My phd supervisor. This was a project funded through some grants.

My phd supervisor UniWiND 2015, UCL 2018, National The answer to your question strongly depends on the specific traits and attributes of the person the question is about. Particularly in small towns and social circles, or societies relying heavily on social relationships (e. I ended up wasting 6 months of my PhD on something that was never going to work because they wouldn’t listen. How do I deal with him? I'm doing a PhD. It takes a village to raise a child” is a well-known proverb, and I strongly believe that completing a PhD also requires the support of a village. If you are working with a less experienced supervisor, it is less likely others will attribute your work to your supervisor at a cursory glance at the author list. So they will never co-supervise! My supervisor just does not care about what I need anyways! – I am currently in an unbeneficial situation with my PhD supervisor/advisor. So my two other supervisors are yes men and working under him to further their careers. In this blog, I will explain my rationale behind doing further I feel you. I’ve seen: Responsiveness Well funded Reputation Lab culture constantly coming up as key features to look out for. Finally, I found my supervisor , he send me acceptance letter after finishing PhD. My personal opinion is that the best gift a PhD student can give their adviser is to be a great student, to be someone who is easy to advise, to be someone who heeds the advice, to be someone who stimulates the adviser intellectually, and, above all, finishes the PhD program on time (or at least expeditiously). To highlight the biggest milestone of the year, I can safely say that doing a PhD is the one. Many universities and research institutes or governmental bodies have set out codes of conduct for PhD/graduate education that describe roles and responsibilities of supervisors (see e. However, most places need 2-3, so I am not sure who else to ask. This is how I messed up my PhD while I worked hard in one aspect but she still decided to fire me. After my review, they asked me for some references to contact them. It’s growing increasing,y frustrating because they criticise me for not doing things that I I am a PhD student in Europe and I am in the state of permanent crisis because of my PhD supervisor. I'm not sure how he feels about me. I also left before publishing my PhD work, so now I have to balance a difficult situation between my former PhD advisor and current PI. in Germany, I must find a supervisor then we arrange to write the PhD. S. My doctoral supervisor is very helpful and I really enjoy working with him on various problems. The lab is small, consisting of 7 PhD students and 3 postdoc, with only the postdoc and myself being international students. My bad experiences have been fining one potential supervisor so focused on his research that he tried to change my topic to fit in with his interests; one My MSc supervisor was the head of national "focused research group" (I don't know what to call it) and I think I spoke to him a couple times a month, which was ok for me but other students needed more regular attention - so its important to know what you need and the style your supervisor has. However, just as I started the PhD, he asked me to finish other experiments as I am the only one in the department who knows methodology and that work was crucial for the lab funding. 0. Recently I finished my PhD level and I did an interview with a research group for a postdoc position. Possibly, your supervisor talks to you individually, but he's a "hit and run" artist, tossing out a query about your progress as he breezes through the lab and then hides behind a stack of journal articles on his desk. , to help the future generation of PhD students to get funding. But my supervisor's research area is totally PhD supervisor is getting too involved in my Postdoc, which is supervised by another academic close to him. There were several reasons for this, but the main one was because I would fall into the following cycle with my previous supervisor: Searching for a Supervisor . 1: Review previous committee comments and discuss the past six months’ work with your supervisor. 2021: Éin milliard ubrukt på reiser: «Vil aldri reise som i 2019 I’m from Palestine, I awarded DAAD scholarship in 2008 to get M. This has been his attitude for most of my PhD though so I was already in conversation with my academic advisor (academic staff member, that is separate to your supervisor, appointed to each student by the university) and he's helping me talk through the situation and realize that forcing myself to keep going is only going to make the situation worse. After sending her a part that I had written, she finally gave me feedback on it a couple days back. Telling me she made a mistake hiring me, that I was not fit to be a scientist. I don't want to quit before my thesis defense but I don't know how I can survive things continuing as they are. I meet with my PhD supervisor basically weekly Quote From angantyr: My supervisor fluctuates between being friendly to very formal and cold. An example: Let’s say, for whatever reason, you are unable to work for a whole month. student and supervisor tended to fall into two categories: (1) the supervisor heavily pushed the paper along (provided nearly all the essential ideas, (continued) For the bookworm PhD advisor, this funny wood bookmark will inspire them