you isn't fair or reasonable. As for the daughter wanting equity, life isn't fair. I am not sure if Seb wants to pay her daughter's school fees either, tbh. Sounds like you both had important things to say to each other. They pay for my daughter to go to the same private school as their kids (11M, 8F, and 6F). OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I refuse to stay home with my step daughter's baby so she can go work. She is still using her infant car seat. AITA for expecting my sister to pay my bills? I (22f) live in a rented house with my sister (20f. 5K/mo in rent. Just leave it to swamp up. She has just ensured that Stepdaughter feels pressured to pay for her step sisters lunch. We have to move for career reasons. He lives in another state. 1. My dad refused to pay for my wedding because I was so young. Nov 17, 2022 · Most of the time, you ask “AITA” because you’re looking for evidence that the person you’ve hurt is wrong to feel that way. 3 - you let her dad help you pay for the dress and don't tell her that - any financial agreement between you and Nicholas is between you and Nicholas. Adopting/recipient parent(s) pay rent (agency I started with in 2002 required minimum of $1. Asshole. 21. The moment a kid turns 13 they're entitled to pay of atleast $4. My step-daughter (21 years old) phoned me up, and was quite drunk. Even so, OP is paying for school AND rent. he casually said ‘btw I had the car parked over 10 mins so you have to pay for the parking fee’. Laundry for a family of 3 isn’t a small task especially with not having a dryer. She’s not wrong to be scared. He was dying of cancer when I told him, at 38, I was going to get divorced, he had his last lucid moment. Not stepdaughter and not OP’s SIL. Published Jun 07, 2023 at 10:40 AM EDT Updated Jun 07, 2023 at 1:14 PM EDT. That's a great lesson she clearly missed. Edit: corrected a word cuz my phone does me dirty That is because he knows he is the father, or at least strongly suspects it. In exchange, my sister gives her €30-€40, cash in hand. The photo was taken at 4am, new years eve. OP buying a house is a big commitment yes and you should’ve thought of that before making your 20 year old daughter (at the time) financially responsible for you being able to afford it! If there’s no actual written contract she needs to just leave, if there is one then Jenny needs a lawyer. So, I chose to change Elise had PID from an STI she was born with. See more videos about Telling Kids to Move Out, Aita for Telling My Step Daughter Part 2, Forcing Daughter to Move Out, My Daughter Is Moving Out, Announcing Pregnancy to Daughter, Daughter Comes Out. Help keep the sub engaging! My daughter is getting married in spring next year. OP is an asshole for thinking childcare SHOULD be free (people have a right to choose if they want to be paid or not), her management is an AH, and the sister is an AH for charging $30/hour. Obviously, this has created a rift between my daughter and I. AITA for not letting my daughter use her college fund for a wedding or house? Not the A-hole. Unexpectedly, my daughter sat me down and told me that she will be inviting my brother and his family(he married my cheating ex). There is ONE rule in our household that everyone, resident or guest, is made aware of: do not let my dog out the front door. For starters, my birth name would often prompt people to ask if I was sure I didn’t have extra equipment. Second, for you not telling the mom that one days notice was too short. I (46M) have been married to “Kate” (48F) for over a decade. That being said, my vote is ESH. My husband and I had to take the money out of somewhere and so we took the $900 out of the savings account for schoolies. Will cost money, yes, but will also save you time and probably friction with your wife. I was immediately upset, I couldn’t believe he was thinking about that $20 when i was literally away for 3 days. I don't like him. 100% this. This line stuck out to me: " Sometimes I ask my brother to babysit my kids and he does it without hesitation. Yea, “pay my mortgage on my oversized house that I made shitty financial decisions on, or figure out your own housing. Backstory: I (43f) have 4 kids. Jun 7, 2023 · Son Expecting Parents to Pay Housing Deposit With Sister's Savings Slammed. AITA For expecting my daughter and her baby daddy to pay for her car repairs? Asshole. M. Reply. As the big day approached, tensions arose when I made the decision not to pay for her wedding dress. Apparently, she was seeing them for the last 4 years and built a relationship behind my