Group iv synthetic oil list. the remaining Non Synthetic branded .
Group iv synthetic oil list Group IV Synthetic Oil Contrary to mineral oil–based oils, that contain several hundreds of hydrocarbons, as well as their nitrogen-, oxygen-, and sulfur-containing derivatives, and that therefore have to be purified and refined and distilled, synthetic base oils are usually prepared by reaction of a few defined chemical compounds – though these in many cases are based on petroleum also – and tailored to their Mobil canvassed the government to change the definition of "synthetic" oil so they could use cheaper base-oil. Synthetic HP4 is better, but may be overpriced in some outlets. used 5-20 valvoline semi-syn up to 5,000 in girls 2. Other names such as "Synthetic Fortified" or "Synthetic Blend" are also names used for these oils. It's a group III base synthetic oil. That leads me to believe that [maybe] Group III oils are harmless to neoprene seals. Group IV (PAOs) = Amsoil (except XL, Royal Purple, DSI, North American Lubricants, Amtecol, Eneos, Castrol (GC) among This article is about "Group v synthetic oil list 4 brands ester". They are also referred to commercially as SHC, an abbreviation for Synthetic HydroCarbon. All Hot Shot’s Secret oils are infused with patented FR3 Nano Technology for maximum protection, longevity, and performance gains. Also in some European countries (e. Basically, he owned a sizable collection of 80s MB Diesels and measured the elongation rates between oil changes with Mobil Delvac 1/TDT vs non-synthetic oils. Additionally, it allows the molecules to move around and over each other more easily, which can contribute to better The main characteristics of the most common synthetic base oils are shown below: GROUP IV (PAO - POLYALFAOLEFINE) Production process: Pure branched hydrocarbon, made from ethylene gas (C 2 H 4) and decene (C 10 H 20). No mineral based oils are acceptable. Group IV and V are the traditionally true synthetic before Group III got popular. The benefit of synthetically-engineered, man-made fluids is their constant molecular size and weight. Group IV, or real synthetic oils, have smaller molecules and are all the same size and usually smaller. 3 Small volumes - very high quality and very low quality Who you gonna call? A complete list of STLE HQ staffers is I've been using Castrol Syntec 0W30 'European Formula' synthetic in my cars and boats. Again, none of these oils are truely awful, and some, like Group 4 contains only one type of synthetic oil called polyalphaolefin (PAO), these synthetically created hydrocarbons are the most widely used base oils form the synthetic category. Group III = Highly refined from crude oil. They have a structure similar to mineral oils and, as a result, they are fully compatible with them. Joined Aug 17, 2004 Messages 680 Location TX. Groups I–III base stocks are from crude oils through solvent refining or hydroprocessing, while Groups IV and V are synthetic. Nov 10, 2014 #4 samiam44 said: Viscosity is chosen by temperature. In Germany, by law, the oil must be fully Group 4/5 based in order to be marketed as “fully synthetic”. This is to avoid confusion with the different base stocks of Group IV (PAO) and V (ester). The manufacturers will not divulge their formula mixture amounts. I don't want to hear about Mobil 1, it is not a full synthetic. Lubricant base fluids are divided into five groups, defined by the American Petroleum Institute (API) as follows: Group I – Paraffinic mineral oil, typically produced from petroleum by solvent extraction processes, with a sulfur content of >0. Group IV. What Additives are Used in Synthetic Oil? In addition to the base oils, synthetic oil includes a variety of different additives depending on the specific use-case of the oil. Closest you will find to that magic Group III and IV base oils are 100% synthetic. 03% and/or saturates Delo 400 SDE @ $13/gal is definitely not a group IV synthetic. Joined Aug 13, 2017 Messages 3,634 Location WY. This process makes the chemical structure of PAOs quite similar to that of highly refined List of group 4 synthetic oils? Sorry for the newbie question but remember every time a senior member here answers a question, they help someone. The Honda oil is most likely a group III oil. The second category is API Group V. Very few "Full" or "All" or any other "synthetics" are really Group IV or V synthetics. E. Group IV: Synthetic (Polyalphaolefins) Chemical synthesis (PAOs) > 125: 100: 0: High-temperature and extreme-condition applications. Now with this new Pentosin 5W-40 meeting all these great specs, we'd expect this oil to be a through 230,000 Chemicals and Raw Ingredients. – Group IV base oil is a synthetic Poly-alpha-olefin (PAO) base oil that has been in existence for over 50 years. When looking at the table below, think of saturates (relates to aromatics and All oil is classified under one of five Groups, I-V. Group IV – synthetic oils . Here is an example of synthetic Group IV PAO & Group V Ester oil vs conventional Group III oil: Group III and IV base oils are 100% synthetic. Group V base oils include all other oils not included in Groups I, II, III or IV, including silicone, phosphate ester, diester, polyolester (POE), polyalkylene glycol (PAG), alkylated benzene, biolubes, etc. Vavloline currently has a 5W-40 that has the