Virginia general district court case information

Virginia general district court case information. , 1st Mon Clerk Ms Rachel Eva Mills Phone/Fax Phone: (804) 966-9530 Phone: (804) 966-9531 (Civil) Clerk Ms Amy Showalter Leftwich Phone/Fax Criminal/Traffic: (434) 455-2630 Civil: (434) 455-2640 Due to the mandatory Judicial Conference, May Term Day may be changed to the following Friday. Clerk Ms Tamara L. Clerk Ms Kimberly W. Call the general district court where your case was heard. Box 858, Fincastle, VA 24090. Provides online access to the case status and information for the following courts: Supreme Court of Virginia. : Bond Hearings, Motions, CDI Show Cause Hearings, VASAP Reviews Virginia State Police Cases 9:30 a. Case Information. Cases for all court divisions can be accessed by docket number or name on at Virginia Judicial System. Juvenile Criminal & Domestic Relations. Box 26927, Richmond, Virginia 23261, telephone (800) 552-4007, facsimile (804) 8236905 or www. CRIMINAL/TRAFFIC MISDEMEANOR CASES: Continuance requests must be approved by the Commonwealth's Attorney (804-492-4018) CIVIL CASES: First continuance granted by the Clerk by agreement of the parties. Clerk Ms Ashley Richards Schley email: [email protected] Phone/Fax Phone: (540) 586-7637 Fax: (540) 586-7684 Clerk Ms Yvette M. The Office of the Executive Secretary (OES) of the Supreme Court of Virginia is the administrative office for Virginia's Judicial System and provides the technology support to operate CMS. Appropriate dress is required. 10:00 am Felonies. 2:00 Protective Orders. Terms begin, 4th Tuesday, March, June, September, and 2nd Tuesday in December. of the month, excluding holidays. In order to maintain order and uphold the dignity and decorum. Box 1315. Spotsylvania, VA 22553-0339. Phone - (804) 786-2251. **Appropriate attire required in the Courtroom. Online payments are made using this system. Criminal Term Day: Cases set with Commonwealth Attorney What We Do. [Form DC-367] Instructions. Every effort is made to provide accurate and current information. This is the case management system for circuit courts in Virginia. The circuit court handles most civil cases with claims of more than $25,000. However, due to updating cycles and resources, you may encounter some inaccurate or outdated information. Heishman Phone/Fax Phone: (540) 722-7208 Fax: (540) 722-1063 Clerk Ms Danielle Nicole Trotman Phone/Fax Phone: (757) 926-3520 Fax: (757) 926-7024 CIVIL COURTROOM G: High volume attorneys first return on cases are heard Monday through Friday at 8:30 a. Payments Online (General District Courts Only) Payments by Mail 9:00 and 10:00 Virginia State Police. Travis B. Clerk Mr Rick S. Monday. Virginia Date of Birth Confirmation (VDBC) Court Administration. It is currently undergoing maintenance or updates. gov Phone/Fax Traffic & Criminal: (540) 853-2767 or (540) 853-2361 Clerk Ms Jacqueline Michelle Balderson Phone/Fax Phone: (540) 942-6636 Phone: (540) 942-6637 Apr 25, 2012 · What does it cost to file and serve a General District Court lawsuit? If your lawsuit is for more than $200, the filing fee is $26, plus $12 for each person or business you are suing. , All Attorney in Detinue. It shares authority with the general district court to hear matters involving claims between $4,500 and $25,000, and in civil cases for personal injury and wrongful death up to $50,000. Application, Request, Order and Certificate of Destruction of Controlled/Confiscated Items. Clerk Ms Linda Shively Hawker Phone/Fax Phone: (434) 799-5179 Fax: (434) 797-8814 Request for Waiver of Interest on Fines and Costs. Court Schedule. Townsend Phone/Fax Phone: (757) 382-3100 Phone: (757) 382-3104 (Information -Civil Matters) Virginia Judiciary E-Filing System (VJEFS) This system, for use by members of the Virginia State Bar and their designated staff, allows electronic filing of most civil cases in circuit court. Clarke General District Court Clerk Ms Julie G. Yorktown, VA 23690-0316. The General District Court presides over: Bond Hearings. Robert L. Civil One Tuesday afternoon each month. Box 470. 