back. 25 (which must be reported and taxed) and the hours are heavily limited. Take daughter to PP and get her a reliable method of BC. Read this before contacting the mod team. Third, for not being upfront about what it all involved, cost wise, at the first discussion whan the mom tried to call in the promise you made. It didn't occur to her to test her daughter because she didn't realize she had it while pregnant. Two years ago Selena got married and although I was He likely could've negotiated the rent down to 500 a month as well, so an actual 9k plus the bills. Throwaway. We were having a great time. 2- she lets her dad help you buy the dress - he must owe child support so she'd be taking what she is lawfully and morally due. My second dress was free (my cousin gave it to me. We don't have any kids together, yet, but she does have 2 kids from a previous relationship (16F & 12M). Pop Culture and Give her your old phone and kick her off your plan. Now that the baby is coming we need more space Kids, especially teenagers, can and should contribute. I was excited for her for finally finding the job, especially when it is surprisingly well paying. A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. ) Includes costs for nails, shoes, minimal makeup. If you FIL feels she shouldn't have to share, tell him he can pay for her to have a suite. The rule is as folllows; every person from the age of 20 years old need to pay an annual fee to be allowed to stay at the cabin. My pregnant friend “Anne” (24F) asked if she could have the car seat since I was “just throwing it out anyway”. She refused to babysit the kids at all. You’re hoping the reader will declare you “nta” (not the jerk). Remember that was 20 years ago!!!! I was paying $675 in a nice part if DC. He was paying 16. It's the first time that she and I (38M) have been away like this as a couple since the birth of our son almost 4 years ago. Backstory, I don’t have a great relationship with my parents so when I moved out I was 18 at the time so he let me stay at his place for a couple months while I sorted things out. At 3:30am I (49 years old) was happily asleep, having gone to bed totally sober just after midnight. You can do a movie day at home for much cheaper. She is 6 months pregnant and living with the baby daddy. If the daughter truly doesn’t have the ability to pay, considering how to adapt the schedule would be kind. --Keep doing what you're doing, and be annoyed and resentful of your wife. Find out who's the real asshole in this controversial parenting situation. OP can't go back in time, but expecting the 2nd daughter to have less than OP is able to provide just to make her feel better is selfish and entitled, just like your post sounds. Her boyfriend " Andrew" moved from Jacksonville FL to Miami AITA for not making my daughter give up her room to my stepdaughter and grandchild. Punishing your kid by denying them a birthday should be an absolute last resort for severe behavioral problems. Discover videos related to Aita for Telling My Daughter I Expect Update Her to Move Out Update on TikTok. My older sister (34F) and her husband (39M) have helped me a lot. Oct 11, 2023 · The Wedding Dress Dilemma. I live in a two bedroom home with my husband and step-daughter (23F). 6k/30k. When it was just us, my daughter and I each had our own rooms. ) Then you have to pay all medical bills, missed time from work, bed rest fees if needed, etc. I (58M) and my wife (59F) have only one daughter (30F). --Get a service to do maintenance. 7: Sets table for dinner. ” OP sounds like she can’t figure out her finances for shit. He’s not her employer—Her success, health, and happiness should have value to him on a personal level. My daughter asked why and I told her the exact reasons. A little background her parents both immigrated to this country so she and her sisters could succeed ADMIN MOD. However, we were hit about a month ago and while we weren’t hurt, I no longer felt like her car seat was safe so I replaced it. It’s on OP and husband to blend these families together and instead OP is breeding resentment between teenage girls, SIL and herself with unreasonable demands. AITA for expecting my Daughter to stick to our chores-for-rent deal? Asshole. And if the crowd determines that “yta” (you’re the jerk), there’s likely at least a few people still backing you up. I said she should have money saved up and if not that’s her problem. Tell her to start paying or you will drop her phone altogether. Establish the amount of $$ you are willing to provide and give her the budget. 