Euro specs listed. Any oil brand that wishes to be Jun 9, 2019 · Alledgedly, SK uses Yubase 3 and 4/4Plus in a 15:65 ratio for the base oils + the typical 20% ATF additive package for their HK SP4m ATF. In addition, less Group IV base oils are added and more Group III base oils are used, which are mainly obtained by hydrocracking mineral oil. Thread starter MrWideTires; Start date Dec 14, 2018; Status Not open for further replies. They are designated at API Group IV and are a 100% synthetic chemical compound. Group V – This Group includes all base stocks not covered elsewhere. Joined Aug 6, 2004 Messages 2,634 I think the best bang for the buck will be a top conventional oil or a Group IV synthetic run its full life. Motul has stated that the X-lite 0w30 is one of their premier products other than the "race" 300V. I have been using Mobil One forever, but I don't know if it is group 3 or 4. Since the moco has syn3 produced by the lowest bidder,I'm guessing it really isn't a true synthetic like mobil Group III's are cheaper to produce than a Group IV. Group II : Standard petroleum based oils. As a result, the oils are very resistant to ageing and temperature, but are also expensive to produce. Group V: Synthetic or natural (Esters) Chemical synthesis or others: Varies: Varies: Varies: Specialty applications, such as compressor oils and greases. The load on the same bearing surface is supported equally by every molecule, this is why synthetic oil is superior to conventional oils. Group IV base oils are All oils are made up of base oils and additives. 03: High-performance lubricants, synthetic blends, engine oils. I wouldn't be too concerned with finding "ester based" oils. In addition, they are fully saturated, which means they do not have even a Assembling a definitive list of Group II, Group III (Hydro-cracked [Synthetic in the US]), Group IV (PAO), and Group V (Ester) oils will be darn near impossible. X-lite is indeed heavy in group V content. TYPICAL PROPERTIES: TEST METHOD PAO 2 PAO 4 PAO 6 PAO 8 Appearance Visual Bright & Beijing Haohui Weiye Petrochemical Co. Base Oil Classification According to the American Petroleum Institute (API), base oils fall into five main groups. Group I and II - these are mineral oils derived from crude oil Group III - this is a highly refined mineral oil made through a process called hydrocracking. (That is, compared to a CJ4 or CI4 5W-40 diesel rated oil) The German Castrol 0W-30 is actaully a bit on the heavy end of the 30 range at operating temps, so they are really close actually. AndyH. The benefit of synthetically-engineered, man-made fluids is their constant molecular size and Putting together a groups 3/4/5 synthetic list. In the United States, there are two American Petroleum Institute (API) base oil categories that include synthetics. Estes are very expensive. It is a relatively thin 40 weight at operating temps like most Euro 5W-40's. Not all base oils are created equally however. Unlike the first three base oil categories, which are all mineral oils, Group IV base oils are polyalphaolefins — synthetic base oils that are created through a much different process (aptly called synthesizing). In a nutshell, 0w-20 engine oils are the best at handling extreme temperatures and Group II base stocks are what the majority of engine oils are made from. PAO 4, or Polyalphaolefin 4 is an olefin-based oil of Group IV derived from C10 alpha olefins. The I've been doing a lot of research and having conversations with oil wizards and apparently mostly all oils like mobil1 0w-40 and Castrol edge 5w-40, total 5w-40 are group III for my last 4 oil changes I was running total and that seemed to run real smooth, since switching to mobil1 0W-40 because of walmarts great deal, I've done two 5k oil changes with it. Group V is for all other base oils not included in Groups I through IV. 5 malibu, took a qt and looked like water Dec 8, 2006 · VP synthetic oils. Feb 20, 2013 · It is a petrolium oil that has had the waxes baked out of it and only in the good old USA because of a court ruling in 1990 can it be called synthetic. We all know that most Group III synthetics will perform MAK THERMIC FLUID SYNTH is a fully synthetic superior quality heat transfer oil formulated from selected base stocks and additive system, to provide reliable and consistent heat transfer performance over long period of service life. Advantages: Low pour point, high visocity index, excellent thermal stability, low volatility, very good oxidation stability, compatible with mineral oils. Group I. Group I and II base stocks are typically ‘less refined’ and form the basis of Mineral or semi synthetic base oils. clarkz71 Clark Vader -- Gone but not Forgotten. Klink Conducting gain of malfunction research. Staff member. Besides, Group III oils are made within a longer You will not find one oil on the market that is 100% group IV simply because some group II+, III or group V oil is needed for additive solubility. Joined Dec 20, 2003 Synthetic oils are generally superior to mineral oil lubricants in most circumstances. This is needed so the oil is "balanced". AMSOIL is a Group IV synthetic (PAO) but also uses Group V Ester technology. As far as At least 10% synthetic oil must be added. The American Petroleum Institute (API) categorizes base oils into five categories; the first three are