to continue reading, even when things get chaotic. Supervisors are usually driven by their own agenda and more often than not, their goal is to have a successful PhD student who does research in the area of supervisor's strict choice. but i don’t know what’s appropriate?! did any of you get a gift for your supervisor after you I get on very well with my colleagues, I regard virtually all of them as friends, but if they find out that my supervisor want my head, they might distance themselves from me in fear of being fired themselves for associating with me, and I don't want to be the office leper for the rest of my PhD (if I last that long), or be responsible for my At the same time, he could have simply missed my email, be on break, or just hasn't gotten round to it (aka I'm just overthinking things). To give you guys a little bit of context, I started my PhD in 2020 and shortly after my starting month, my father has passed away. “Don’t make me use my PhD voice” Shirt. I wouldn't have passed without his support. Buy Now. The institution that I am applying for is not in my home country, therefore I still have papers and tests to prepare (GRE, TOEFL) the process may take at least two months. There seems to be a real chemistry between us and we are always emailing each other nearly every day. I'm sorry you're going through something similar, it sucks. There are plenty of reasons why a PhD student wants or has to exchange an advisor. By continuing to use our site you agree to this, In my case, that was after the registrar had notified me that my application for degree had been approved by the program office. Therefore, while My PhD was a masterclass in the art of swearing. My undergrad and masters experiences were fine, but as a PhD student I’m now on my second awful supervisor. You have two options with regards to what you tell your supervisor: You can just tell them you have fallen Hi everyone, I'm on the verge of putting in an official complaint against my primary supervisor. My supervisor was saying from the beginning that he wants us to release between 2-3 research articles + 1 review. To get the most out of FindAPhD, finish your profile and receive these benefits: Monthly chance to win one of ten £10 Amazon vouchers; winners will be notified every month. If your supervisor is an assistant professor just starting out, she may spend most of her time in the lab working beside you. If you do not know a potential supervisor personally, your search should start at the website Else, all the other answers on choosing a supervisor on this site apply. I was depressed, I felt inadequate to the task of completing my PhD and I really just wanted out. I told my supervisor this during my interviews, so he knew what he took one and he hired me anyways. , full professor)? Junior people are very afraid of not getting tenure, and may for this reason take things such as the information collection of research group membership more seriously than anyone else does in the department - without any bad intent. However, I think that you took some bad decisions as well. The more time passes, though, the harder it becomes. I am now getting ready to submit my paper to a journal and my supervisor has rewritten my entire paper without permission and wants A. For years my PhD supervisor degraded me. The strategies you I have no advice about what's best for you- if I had gotten a solid job offer in the last year I'm fairly certain I would have taken it. She is even pushing for me to redo part of the unpublished work in her lab, but this will further antagonise my PhD advisor. 3. In my PhD two supervisors left for other jobs, one was sacked and only by sacking one did I get a much more competent PhD supervisor, who also ended up leaving but just as I was completing. e. Alignment of Research Interests. I used to write to my Masters supervisor like this from the beginning. We use cookies on this website to improve the experience we provide. And that he will help Now, in my sixties, I am embarking on my long dreamed for PhD. They are control-freaks and micromanage everything, so getting them to read your paper means them rewriting every word, so its easier for them not to bother. . Mine was very helpful when I needed to drop one of my co-supervisors because our working relationship had broken down. Replying the rejection email from Professor. Now I realize this is a very arrogant thing to say. I was very fortunately to be trained by Lynn, one of My phd advisor is not being supportive enough. He also invited me to give a workshop at a conference he’s chairing later this year. It has been a busy and hectic year where a lot has happened for myself from starting to be a blogger for Loughborough International, to completing my dissertation and starting my PhD. In rare cases disagreements can result in the relationship between a Can I change my PhD supervisor? Some supervisors dedicate far more time to students than they're required to, while some prefer not to become too involved in their students' research. Despite the harsh beginning, I put really a lot of effort to become very good in laboratory work and I started spending a lot of time within the lab working at the bench within the 1st year of my PhD until now. Problem is dont know how he feels, both have partners, he is much older. I also do not personally know anyone who has or is undergoing a PhD, so I don't have anyone that I can get some advice from. Before you can officially apply for admission to doctoral studies, you must first find a supervisor for your doctoral project. Actually, that’s not One of my colleagues who is a very strong person decided that enough was enough and made the decision to leave after he insulted her during a presentation to a large group of people. 