100 North Ninth Street, 5th Floor. Box 176. Please be advised that effective January 1, 2021, only arraignments, bond hearings & protective order hearings. 3. in Civil H. 113 E. 2 Main Street (General District) 1 Main Street, Lower Level (J&DR) P. No court on any fifth Monday. Suite A. 9:00 a. Court convenes 10:00 a. Madison, VA 22727-0470. (unrepresented defendants) Covington Police Department. DRESS CODE POLICY: ***APPROPRIATE DRESS IS REQUIRED FOR ALL COURT PROCEEDINGS*** - Trousers are to be worn at the waistline - Shirt tails are to be tucked in - Shoes must be worn at all times - No flip flops, shorts, strapless dresses, halters, tank tops Dec 20, 2022 · Our aim is to assure that disputes are resolved justly, promptly, and economically through a court system unified in its structures and administration. Box 332. 5201 Monticello Avenue, Suite 2. Unlawful Detainer Actions & Contested Cases (other) Small Claims Division Cases. m. System is unavailable at this time. Case Status and Information. Box 873, Gloucester, VA 23061-0873. Henshaw Phone/Fax Phone: (703) 228-7900 Clerk's Office Hours Clerk Ms Amber Dawn Martin Phone/Fax Phone: (276) 634-4815 Fax: (276) 634-4825 OES is the administrative office for Virginia's Court System. Use the links below the court drop-down menu to select the search method. The general district court handles traffic violations, hears minor criminal cases known as misdemeanors, and conducts preliminary hearings for more serious criminal cases called felonies. Criminal Court. 10:30 Tazewell County Sheriff's Office. Due to the mandatory Judicial Conference of Virginia, the Chesterfield Circuit Courts May 2023 Term Day / Grand Jury has been rescheduled to Friday, May 19, 2023 (instead of Monday, May 15, 2023). Clerk Ms Lisa G. Shawn L Hines, Chief Judge; Hon. /10:30 a. Statewide searches are not possible. Online Case Information System 2. the 1st, 2nd & 5th Fridays of each month, excluding holidays. Cases may be searched using name or case number. Aemmer Phone/Fax Phone: (540) 955-5128 To apply for compensation under the Act, or for more information, you should contact the Virginia Criminal Injuries Compensation Fund, P. Billias, Chief Judge; Hon. Conflict cases (civil, criminal and traffic) are heard by substitute 28th Judicial District of Virginia General District Courts Informational Pamphlet. Office of the Executive Secretary (OES) Assistant Executive Secretary and Counsel Terms of Court and General Information. 300 Ballard Street. It is recommended that you call our office ahead of time for good filing dates while we transition to the new schedule. Effective September 9, 2019, all new filings (except Unlawful Detainers and Garnishments) for Hanover General District Court must have a return date of 60 days from the day the filing is sent to the Court. Contested cases will be set for a future date on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays at 9:30 a. 1st & 3rd, Town of Saltville 2nd, Special Settings 4th, Town of Chilhowie Thursday 9:00 a. Williamsburg, VA 23188-8218. General District Court Case Information. Deputy Clerk I - Lesley Smith. [Form DC-366a] Instructions. Calhoun Phone/Fax Phone: (804) 633-5720 Fax: (804) 633-3033 Address. Box 86. Small Claims One Tuesday afternoon each month. Make your check payable to the applicable court. Address - Supreme Court of Virginia. Clerk Ms Carol Bowman Kennedy Phone/Fax Criminal/Traffic: (804) 501-4723 Civil: (804) 501-4727 Continuances granted by Judge for civil and criminal cases; by Clerk for infractions for one continuance. , 9:30 a. Deputy Clerk II - Jody James-Woods. Civil and Small Claims Court. 1:45 pm Bail Hearings & Attorney Findings Incarcerated. Surry, VA 23883-0332. Gloucester, VA 23061-0873. Civil court will be held every 2nd & 4th Fridays. If Term Day is a holiday, then it will be the next day. 8:30 am Deputy Traffic without attorney. , Pocahontas Police Department. , Arraignments. There is a general district court in each city and county in Virginia, and this System will require you to search by individual court. Garner Phone/Fax John Marsh:Crim/Traffic:(804)646-6431 Marsh Manchester Bldg: (804)646-6677 This is the Online Case Information System for general district courts in Virginia. 