oils refined from petroleum crude oil. Groups I, II, II+, and III . through 8,000+ Supplier owned storefronts. However I believe its commonly assumed that Royal Purple's High Performance oils are Group III while the XPR race oils may have greater proportions of Group IV PAOs. If you really don't want a Group III based oil, then consider Castrol Group IV are polyalphaolefins (PAO) which are a chemically engineered synthesized basestocks. oils are grp 4. In fact, Chevron says right on the site that Delo 400 SDE is a conventional oil, not a synthetic. Ravenol T-IV, made in Germany, is a Synthetic that is much higher quality than conventional JWS-3309/T-IV fluids. Oil filters, genuine Mercedes or the supplier to MB is Knecht/Mahle. Mobil-1 0W-40 has been the factory fill oil for Porsche since 24 January, 2001. It is synthetic based made by a synthesis process. What I do not understand is what defines an oil's "group," and wither one is chemically better than another. , Ltd. Synthetic oil can also be The only fully synthetic Pentosin oils listed are: - Pentospeed 0W-30 VS - Pento Super Performance III 5W-30 Here we are scrambling around old parts stores looking for GC and being of the understanding that these Group IV synthetics are the ticket. 5 is the current spec. That never happened. I could be wrong about this assumption; so if I am Well we know that the Amsoil MCF is a PAO group IV synthetic. (Note: Group III-base stocks are widely permitted to be marketed as synthetic motor oil in the US) Group IV Synthetic - PAO (Polyalphaolefin) base Group V Synthetic The American Petroleum Institute (API) organizes lube base stocks into five categories. If you really don't want a Group III based oil, then consider Castrol I like the way Liqui-Moly labels their products as synthetic (Group IV/V) and synthetic technology (Group III). The first three groups are refined from petroleum crude oil. When looking at the table below, think of saturates (relates to need to be at least 20% or more Full Synthetic oil. The physical and chemical properties of these base oils can differ significantly from those of the mineral base oils described and discussed in Chapter 2. , founded in 2009, is a high-tech comprehensive manufacturing petrochemical enterprise specializing in various kinds of lubricating products including: PAO poly alpha olefin series, synthetic alkyl naphthalene base oil, lubricant additives, various kinds of synthetic ester-type base oils, which can be in line with the quality level of the Remember, Germany restricts the use of the Synthetic label only for group IV oils, which is a true Synthetic, PAO here. There are probably many "street" oils that contain esters in very small amounts, however, we will never know this because it will not show up on safety data sheets, as it is non-hazardous. It is a specific type of olefin (organic) that is used as a base stock in the production of most synthetic lubricants. From what I gather it is high quality group 3? Group IV – Polyalphaolefin (PAO) fluids are the sole member of Group IV. It’s also recommended to get a synthetic oil with Group IV or V base stock, meaning it’s purely synthetic and not just a synthetic blend. W. Switching from a Group IV base to a Group III lowered Castrol’s input costs dramatically and Mobil launched a legal challenge against this practice. They have a much broader temperature range and are Group III base oils are becoming more prevalent, particularly as automobile fuel economy increases in importance. Valvoline Synpower in a 5w30 weight and a purolator Premium Plus oil filter. Group Sulfur, Wt % Saturates V. The way I usually tell is to go on German websites and search for “vollsynthetisch”. Group V base oils include all that do not fit into any other groups. Group 3 synthetic oils have revolutionized the lubricant industry by offering superior performance and environmental benefits. The second category is API Group V Oct 28, 2021 · Yet, the 8100 family of engine oils does exactly that. Although there are differences between the first three groups of base oils, making the jump to a group IV is a far greater improvement than any of the others. These base oils are not extracted from crude oil, but made from small uniform molecules. The synthetic base oils from group IV and V have a high inherent VI, are saturated and sulphur-free. Additionally, the Mobil synthetic motor oil tends to vaporize more than other REAL synthetics. OK heres what I use. Disclaimer: I don't use either of these oils. Then again, a Group III cannot pass as a synthetic in Europe, as you already said. They are created through the polymerization of alpha-olefins, resulting in oils with exceptional performance characteristics. The API classifies these into 5 main groups. Before all the additives are added to the mixture, lubricating oils begin as one or more of these five API groups. Group IV - these are true synthetic oils, known as Polyalphaolefin (PAO). ECS sells Liquimoly 0w-40 Voll Synthese but the part numbers dont match the 1. They are costly due to their s API Group IV polyalphaolefin (PAO) synthetic base stock. It includes all synthetic fluids other than PAOs. against Castrol North America Inc. They use synthetics that are more resistant to heat and stress than petroleum-based oil. They have what is called Hotrod Oil, which is a group IV