2: Submit a summary of PhD progress and plans to the committee before the meeting. Need Advice I worked on an article for a project that my supervisor involved me in. in computer information systems, now I am looking to begin my PhD. Now, I'm this pickle; should I include this "PI" on my paper as an author? I'm confused since as I understand it, a PI is normally the one who proposed and In my experience ex-students typically remain fearful or dependent of abusive supervisors. This hasn't hurt their career, though, as It’s no secret that getting a PhD is a stressful process. He told me I didn't need to email any more, just call in any time and we can discuss things. One of the factors that can help or hinder this period of study is the relationship between supervisor and student. I had a difficult relationship with my supervisor during my entire PhD, and while we could work together, I intensely disliked him personally and professionally. Stop it immediately if you still want to get your phd degree. SMART ACADEMICS blog post #10: Good supervision: What you can expect ; SELF CHECK “How good is my PhD supervision?” Fanghol, T. I assume if they had trouble with a change of location due to family commitments or whatever, the other university would have been required to make some provision to keep them on in some way, shape or form. My supervisor mainly forwarded them to get the grant. Your supervisor has a vested interest in your success. My research and dissertation is the last thing on my advisor’s to-do list. By making the courageous decision to change supervisors, you align yourself with an expert in sustainable energy. She has supported me tremendously, and I will forever be grateful for the opportunities she provided. I have been thinking in change my supervisor, maybe start working with his colleague. They told me to just get on with the work and “quit whining”. And I am growing extremely frustrated about this. A few things that helped me during my PhD: Make use of your co-supervisor / advisor / members of your thesis committee. Sometimes I think he finds me quite boring as I'm very shy, & he makes comments about me being very controlled, saying he can't tell how I'm feeling. My supervisor has demanded that I share my transcripts with them so they can "help me" analyze my data. My department had a Postgraduate Coordinator who was there to assist all the PhD/MSc students. Personally, I had a far better relationship with my co-advisor, so would speak to her when things weren't going well / I felt my supervisor was being unreasonably critical. I I certainly know a prof in my current department who has moved universities and taken her whole lab with her, PhD students and all. In order for us to help, we'd need some examples of the specific instances, and how much evidence you have. g. Anyway, I'm having a bit of trouble with my PhD supervisor. Compatibility between your personality and that of your supervisors can lead to a more harmonious working relationship. At the first glance, it sounds like you may have a case since you say that you won the appeal, but also as a professor, I know that the university administration usually sides with the students unless the faculty has concrete evidence (an easy example is when I know For the bookworm PhD advisor, this funny wood bookmark will inspire them to continue reading, even when things get chaotic. —PhD Student 42. When you first contact a potential supervisor, stick to sending them a Having the right PhD supervisor is a vital part of your research journey, from ensuring you receive diverse PhD supervision to forging a long-term rapport. Never complained - I don’t want to rock the I disagreed with the direction of my PhD and voiced my concerns to my PhD Supervisor. I met my supervisor, Charl Botha, in my second year of my Computer Science studies. Will it be a good idea to write professor who has just interviewed me for a PhD position? 0. Exceptions mostly involve the supervisor moving out and are, basically, a A good thesis requires good communication between you and your thesis supervisor. My PhD supervisor talked about me and my problems to one of the post doc scholars in our department, who is not my PhD adviser's post-doc. The quality of your relationship and your Isabelle Kohler gives you the key aspects to consider when choosing a PhD supervisor, emphasizing the importance of a good fit not only for a successful PhD, but also for continued mentoring throughout your career. My supervisor told me this morning he's leaving the uni and joining another one. Like most academics, I receive a large number of requests for PhD supervision every year – far more than the number of students I could possibly take on. To provide a bit more detail about my situation: I started my PhD straight from my undergrad. Consider how well you get Which is completely untrue, I showed all the evidence to the research coordinator but they seemed to continue to advice me to try and work with my primary supervisor to finish the PhD off or downgrade to a masters. Writing Course Close; About Contact Latest PhD tips Online Writing course Academic writing coaching