1st & 3rd, Town of Chilhowie 2nd & 4th, Individual Warrants 1:30 p. About. District Courts Building. Mailing Address: P. 45 School Street. McKittrick Phone/Fax (Traffic & Criminal): (540) 394-2086 (Payment Info Line): (540) 382-5735 General District Court. Back Street. Searches must be done by individual courts. ”. Though best efforts are made to keep this site current, some of the information may be dated. Dress need not be formal but should be clean and neat. Criminal docket call held every term day morning. -CELL PHONE POLICY- Effective October 2, 2017, and pursuant to Virginia Code Section 8. Lee, Chief Judge; Hon. Fincastle, VA 24090-4537. conducted on the second Monday of each month. 0 . Box 858. Surry Government Center. 9:30 a. Judicial Center, 1st Floor. 1:00 pm Felonies (Investigators) 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 5th. 7530 County Complex Rd 1st Floor. Mayer; Hon. 27th Judicial District of Virginia General District Courts Informational Pamphlet. , each month. Clerk 2nd & 4th Mon. For civil cases, instead of a "docket call", the Court now employs the praecipe system to be called on the opening day of the term as set forth in Rule 1:15 of the Supreme Court of Virginia. Traffic cases: A first continuance may be granted by the clerk, but only to the police officer's next scheduled court date. This is a project with a limited number of courts. Online access to the case management system for the Court of Appeals of Virginia. - 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th Monday each month Lee County Sheriff's Department Deputy Cases 9:30 a. Judges. Deputy Clerk III - Melissa B. Clerk Ms Donna Denise Israel Hale Phone/Fax Phone: (276) 889-8051, (276) 889-8052 Fax: (276) 889-8091 Terms of Court and General Information. Clerk Ms Dana Lynn Franklin Phone/Fax Phone: (434) 969-4755 Fax: (434) 969-1762 OES is the administrative office for Virginia's Court System. Praecipes must be filed. Clerk Ms Kelly Newby Boyd Phone/Fax Criminal: (757) 393-8681 Traffic: (757) 393-8506 Clerk Ms Jennifer Leigh Morgan Phone/Fax Phone: (757) 664-4910 Civil Phone: (757) 664-4913 General District Court. Clerk Ms Susan Heishman Orndorff Phone/Fax Phone: (540) 459-6130 Fax: (540) 459-7279 Clerk Ms Ashley Nicole Turner Phone/Fax Phone: (276) 926-1630 Fax: (276) 926-4815 Oct 10, 2006 · GENERAL DISTRICT COURT MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE v Office of the Executive Secretary Department of Judicial Services CONFIDENTIAL - CLERK'S OFFICE USE ONLY Rev: 2/22 242 Allens Circle. & 1:00 p. Scheduled Traffic & Criminal Cases Tues. 10:00 a. This system is comprised of the Supreme Court of Virginia, the Court of Appeals of Virginia, circuit courts in thirty-one judicial circuits, general district and juvenile and domestic relations Address. OES makes no warranties regarding the accuracy, legality Court Schedule Arraignments Tues. m The General District Court has concurrent jurisdiction with the Circuit Court over any claim in excess of $4,500 and up to and including $25,000, excluding interest and attorney's fees claimed. 9:30 am Criminal with attorney. and 9:30 a. Juvenile Criminal Arraignment and Trials, Juvenile. 1st and 3rd Thursday: Bluefield Police Department. 11:30 VASAP (first Wednesday of each month) 1:00 Tazewell County Sheriff's Office. Motion to Reopen (Criminal)/Motion to Rehear (Civil)/Motion for New Trial (Civil) [Form DC-368] Instructions. The General District Court also hears minor criminal cases known as misdemeanors and conducts preliminary hearings for more serious criminal cases called felonies. For questions on any aspect of the web site, please contact the Henrico General District Court at (804) 501-4723. (represented defendants) 1:00 p. Monday (except for any fifth Monday) 8:30 a. : 1st, 2nd & 3rd Address. Grand Juries, 1st day of Criminal Term at 9:30 a. Thursdays. Shah; Hon. Grand Juries: 1st & 3rd Mon. Traffic and criminal court