synthetic and has 1300 ppm zinc dialkyldithiophosphate. A group IV base oil is also referred to as a PAO Here is a partial list of Oils that are Group IV & V base oils. If individuals on this forum have come to believe that base stocks are unimportant in oil formulation, then further examination and study would appear to be necessary. Knock yourself out trying. Add to that the cost is double and required to maintain warranty. There are companies that are ethical enough to disclose their basestocks. PAO is a much more expensive basestock than the highly It is a petrolium oil that has had the waxes baked out of it and only in the good old USA because of a court ruling in 1990 can it be called synthetic. Group IV are completely synthesized (man-made) oils that begin with an extract from petroleum crude: ethylene or C2H4. However, in lube market it is still understood, that only Groups IV & V base oils are truly 100% Synthetic. These synthetic base oils are made through a process called synthesizing. Any oil that is labeled as a partial synthetic, semi-synthetic or To date, synthetic esters (Group V) and polyalphaolefin (PAO) (Group IV) have been the most promising base oil candidates for meeting those requirements. If you change your oil out at around 5000 miles just stick to conventional. Do you know of a pure group 4 or 5 synthetic oil ? sloinker. Real synthetic oils last 15,000 to 25,000 miles while I've been advised to change oil at 2,500-3,000. [5] An alpha-olefin (or α-olefin) is an alkene where the carbon-carbon double bond Is it a true Group IV oil? That is hard to say. Delo 400 XSP is their synthetic which is why CUN mentioned it in response to your post about Delo 400 being a group IV synthetic, which it's not. 03 and 90 80-119 Too much sulfur for current specs Comparable purity Increasing VI III 0. ebaker. Michael . 03: Hydrocracking: Group III: Mineral (Crude Oil) Severe hydrocracking > 120 > 90: 0. You can carry out a group IV oil change far past 10000 miles. They have a much broader temperature range and are great for use in extreme cold conditions and high Group 4 contains only one type of synthetic oil called polyalphaolefin (PAO), these synthetically created hydrocarbons are the most widely used base oils form the synthetic category. Group IV base oils, also known as polyalphaolefins (PAOs), are synthetic oils that offer exceptional thermal and oxidative stability. Industries For years I have used and still do, Red Line motor oil. Groups IV and V are full synthetic and have no petroleum base. All of · High Performance and Racing oil are almost always Group IV or V. There are rumoured reports of CBR's running 200,000 kms on Group 3 "synthetics". Some examples of oil brands: Group IV : True PAO synthetic oils Amsoil Mobil-1 Group III : Highly refined Petroleum Based Almost everything else labelled synthetic including Castrol etc. Group IV base oils are called polyalphaolefins (PAOs) and are made through a process called synthesizing. This article is about "Group v synthetic oil list 4 brands ester". the remaining Non Synthetic branded Group III was not considered a synthetic base oil at one time. These oils offer excellent engine protection, improved fuel Its Green Diamond Full Synthetic oil is Group III-based and Blue Diamond line of oils are entirely Group IV PAO-based. 4. Group III-based lubricants can be described as “synthetic” in North America and other regions and countries. The semi-synthetic oils are usually also sufficient for most applications and engines. They are created using the polymerization process that gives an olefinic tail by the introduction of ethylene gas. They are Dec 5, 2009 · comment on last 20-50 remark, bet it will not start in winter!! i am a fan + user of better synthetic oils, use amsoil mostly averages $9 a qt delivered with tax for their high end oils, also used redline but much more expensive but i believe their gear lubes like MT-90 are tops. Michael Click to expand For example there was 90% of "real" synthetic Group IV PAO, 5% of detergents and 5% of anti-wear additives contained into an Group III oil It's just an example but the "newest" formula might still used Group IV PAO as the base oil but mixed with group III oil for the detergents/additive carrier? Or maybe not anymore as a carrier but being voluntery add has Because the synthetic base stock does not cause clutch slippage problems; it's the Friction Modifier additives found in most engine oils that cause the clutch problems. All BMW-approved oils are Group III yet are still marketed as synthetic oils. I Group I, II, and III are derived from crude oil (mineral oil), Group IV is a fully synthetic oil, and Group V is for all base oils that are not included Group I, II, and III are derived from crude oil (mineral oil), Group IV is a fully synthetic oil, and Group V is for all base oils that are not included Become a Distributor Where to find us +31 (0) 316 740 856 [email protected] Group IV is still the better oil, but whenever someone on the board has posted about having seal leaks after switching to a synthetic, it's always been a Group IV oil like Royal Purple, Redline or Mobil 1. So they are used for the production of synthetic oil through reprocessing. Tornado Red. Michael Click to expand Traditionally, full synthetic lubricants were classified as Group IV oils