Speaking Log in Search for: How to Cope with a Problematic PhD Supervisor by James Hayton, PhD; January 17th, 2022; How to write your A negative PhD supervisor will always highlight the negative aspects of your accomplished work and try to bring your morale down. If you teach your My PhD supervisor (i got my PhD 2 years ago) has a decade-long history of refusing to publish papers because they can't be bothered to read them. My PhD supervisor (i got my PhD 2 years ago) has a decade-long history of refusing to publish papers because they can't be bothered to read them. Advice needed--reaching out to a potential advisor. Another point to add (which was highlighted as a big pro to me when I was applying for PhD programmes): if you are a student of a Big Name, some people might assume some/most/all your work is their work. If there is one thing that may truly make or break your PhD journey, it is the relationship you have with your PhD Supervisor. – ff524. So, I wrote him an email: Hello. Throughout the course of your doctorate, your supervisor will play the role of mentor, How important is finding the right PhD supervisor? Your supervisor will likely be your main point of contact for academic support during your PhD. My co-supervisor made me work with his student who was lazy and didn't work but used to take credit for the experiments. @TimRias "the supervisor is not interested in my data or PhD anymore. It is too intense! “Consultant, advisor, specialist, mentor, confidant, partner Supervisors are in high demand and may not be able to respond to your enquiry immediately, so please be patient. I do not want their help analyzing my Quote From angantyr: My supervisor fluctuates between being friendly to very formal and cold. It is important to register as soon as possible. Suffice to say that this has been problematic where both have different research a parent acting as PhD supervisor to their child is universally considered a conflict of interest, although this does not necessarily affect reporting of research results. Your PhD supervisor will play a vital part in your PhD, providing you with the mentorship, feedback and support you need to succeed. This is fairly common in mathematics. In the long term, this benefits you, too. Normally, this happens due to grant writing during the PhD studies, while in your case, the request happened afterwards. That is why I am thinking of a literature review. Two responded saying their labs are not accepting more applicants at the moment. The PhD supervisor should be helping his students to publish. I'm halfway through my PhD & have had a little crush on my supervisor for the majority of this time. Your supervisor probably is in a similar situation, so also her/his actions need some understanding. Communicate Clearly. This PhD scholarship is super hard to get. If you struggle to communicate with your thesis supervisor via email, have a look at six sample emails for inspiration. Because actually there is not so much real application of that and I don't like biology. I have a secondary supervisor but we only talked once really during a formal thing. The supervisor(s) at the other university will not be on the system as your supervisor (it's very complicated to set up administratively), which means that they won't get formal recognition for their work, e. But I would feel embarrassed If left my supervisor now, abandoning our project, specially if I do it to go with one of his colleagues. My supervisor, "John", has always been friendly, and we've known each other a while and are working on this together so we have an established banter. I'm going to paraphrase her "Your writing has been very disappointing! This is not what you expect from a person at your level" This was after i repeatedly ask her for I’ve seen many post saying that picking a good PhD supervisor is absolutely essential to a good PhD experience. You should finish a PhD as soon as possible and start getting paid. Therefore, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the people who played significant roles in my PhD journey. They offered to pixilate my face, but even so as disappointed as I am with my treatment during my PhD, there's no one specific person that really let me down. In December a lot of bad, personal things happened and I was completely overwhelmed. I don't think this is 100% my fault. You never want them to use their PhD voice, whether they are your advisor or not. Contents General tips for emailing your thesis supervisorSample email 5 Ways to Impress a PhD Supervisor Before They Agree to Supervise You 1. I have another If you’re not receiving support from your PhD supervisor you’ve got to speak up, and you’ve got to speak up early. I don't understand why I should do this? Especially when there hasn't been any issue with my progress. He discourages you to connect with I started my PhD with a history of depression. It’s finally December. Lluís Saló-Salgado is a PhD candidate in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Find a supervisor or research project at UNSW Sydney. Giving me time off, then reprimanding me for taking that time off. However, you shouldn't stay silent if you feel like things aren't working out - especially if you're studying a STEM subject, where your supervisor is often effectively your research collaborator. I have officially entered my second year of doctoral research this month. At the same time, he could have simply Since my time is limited as a PhD student, I am planning to talk to my supervisor about the possibility of writing a literature review and publishing it. She is fixated on the fact that I am not in my office 9-5, 3-4 days a week, and is very abrasive when raising this point. Get advice from other lab members about what you can say and how you can present your data to get I am in love with my supervisor and cannot stop thinking about him. So that In this video I discuss all of the reasons why you may think your PhD supervisor hates you. He can't however effectively terminate my contract, I can stay but mostly no degree in the end. The issue I am facing is the lack of guidance from my supervisor and the strained relationship we have. Is my potential phd supervisor ethical? 