will be held every Wednesday, 5th Thursday and. Clerk Ms Jennifer Leigh Morgan Phone/Fax Phone: (757) 664-4910 Civil Phone: (757) 664-4913 Clerk Ms Sheila Alexander Lewis Phone/Fax Phone: (540) 672-6164 Fax: (540) 672-9438 General District Court Schedule. Days will fill up quickly. Layman. Robin J. Traffic Infractions & Class 3 & 4 Misdemeanors Tues. Alleghany County Sheriff's Department. Beverley St. state. Individual General District Court Homepages; Case Status and Information. : Civil Court, every Monday afternoon. Arraignments/Traffic & Criminal. Rupen R. Criminal appeals generally scheduled Please be warned that laws and local rules change all the time. Midriffs/stomachs are to be covered at all times. Town of Marion 10:30 a. If it is a holiday, then it will be the next day. , 10:00 a. . Subsequent continuances by Judge only. Civil cases: Contact the clerk and the opposing party or attorney. If your lawsuit is for $200 or less, the filing fee is $21, plus $12 for each person or business you are suing. us. This system provides online access to case information for the General District Court of Virginia, but it is not the official record of judicial or administrative actions. Christopher M. 6/2021. cicf. Staunton, VA 24401-4390. 2nd VASAP County Felony/Misdemeanor Wednesday 9:00 a. Clerk Ms Ellen Taylor Chiasson Phone/Fax Phone: (804) 541-2257 Fax: (804) 541-2364 TRAFFIC CASES: First continuance granted by Clerk. Clerk Ms Cecelia V. will be held on the second Monday of each month starting at. - Fri. Richmond, VA 23219-1315. Johnson; Court Schedule Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8:30 a. Chief Deputy Clerk - William “Basil” Tsimpris. Grand Jury: 9:30 a. The Fairfax County General District Court is the court that hears traffic violation cases, minor criminal cases known as misdemeanors, and civil cases such as landlord and tenant disputes, contract disputes, and personal injury actions. - 4:00 p. Criminal cases: Contact the clerk and the Commonwealth's Attorney (if involved). Jones Phone/Fax Phone: (540) 635-2335 Address. Ask the clerk to provide you with the amount you owe and your “reference case number. General District Court. Proper Dress is required to enter the courtroom. David Browning Spigle; Court Schedule Civil Mondays, 1st & 3rd 9:00 Civil Returns 11:00 Contested 1:00 Contested 3:00 Bonds Mondays, 2nd & 4th 8:30 Therapeutic Docket 10:00 Non-Compliance with VASAP 11:00 Non-Compliance with BRCS 1:00 Traffic 1:30 Preliminary Hearings 3:00 Bonds Criminal & Traffic Instructions for Post-Court Payments by Mail. Mailing address: P. You can search for cases using the plaintiff or defendant’s name, the case number, or the hearing date. Circuit Court Case Information. Subsequent continuances must be granted by the Judge. 1st calling of custody, visitation and support. 3rd Wednesday. , 8:45 a. King & Queen, VA 23085. Coleman Phone/Fax Phone: (804) 469-4533 Fax: (804) 469-5383 Clerk Ms Amber Dawn Martin Phone/Fax Phone: (276) 403-5125 Fax: (276) 403-5114 Clerk Mrs Chelsea Lythgoe Murrell Phone/Fax Phone: (804) 520-9346 Fax: (804) 520-9370 Judges. 3; Criminal Docket Call: 1:30 p. --The following items are not allowed in the courthouse: weapons of any kind; contraband; hazardous materials; outside food and beverage; cell phones or other electronic devices. O. Online access to a statewide search of adult criminal case information in the juvenile & domestic relations district courts, criminal and traffic case information in general district courts and select circuit courts. Please try again later. **Cell phones are not allowed in the building. Judge's approval may be required. Supreme Court 20 E. Adult Criminal Arraignments and Trials. Address. of the judicial branch of our government, rules of conduct and. 9:00 am Deputy Traffic with attorney. 