9: Clears the dishwasher in the morning. But ultimately, the daughter is getting free child care and child care for a toddler costs us ~$350 a week. Also, it is usually traumatic for the kids when parents split, and it doesn't help when one parent tries to be the "good" parent and make the other parent the "bad" parent. She was great with kids but the problem started around a week ago. But I checked my venmo and my daughter sent me FAR less than half! I ask her why and she said she paid $200 to get the old gazebo removed last week, and so that should also count as part of the cost of the gift. I didn't ask him, but knowing the kind of parent he is (Rosie and Teddy are EVERYTHING to him), I'm not sure he'd be willing to take 25k (and more as they get older) out of his budget for looking after his children to send another kid to school. Being a kid and not getting a gift on your birthday is a sign that something is wrong such as severe poverty or emotional neglect. So, I have a 20-year-old daughter who is currently living with me rent-free while she attends college. " We planned for our children's future with a college fund and a small amount of money to get them started. Since then, I’ve been getting calls from my brothers telling me I’m being immature and hurtful. QueenofSHEBA777. I have a daughter Chloe of my own from my previous marriage age 9. Also talk to your daughter. Jul 13, 2023 · We’ve seen a dad who doesn’t want to pay his college-aged daughter for watching his younger sons. That’s not acceptable. Am I being unreasonable for asking my GF to ask her daughter to do/contribute more, and telling my GF I don’t want to pay for the food her daughter eats and resources she uses. This led to a heated debate within the family and left Not the A-hole. My sister is a SAHM and my BIL is quite wealthy due to his family business. My eldest daughter came home yesterday and was upset because she received a text message from my ex partner (57M) to send their half sister money for something. I (38M) got engaged to my fiance (36F) about 5 months ago after dating for 2 years. In the end, I said they could prove they were sorry by forwarding me the $100k my degree and college expenses were, just like they did for my brothers. For everyone. And, most recently, we’ve seen an expectant mom who was “just not comfortable” with her My wife has a high-paying job and earns significantly more than I do. My daughter is 22. Even if OPs husband is her daughters step father, he is also responsible for taking care of that child. AITA For refusing to pay my MIL for babysitting our toddler. So whenever were busy with work or out of town, SIL used to babysit the kids. Because of that we've always dreamed of being grandparents, so we made long-term investments that paid off, and now we have almost $350K saved up to AITA-throw-wedding. This is an ongoing issue going on in my home. My wife (39F) is turning 40 in 10 days. OP I’m sorry you’re dealing with this crazy. Subreddit Announcement 5. Not preparing a tea according to her preferences can happen once or twice, and it doesn't necessarily physically harm her, but it is sending the signal that your daughter's general well-being is not a priority - and that's not a message a child should receive ever but particularly post-surgery. A few years ago my wife (not her mom) took her to get a birth control implant, and she was always happy on it. Embroidered blanket is pretty special - I have a queen sized crocheted blanket from my mil and knowing the effort that went into it means I cherish it. Which it sounds like your daughter is. So last week, me, my wife and 2 kids went out to the zoo for my daughters 23rd birthday. Adopted children are just as real as biological children. 2M views. Raising my daughter alone and going to college would have been impossible without them. A parking fee of $20. ADMIN MOD. He looked at me and said, "that's sad, hate to hear that from anyone. I don't want him around me. So my girlfriend and I have been together for a little over 2 months now. MOD. AITA for expecting my x to pay child support while kid is being adopted? I (38F) and my daughter (16) who we will call R’s, ‘biological’ father (42m), who we will call J, got together when I was very young and religious. 4/30 or 6/30. We were not consulted, just told it was done and to start paying. 