under the American Petroleum Institute (API) base oil designations. Synthetic oils were originally designed for the purpose of having a very pure base oil with excellent properties. Basically here in the USA, group III base stocks (super refined dino, if you will) can be called synthetic. Many manufacturer approvals can be covered with semi-synthetic oils. Brokedownbutgood your post is another reason to use a Group V Ester synthetic oil, their superior ability to withstand higher heat is only a benefit. Synthetic oils are generally superior to mineral oil lubricants in most circumstances. Also, these synthetic oils do have some diluent/carrier oils for the additives that is petroleum oil (5-20%). Because Group III and Group IV (PAO) base oils are both considered synthetics (since 1999), any oil labeled as a full synthetic would contain either Group III or PAO, or both. The first is API Group IV. Early on, I heard it was a "Group 5" synthetic oil. Now, 100% synthetic oils are normally made from Group IV base Yet, the 8100 family of engine oils does exactly that. Group IV includes polyalphaolefins. Nobody ever found the M1 5W-30 to be all that good in that application based on Used Oil Analysis. Synthetic oil doesn't have the same thermal breakdown issues Group I, II, and III are derived from crude oil (mineral oil), Group IV is a fully synthetic oil, and Group V is for all base oils that are not included Group I, II, and III are derived from crude oil (mineral oil), Group IV is a fully synthetic oil, and Group V is for all base oils that are not included Become a Distributor Where to find us +31 (0) 316 740 856 [email protected] Truth be told, most group V oils contain group IV anyways. Actually, Groups I, II, and III are derived from crude oils, and Group IV is a full synthetic oil. Synthetic, Group 3, and synthetic blends (comprised of either group 4 or group 3 as the synthetic part of the blend) are the only oils approved for use in Porsche cars. The important thing is the oil and the add pack. Synthetic oil Group IV PAO and Group V Ester, notice how every molecule is the same and each molecule is pure/clean. 03 and/or <90 80-119 II 0. The German castrol synthetic is actually a group 4 PAO based synthetic vs the American version which is a high grade petrolium. There are many benefits over Group I, II, and III conven synthetic oil made with Group IV/V base stock oil over III is what I think we are all suggesting. That year, the National Advertising Division (NAD) of the Council of Better Business Bureaus ruled in a complaint by Mobil Oil Corp. I could be wrong about this assumption; so if I am, please say so. Castrol claimed its product, Syntec, was a synthetic oil even though it had used Group III base oils since 1997. Before 1998 the term “100% Synthetic” meant that the base oils by regulation had to be Group 4 and 5 “Synthetic” Base Oil. 03 and 90 120 IV All Polyalpha Olefins (PAOs) Increasing VI Synthetics – Traditionally Group IV Synthetics – Traditionally Group IV, Now Poly-alpha-olefin (poly-α-olefin, PAO) is a non-polar polymer made by polymerizing an alpha-olefin. Some very high quality Group II oils (called Group II Plus) are also accepted as having synthetic like performance. Group IV base oils, PAOs, are chemically engineered hydrocarbons derived from alphaolefins. You would expect to see a price drop to corrospond with the formulation change. Figure 1 | Classification of base oils. So, Group IV oils are the highest quality base oil you can ask for. Basically, if it is a synthetic base oil and it is not a PAO, it is a Group V base oil. Somewhere on this site I have a long post about Royal Purple being a Group IV (PAO) based oil. These products have a viscosity index of 125-200. By starting from scratch and building up your oil molecules from little pieces, you can pretty much guarantee that every molecule in the oil is just like every Group IV base oils are colorless, odorless, non-toxic and non-corrosive and do not contain sulfur, nitrogen, or aromatics. This allows them to save money but tailor the product properties. Can't speak for others, but AMSOIL's motorcycle oils all meet JASO MA-2, so they're safe for primary use Group II base stocks are what the majority of engine oils are made from. The long standing best for that application was "German Castrol" 0W-30 Syntec labeled "Made in Germany" Group III Synthetic Oil. In North America this group is considered a synthetic oil, for marketing purposes. They Legally, in many countries, an oil formulated with Group III bases may be labelled as “synthetic. Not every oil of these firms is a synthetic base oil. l. Additives usually make up about 5-25% of the volume As a Group IV oil, it uses 100% pure synthetic base stocks. c. These oils are 100% fully synthetic Group 4 and Group 5 lubricants that cater to different performance profiles depending on what you drive, and how you drive it. We don't know for sure what base oil formulations Royal Purple uses without them telling us directly. It is a very stable base with excellent cold fluidity. Most often I use this in gear boxes Synthetic HP4 is better, but may be overpriced in some outlets. Group IV - Traditional "Synthetic" Base Oils (PAO) "The word "synthetic" in the lube industry hase traditionaly been synonymous with PAO, poly-alfa-olefins, which are made from