1. Another problem is that I have hear that his They offered to interview me but I turned them down because, frankly, i'm not that brave. Definitely, your supervisor might not be very simpathetic about your efforts. I worked with him for 6 months as an RA but we haven’t been that close. He ensured me that he will still be my supervisor and will be with me until I finish the PhD. In addition a bunch of abusive supervisors I've had seem to avoid informative professional websites and public CVs. But regardless of whether my research was going well or if it was in a phase when nothing seemed to work, my supervisor, Greg Hughes, and I communicated almost entirely in expletives. This is obviously going to be extremely helpful but my new co-supervisor is at a separate university, which complicates things administratively. D. Two weeks ago, the prospective supervisor had a chat with me about my PhD application - it's informal, but it's a also a procedural thing. Assuming you have reasonable cause for grievance on these matters, if you want to give feedback on these matters informally, the best way to do this would be through direct communication with your supervisor. She says I am too emotional, unprofessional, and this not how I should behave as a PhD student, and that I am being paid to do this research. Does my PhD supervisor possess unconditional knowledge about my research project? As a masters student, your research project will not be very comprehensive and your supervisor will probably know a lot about your topic, therefore you should be able to ask them for advice regarding any aspect of your research. proposal but my application was rejected for I have been co-supervised by my primary supervisor's wife. The long-term benefit of investing in your students. You need to learn what kind of information makes your advisor engaged and interested. I'm still pretty miserable, but realize both my own and my advisors' shortcomings have just lead to a PhD that isn't what I wanted or envisioned This fall semester has been a complete wash from my perspective - the only thing I was able to do was get ethics clearance, which my supervisor delayed by 2 months by not submitting due to her capacity issues (she's also micro manager). I did more than three quarters of the work, and I am in the data analysis phase of my Phd Dissertation. Furthermore, my supervisor is mainly giving me general advice on general research. Instead, I want to work in fluid dynamics. And my supervisor and his wife who he works closely with began a smear campaign against her and everyone who supported her. I realize this isn't as good, but I can't I was heart-broken today to hear that my late Master and PhD supervisor, Professor Vincent Lynn Meek passed away yesterday on 13 March 2022. You haven’t completed your profile yet. In short I've had a really bad experience with my supervisor and my PhD and want to get out of academia altogether but I don't know how. Both my PhD and MSc supervisors helped with forming the the project, figuring out fieldwork (people to help) and data analysis, and providing feedback on my writing. Since then, my supervisor has encouraged me to target top-10 Computer Science conferences or h-index > 100 journals for further papers. 1. A quich phd also looks impressive to employers, like you can get things done on time. I have contacted a professor and he accepted to be my PhD supervisor, but he want me to finish the application procedure by September. My PhD supervisor died in June. I made an He doesn't have any problems with my own way to work, and doesn't pressure me. First and foremost, I would like to thank my supervisor, Patricia Renault. This is a bit of an unusual problem, I feel, but I am conducting a PhD at a university, where it technically is possible to graduate without any first author publications. I’d met with him only days earlier so that he could painstakingly revise my manuscript, giving me several hours of his precious time. A critical step to getting accepted to a PhD program is to A good PhD supervisor has experience overseeing PhD students through to completion, has a strong publication record, is active in their research field, has enough time to provide adequate supervision, is genuinely Your PhD supervisor will be one of the most influential people in your academic life. The situation is not easy for me either. So if your ideas are not in sync with this objective(s) it is very unlikely that they will support you or even take the effort to understand what you are trying to say. Perhaps your supervisor is missing the tact that you want but they sound like they are doing exactly what is in your My co-supervisor threatened to terminate my Phd. My