1:00 pm 4th Monday Conservation Police Officers. Physical Address: 7400 Justice Drive, Room 102, Gloucester, VA 23061. There is a general district court in each city and county in Virginia. This includes the following: No shorts, No hats, No clothing with obscene, vulgar or offense language or pictures. Term Begins: 1st Mon. The circuit court has the authority to hear serious criminal cases called felonies. Traffic Court. Pay Traffic Tickets and Other Offenses; Civil Filing Fee Calculation; Virginia Date of Birth Confirmation (VDBC) Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court. Serving the Commonwealth through 32 judicial districts, the general district court is a limited jurisdiction trial court that hears civil cases involving amounts in controversy up to $25,000, and conducts trials for traffic infractions and misdemeanor offenses. , 1st Floor. Criminal dockets generally convene at 9:00 a. District Court Authority. Online access by locality to civil, criminal, and traffic cases in the general district courts. OES makes no warranties regarding the accuracy, legality Clerk Ms Amber Dawn Martin Phone/Fax Phone: (276) 634-4815 Fax: (276) 634-4825 About General District Court. Hon. Box 339. **. Court convenes: 9:30 a. Users must agree to the terms and conditions of use, including the disclaimer, and verify the accuracy and currency of the information. of each month. There will be no traffic or criminal trials. : In-Custody and Bonded Arraignments 9:00 a. To begin your search for a case, select the general district court from the drop-down menu to the left. Cases may be searched using name, case number, or hearing date. 0 is case information entered by the respective court clerks into the respective case management systems (CMS). No halter tops. Courthouse. There is a General District Court in each city and county in Virginia. P. Box 316. , Courtroom No. Kahl email: rkahl@vacourts. 01-4, all cell phones, cameras, video recording devices or similar equipment will be prohibited inside the Alexandria Courthouse without court authorization. Andrew L. Traffic, CHINSupervision (truancy) 10:30 a. Examples of civil claims are landlord-tenant disputes, personal injury actions, contract disputes, small claims and warrant in detinue. Case may be searched using name, case number, or hearing date. Payments Online (General District Courts Only) Payments by Mail About. Please contact the Court before scheduling to verify dates. Pennington Phone/Fax Phone: (540) 921-3533 Fax: (540) 921-3752 General District Court. , all others are heard at 8:30 a. Protective Orders. Hobbs; Court Schedule Wednesday 9:00 a. Hanover, VA 23069-0176. Clerk Mr Brian P. Clerk Ms Danielle Nicole Trotman Phone/Fax Phone: (757) 926-8811 Fax: (757) 926-7026 Clerk Mrs Linda Josette McCollum-Moore Phone/Fax Phone: (804) 748-1231 Fax: (804) 748-1757 Clerk Ms Bonnie Lee Camp Phone/Fax Traffic/Criminal/Civil - (540) 658-8935 Fax: (540) 658-4834 Court Schedule. attire for litigants, counsel, witnesses, court staff and spectators. Arraignments: Mon. and 1:00 p. The case information displayed on OCIS 2. Clerk Traffic & Misdemeanors (unrepresented cases) 10:00 a. Clerk Ms Glynis G. O. General District Court Case Information; General District Court Civil Filing Fee Calculation; Virginia Date of Birth Confirmation (VDBC) Forms; Pay Traffic Tickets and Other Offenses. Please contact the Clerk's Office for further information. General district courts have exclusive authority to hear civil cases with claims Clerk Ms Taylor E. 9111 Courthouse Road. va. We welcome your use of this informational system. Town of Marion 1:30 p. Courts accept personal checks, money orders, and certified checks. General district courts have exclusive authority to hear civil cases with claims This is the Online Case Information System for general district courts in Virginia. Clerk Ms Kathy Jean Trotter Phone/Fax Phone: (276) 645-7341 Phone: (276) 645-7340 Address. Animal Cases & Recycling Cases 10:30 a. General District Courts have exclusive authority to hear civil cases with claims of $4,500 or less and share authority with the Circuit Courts to hear cases Clerk Ms Brandy Ann Duncan Phone/Fax Phone: (540) 375-3044 Fax: (540) 375-4024 Warren General District Court Clerk Ms Lauren E. Jeffrey Lynn Campbell; Hon. 1:30 Civilian Complaint Criminal Cases. ef mi ol fw ab wo oo wj ik ns