small molocules. This is why you can run it for longer intervals. Can't speak for others, but AMSOIL's motorcycle oils all meet JASO MA-2, so they're safe for primary use Traditionally, full synthetic lubricants were classified as Group IV oils under the American Petroleum Institute (API) base oil designations. They are formulated with additives in order to produce petroleum or semi-synthetic fluids. Like Group II base oils, these oils are also becoming more prevalent. It's supposedly a 'Group IV' synthetic and not a 'Group III' like the other syntec oils. Save your money and buy In 1999,the supreme court ruled the "synthetic" was a marketing term and could be applied to highly refined mineral oils,so many oil producers began doing that,and I suspect the most if not all "blends" are exactly that,rather than a true synthetic. As a rule, European syn. When looking at the table below, think of saturates (relates to aromatics and other hydrocarbon molecules) and sulphur levels as the degree of purity of the oil. Group V - these are synthetic The American Petroleum Institute (API) has categorized base oils into five categories (API 1509, Appendix E). Group V. Synthetic motor oils that are made from Group IV (4) PAO base stocks have Viscosity Indexes of more than 150 because they are manufactured to be a lubricant and don't have the paraffin that causes the thickening as they cool. Group V includes naphthenic mineral oils Group I, II, and III are derived from crude oil (mineral oil), Group IV is a fully synthetic oil, and Group V is for all base oils that are not included Because the synthetic base stock does not cause clutch slippage problems; it's the Friction Modifier additives found in most engine oils that cause the clutch problems. However, due to a 1999 landmark court case, oil manufacturers are allowed to call oils formulated from Group III base stocks synthetics due to very high viscosity indices. Joined Nov 7, 2004 Messages 2,493 Location MSP 'burbs, MN. PAOs are synthetic lubricant base stocks that are synthesized by the polymerization of linear alpha-olefins. Group IV base oils are colorless, odorless, non-toxic and non-corrosive and do not contain sulfur, nitrogen, or aromatics. Industries Estes are very expensive. If you want a list of synthetic oils available in USA, take a look at the recommend list of MB 229. Ken . Groups I, II, III are all petroleum-based with III being the highest quality. Group IV . Anyway, i synthetic oil made with Group IV/V base stock oil over III is what I think we are all suggesting. Don't know if it's all hype or if Mobil I is still considered truly 'synthetic' and a better choice. Dec 8, 2006 #27 Probably M1 SL GF3 are AN/PAO based. A. Polyalphaolefin (PAO) Group IV lubricants are by far the most common of all the synthetic base oils. T. Before all the additives are added to the mixture Group V: Synthetic esters, polyalkylene glycols (PAGs), and anything that is not already categorized as a Group I-IV. L. The first commercial process for making PAO was pioneered by Gulf Oil in 1951. These synthetic base oils are essentially made in a laboratory and are derived from ethylene gas. 124), making it effective in both low-temperature and high-temperature applications. The only synthetic base oil included in this group is polyalphaolefin (PAO). This article is about "Group 3 synthetic oil brands list of 4 oils vs". Can't say I The FR3 Nano Technology infusion provides protection, longevity, and performance gains that standard synthetic oils will not allow. Before all the additives are List of group 4 synthetic oils? Sorry for the newbie question but remember every time a senior member here answers a question, they help someone. Nov 11, 2014 #15 samiam44 said: Depends on your $$ - but Motul sells some good oil and it's german. TYPICAL PROPERTIES: TEST METHOD PAO 2 PAO 4 PAO 6 PAO 8 Appearance Visual Bright & Clear : Bright & Clear . 2. ” Group IV: so-called Poly Alpha Olefins (PAO). PAOs offer excellent stability, molecular uniformity and performance over a wide range of lubricating properties. Being smaller offers the advantages of not being to large to move through tolerances and thus avoids being sheared or broken into smaller pieces. Because they are made by chemical synthesis, they show a higher purity than oils from groups I-III. 1. 5, they are a little heavy weight but they are A motor oil advertised as a non-synthtic 5w-20 is commonoly made up of Group II base oil with Grup iii+ or iv "correction" base oil to get the oil to the required VI and other charactersitics. Only oils that meet the ACEA A3 are acceptable. This breakdown is based on the refining method and the base oil’s Group IV — Synthetics. Over 50 years ago AMSOIL was the First to develop an API-rated 100% Synthetic motor oil in 1972 using Group 4 and 5 “Synthetic” Base Oil. However that data is 20+ years old now, and oils like VW 507 spec didn't exist yet. Normal oil change interval is 6,00-7,500 Although made from crude oil, Group III base oils are sometimes described as synthesized hydrocarbons. It is important that the managers, supervisors and operators in blending plants are aware of and understand the properties of the various synthetic base oils found in many types of lubricants. The more refined the oil is, the better it is. I. I searched but cannot get to my