current PI is clearly upset that my former PhD advisor changed his mind. A. If the scholars do not have sufficient publications then it talks a lot about the supervisor and his ability to guide his students to do worthy research. How to diplomatically draw a boundary? Hot Network Questions Solid Mechanics Monograph example deflection results are same for different materials? I am in the third year of my PhD and so far I have published one paper in top tier journal. supervisor after reading about his research interests and publications. Calling me to discuss work that needed to be done while I was at home with severe flu. Whilst he's professional & wouldn't behave inappropriately, he says he feels protective So i had my weekly meeting with my supervisor and we'd talked about working on my thesis for the past month. He's also helping speak to my PhD student in Canada as well and it’s been a real struggle! I’m honestly considering quitting at this point. Oh, and the affiliation of the supervisor matters. , assistant professor) or rather senior (e. If the senior scholars are not able to publish then there is strong chance that you will not be able to publish easily, either. Totally MIA most of the time and completely unwilling to help, then they come out of the woodwork demanding immediate My supervisor, a knowledgeable man in his mid-40s, is not a good mentor. One question: Is your current supervisor rather junior (e. Amongst other things he got my started off in my PhD by telling me to get started on writing a review paper. A long time ago, I had a very serious discussion with my PhD supervisor. My MSc supervisor was the head of national "focused research group" (I don't know what to call it) What I ended up doing, is writing a lengthy and detailed email about my PhD strategies and background, It's just difficult as I would describe the PhD market for this field as being supervisor favored, where there really aren't that many options available for me compared to other fields. Examples and Anecdotes: Picture yourself passionate about unravelling the mysteries of renewable energy sources, only to find your initial supervisor specializes in historical architecture. We have compiled some information for you here, which will help you to find a supervisor. I work as a postdoctoral researcher and my supervisor routinely tells us whom we can talk to, eat our lunch or take coffee breaks with. What sort of support and assistance can you expect your supervisor to provide? This guide introduces some of the obligations and expectations that underpin a healthy supervisory In this article, I am going to show you how to find faculty members based at PhD programs who could be an ideal supervisor for your dissertation in your field of interest. There was also one who tried to insert herself into my PhD but was told where to go when she displayed a dismissive attitude And guess what, that totally happened: my PhD supervisor left me! Past. He is a very nice person, who is very active with public engagement, very successful at grant applications and all that. I recently started collaborating on a project with another postdoctoral researcher in the In all the PhD granting departments I have been a part of, part of the regulations say that the student must find a faculty member to be their supervisor by their n-th year (for some n) or be kicked out, and another part of the regulations say that, if a student's supervisor no longer wishes to work with them, the student must find another faculty member to be their supervisor My main supervisor only accepts those ppl under his wing who are yes men. spiegboy 258 posts 18 years ago. Your supervisor sounds great. However, if yours is a niche field, and your choice of preferred reviewers is limited, then you could perhaps include his name, adding a note disclosing the potential conflict of interest and stating that you added his name due to a lack of other 9 days ago I e-mailed a potential Ph. 02 worth: 1. All the formal stages of your PhD journey will be recorded in MyPhD in accordance with the rules and guidelines of the Board for the Throughout the PhD period, I managed to keep a sivil and good relationship with my PhD supervisor, who is known to have conflicts with lots of people. My adviser told me not to include his name in three of the papers from my dissertation. The second interview required a 30 min talk about my work and yet I still made it to the next round. He put his before mine and added a bunch of people from another university. She pressured me into unrealistic deadlines then made me At the start of your PhD journey, it is mandatory to register in MyPhD, the official PhD candidate tracking system of Utrecht University. The first time my PhD adviser talked to this post-doc about me, he said that I was not present at In my PhD, I am assigned mathematical modeling topics and my supervisor's work is related to mathematical biology. My late supervisor appointed one of my committee members as co-supervisor about 3 weeks ago somewhat "out of the blue". But the problem is, it turns out he does not know the subject. I continued to push on and published a paper in a top conference with a travel award. I had a meeting with my supervisor and what she said was quite disheartening to hear (as you probably see from the title). The following is the email that I have sent him I’m applying for my PhD for next year and I’ve emailed maybe 50 potential supervisors from 4-5 