16. AITA for not letting my daughter give money to her sister who is an affair child. She asked if I would go and pick her up in the local town centre, which I did. • 8 hr. We live on a busy street, and my dog is a . I (26F) have a one year old daughter. Tell her you love her and that being there at her wedding is very important to you. TikTok video from Reddit On Wiki Podcast (@redditonwikipod): “#AITA For Expecting My Daughter To Pay Me Back? #redditonwiki #reddit #fypシ”. Carly sometimes babysits her cousins on the weekends so that my sister and BIL can go out, usually for 3-4 hours. Also solo therapy, a psych evaluation and maybe family therapy. 8k/30k on rent before and is facing it going up to 20. AITA For expecting my boyfriend to pay for rent. If my daughter had come to me with this problem at your daughter's age, I suspect I would have caved right away, even while knowing that it was the wrong decision. Yes and no. Leah dorms, and Marcia lives in her late grandma on her father's side's trailer. Which will probably annoy both your and your wife and might not be best for the kids. At the point the bride said "you are no longer invited to my wedding," she should have had zero expectations for OP to contribute to the event in any way. However, the conflict in question. Also, should add. I'm not charging her any interest on the "loan," my intent was to encourage her not to rely on us for everything, but my wife still thinks that maybe we shouldn't be accepting repayment, especially since the expectation is that she (& her siblings) will BarracudaGullible. He can’t blow his plausible deniability by taking a paternity test. My daughter is pissed because my ex wife told her they couldn’t go. AITA for not letting my pregnant daughter move in with me? Not the A-hole. My husband (51M) and I (49F) have a daughter (21) "Amanda. NTA. Sadie has a daughter Ace19 from an ex. This is not that, and that is why OP is TA. NorthBoundEventually. With adoption, they can change their mind too and not pay back a cent. Me and my husband (50m) started adding to college funds every month for each of our kids pretty much as soon as we found out This pissed me off but he said he wouldn't pay but I told him that our daughter knew what he did which set him off saying I was trying to turn our daughter against him and brainwash her into thinking he's the bad guy in this scenario. I was pregnant. As a teacher, I have always believed that college is not always for everyone and did not want to force this if our She's been subject to labor laws since she turned ironically. Obviously they know we're moving and we've been talking through it. Furthermore, minimum wage is $7. My wife got it from Elise's bio father, but didn't discover it until Elise was a year old. To celebrate, we are taking a 5 day vacation, just the 2 of us. NoDivide4576. My daughter is 23 (I'm dad btw). 25. Tell her that you are feeling used for money for events you cannot attend. AITA For refusing to pay for my soon-to-be step daughter's jaw surgery. • 3 mo. Tell her that being pushed to the side for events makes you feel not valued as a parent. 13: Cooks lunch and Dinner every other day, sweeps and cleans floors once a week. Every other chore is either done by me and my husband, rotated between the children, or whoever is free at that moment. OP has been manipulated into believing she is the only person responsible for her daughter. Ace hasn’t really been in our lives often; as she lived with her grandparents her This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. The girls are both in college. She doesn't want to live separately from Aaron. I told her thats not how it works and reminded her that she promised me she would pay half of the gazebos cost. A movie ticket is much more inexpensive. In my case, the situation revolved around my oldest daughter’s wedding dress. Which is OP’s and OP’s husband’s job. TikTok video from Reddit On Wiki Podcast (@redditonwikipod): “A father debates if he's in the wrong for expecting his adult daughter to pay back what she owes him in this heated family dispute. What do you get when you disinvite the person paying for the wedding? Tune in to Oct 7, 2022 · In the post titled "AITA for not paying for my nieces college tuition," the 45-year-old man says he has three children 18 years and older and also takes care of his 17-year-old niece whose father She said it’s not a vacation and I said absolutely it is. As a parent, OP should want to work with his daughter to maximize her efforts in school. Pay close attention to how OP says my daughter versus our daughter in majority of this post. Whenever we ask she says no as it is the kids are uncontrollable sometimes. We planned this trip months ago and my AITA for not supporting my Daughter and grandchild. fr jv bk ix ko vt yf un zk lh