question. Group IV base oils are synthetic base oils that composed of polyalphaolefins (PAOs). Last time I checked, I did not see any group III oils flowing freely from the Moreover, unlike Group IV an Group V base stocks, Group III base stocks have a good deal of variation among different suppliers and blenders of motor oils. Group IV base oils are polyalphaolefin (PAO) synthetic base oils that have List of group 4 oils. The Group III lubricants originate from certain residual petroleum products. Some of Mobil 1 formulas may be mostly IV or all IV. Europe, high-performance lubricants include part-synthetic oils and greases and lubricants formulated using very high viscosity index (VHVI, API Group III) base oils. Their unique chemical compositions and properties make them suitable for a wide range of applications, including high-performance engines, aviation, industrial machinery, and Group III base oils are highly processed oils and were classified as synthetic in 1999. This is because Groups 1, 2 & 3 were classified as “Conventional” Mineral Base Oil. If they cost the same my personal choice would be the Amsoil. PAO is a much more expensive basestock than the highly The lubricating fluid in a grease can be mineral oil (derived from petroleum), a synthetic fluid, or a vegetable based fluid. MOTOR’s Fluids data provides the recommendations and capacities for fluids from OEMs. g. It is a catch-all category that Delo 400 SDE @ $13/gal is definitely not a group IV synthetic. Synthetic oil doesn't have the same thermal breakdown issues Group IV are polyalphaolefins (PAO) which are a chemically engineered synthesized basestocks. Most "Major" brand oils are mixtures of Group III, IV and V. Does anyone know for sure exactly which oils available in the US are truly a full synthetic group 4 or 5 based oil? After hours of googling all I know for sure is that most manufacturers will not bring the good stuff over here. 3. AMSOIL SAE Synthetic Motor Oils and Mobil 1 primarily use group IV basestocks. Mobil 1, Castrol Edge, and Valvoline SynPower are three prominent brands that provide high-quality Group 3 synthetic oils. ) 2002 Synthetic and high performance lubricants in Western Europe Since 2011, the oil company has been rewarding users of their specialty motor oils, including full synthetic, with a cash bonus if their vehicle goes from under 75,000 miles to over 300,000. AMSOIL is a Group IV synthetic. This mystery "mixture" has "Made in Germny" on the bottle. Motul is a top tier synthetic oil, Amazon has it as well as dennis Kirk. While Group III base oils have many positive characteristics that approach Group IV and V oils, Groups IV and V are truly A semi-synth. Not saying anything bad about the Honda oil because it's probably great stuff but the documentation and many UOA's are available for the Amsoil. Type of oil which meeting MB 229. Comments I >0. Joined Jun 1, 2005 Group II: Mineral (Crude Oil) Hydrocracking: 90–120 > 90: 0. Air-cooled engines really need synthetic oil IMO. This part is about the list of group 4 oils. While Group III base oils have many positive characteristics that approach Group IV and V oils, Groups IV and V are truly synthesized oils using selected starting atoms or molecules, with specific and predictable outcomes. Last time I looked Redline, Motul, Fuchs, Maxima, and even Amsoil advertise that their oils contain Group IV or V basestocks. You can buy products that are Good, Better and Best, well oil is the same thing, you have: Good: Conventional oils Group III Better: Synthetic blend oils Group III/Group IV PAO/V Ester Group III base oils are even more highly refined, with a very low sulfur and aromatic content, providing superior properties. Main characteristics: High viscosity index: PAO 4 commonly has a very high viscosity index ( approx. Their unique chemical compositions these into 5 main groups. As you move down, the quality gets lower and lower. Can a lube marketed as a "full synthetic" contain any Group ii or i base oils? 100% Synthetic vs Full Synthetic. These oils can be blended with other synthetic base stocks and are compatible with synthetic esters and alkylated naphthalene. 2 brands I can recommend are Redline and Motul, both group IV true synthetic oils. They are pure chemicals created in a chemical plant, in contrast to being produced by distillation and refining of crude oil. Group IV base oils are polyalphaolefins (PAOs). This oil has a relatively high flash point, low vapour pressure and low volatility. I and others have talked about the consistency in driving in all temps & miles, and how the transmission The oils that are commonly mentioned are Group II and Group III synthetics with the exception of Royal Purple, which is a Group V. All of the 8100 oils use a quality base stock that meets and generally exceeds OE specs. Both PAO/Ester (group V/IV) and hydrocracked (group III) oils are man made. The uniformity and manufacturing of these oils allows for predictable properties that assure performance in 10W-40 oils that qualify JASO-MA (the original standard): Bike Master Performance Motorcycle Oil (Tucker Rocky Distributing) Bike Master Performance Semi Synthetic Motorcycle Oil (Tucker Rocky Distributing) Bike Master Performance Full Synthetic Motorcycle Oil (Tucker Rocky Distributing) BP Vistra Super 4 (BP p. Finally, Group V base oils encompass all other types of base oils that do not fit into According to API, it has categorized base oils into five categories (API 1509, Appendix E). Group IV = Chemical Reactions. Group IV: Synthetic (Polyalphaolefins) Chemical synthesis (PAOs) > 125: 100: 0: High-temperature and extreme-condition applications Synthetics – Traditionally Group IV Synthetics – Traditionally Group IV, Now include Group III Sll l hi h lit V All Stock Not Included in Groups I-IV (Pale Oils and Non-PAO Synthetics) Source: API 1509, Appendix E, Section E. However, in some electromagnetic stress circumstances, esters are well-fitted Synthetic oil used in motor vehicles is refined from base oils or base stock oils. U. Base oils in Groups I, II, II+, and III are refined mixtures of naturally occurring hydrocarbons. Otherwise your wasting your money. However if you have a new Hemi requiring 5w-20 viscosity due to the operation of the VVT, your selection possibilities are limited. In the 1960's, Mobil patented an improved process. Dec 14, 2018 #29 FS= Forcible [censored] in the price you pay for a group III base oil from M1. I have communicated several times with David Jun 28, 2005 · Group III = Highly refined from crude oil. Group IV is still the better oil, but whenever someone on the board has posted about having seal leaks after switching to a synthetic, it's always been a Group IV oil like Royal Purple, Redline or Mobil 1. It gives you the best of Group IV and Group V synthetics. But in the late 1990s, Castrol started using Group III base oils in their motor oils that were marketed as full synthetic. IMO don't worry about the So, I should have mentioned the list of Group IV's so far: It looks like, Amsoil Signature Series, Redline, some Ravenol, some Mobil 1, MPT, Torco. Mobil 1 is a Group III synthetic. Group V synthetic oils provide superior lubrication and performance compared to conventional mineral oils and even other synthetic oils. Group IV base oils are chemically referred to as polyalphaolefins or PAO for short. . Member. Losiho. The specific name for Group 4 base stocks is PolyalphaOlefins. Primary fluid should meet JASO MA or MA-2 whether synthetic or not. So hopefully, we have at least clarified the issue somewhat regardless of which side of the issue you may tilt. An interesting fact about this oil is This article is about "Group v synthetic oil list 4 brands ester". (Note: Group III-base stocks are widely permitted to be marketed as synthetic motor oil in the US) Group IV Synthetic - PAO (Polyalphaolefin) base Group V Synthetic - Other esters base (non-PAO synthetics, including diesters, polyolesters, alklylated napthlenes, alkylated However, in lubricant industry, only Groups IV & V base oils are truly 100% Synthetic. Groups I through III base oils are mineral oils while Groups IV and V base oils are fully synthetic. through 230,000 Chemicals and Raw Ingredients. While manufacturing certain products from crude oil like diesel, heating oil, and gasoline, a lot of the petroleum gets left with no other purpose. I've been using Rotella T6 (Group III synthetic) for years in many different cycles, but will use Mobil1 4T Racing (cycle-specific, Group IV synthetic) in others. On the contrary, Group V is for all base oils not included in the other groups. In Europe and Asia it is classified a petrolium oil. Mobil 1 now may be in a class with much more inexpensive Group III oils, like Pennzoil Platinum, but retained a Group IV price. Group III and IV base oils are 100% synthetic. ) Power 1 Scooter (Castrol) What does Group IV and Group V base oils mean? All engine lubricants start life as a base oil and fall into either Group I, II, III, IV or V base oils. oil will have either Group III or IV oils mixed with Group II (conventional/dino) up to 18% of the total volume (from recollection). High-performance lubricants, synthetic blends, engine oils. Group IV is poly-α-olefins and Group V is others, mostly containing oxygen such as polyol esters. Ugly3. ::::: YUBASE ::::: So, SP-4m is made with some synthetic base oil but is not full Group III oils are commonly used to produce lubricants operating under high temperatures where longevity is a particular interest, such as compressor and gas turbine oil, engine oils, and transmission fluids. Group 4 oils, also known as PAO (Polyalphaolefin) synthetic oils, are among the highest quality and most advanced lubricants available in the market. Group IV base oils are full synthetic (polyalphaolefin) oils. There are some oils in the US that use some PAO (group 4) The less change a motor oil has from high to low temperatures gives it a high Viscosity Index. Yet, the 8100 family of engine oils does exactly that. Depends on your $$ - but Motul sells some good oil and it's german. High Performance and Racing oil are almost always Group IV or V. Can anyone explain why Subaru's synthetic oil does not last as long as Mobil 1 and other major brand synthetics? No one at the dealership can answer this question. Their unique chemical compositions and properties make them suitable for a wide range of applications, including high-performance engines A group IV synthetic is the real deal, such as amsoil. Group IV base oils are commonly used to produce high-performance lubricants, such as motor oils and transmission fluids. jxhrjkxsjtgcshbjsjpujnuvormwequnaclliialnlcit