different universities and only one responded saying she would welcome applicants. Your supervisor financed your PhD studies (right?) and there is the implicit cultural academic norm to "pay this back", i. I want to do a feasibility study so that I can pursue a full research project. Accepted by a different proposed supervsior: writing a thank you letter. I had asked my supervisor a couple of probably unsubtle questions after the defense, and sent (to his home, not to the university) two bottles of wine that would have been hard for him to find and a pretty nice decanter. I choose my supervisor and other visiting professors as references. This applies to all categories of PhD candidates described above. A good supervisor will act as your mentor. Basically, I’ve been working unsupervised for three years. This is unbearable! 18 years ago. I My PhD supervisor / advisor never seems to be listening to me—what can I do? It is just smart to tailor your presentation to the listener as much as possible. I have the following experience with two different supervisors, one is my PhD supervisor and another was my Masters supervisor. Choosing a suitable supervisor is therefore an essential step towards a succeeding as a PhD candidate. In fact, we haven't had a collaborative work together published yet, and we submitted the first paper with both of our names on it just this week, 8 years after I I need your help and/or support regarding my situation. 'guaxi' in China). *; The latest PhD projects delivered straight to your inbox; Access to our £6,000 scholarship competition; Weekly newsletter with funding opportunities, research The little plate has sat on my bookshelf ever since and is often a subject of discussion when colleagues visit me. " It is quite clear that OP has a running contract, surely with formal obligations that OP can fulfill since he passed two (2!) yearly evaluations. PhD supervisors are busy people, they receive countless emails every day from panicked students, colleagues chasing up peer-reviews, and potential PhD candidates like yourself. Footnote 1 Research has shown the interpersonal (professional) relationship between PhD students and their supervisors heavily influence the success of a PhD project, and is linked with progress and student satisfaction []. He did mention trying to see if I could go to the other uni with him, but that would complicate things with my funding and I'm not sure it's even possible. I know how to look for a My supervisor and I had disagreements on writing my thesis with regards to how the 'story' was told. The relation between supervisor and doctoral researcher builds the foundation of the traditional individual doctorate. Your expertise and mentorship have been instrumental in shaping my research and helping me achieve this significant milestone. The first step in finding the right supervisor is the initial approach. Adapted from Vasja Koman/Getty. So I applied to this PhD scholarship a month ago with my supervisor. I have no proof and I just want to get my degree without any drama. This was a project funded through some grants. At the risk of over-generalizing, my observation (here, and mostly 2+ decades ago) is that papers co-authored by a Ph. I’m a 4th year PhD student and my scholarship is ending one month from now. My PhD supervisor is a very nice person and is, of course, one of my referees. There's been lots of things happening which have led to this, but suffice to say I'm sick of putting up with his shit. He shows no interest in my progress, results My second supervisor does respond to e-mails, but he’s my secondary supervisor, and he knows next to nothing about my research field (my primary supervisor‘s research field also has little, if anything, to do with my research field). Last year at this time I did a post on what to buy a PhD student for Christmas, so I thought I’d continue the tradition this year with one on Dear [Supervisor’s Name], I am writing to express my sincerest gratitude for your invaluable guidance and unwavering support throughout my doctoral journey. The actual approval from the ethics office and my turnaround time was only 5 weeks but it took the whole Hi guys, I am at the end of my second year, studying in a STEM, lab based-UK PhD program. Any advice at all about what my next steps ought to be, thanks in advance :) For instance, my PhD supervisor was the person that my current boss contacted as a reference when I applied for my current position. It was a system of failures, I think, and one that is unlikely to happen again. I opened up a new direction for the lab, which led me to 2 impactful publications and 1 manuscript ready for submission. My supervisor made some suggestions here and there, but nothing substantial. Some may already be supervising the maximum number of PhD students they can, and won’t be able to take on any new students. At the beginning, I would email him to arrange a meeting to discuss current developments in my work. Book recommendation: Never Split the Difference: Negotiating As If hi, i am (hopefully) going to defend this august and i am already stressing about what i will get my supervisor as a gift! i have had a LOT of personal / health problems come up throughout my phd and she has been so supportive and understanding and i want to give her a token of appreciation. She got new supervisors. Sc. Who is paying for your PhD? If you are being funded exclusively via something like a university or departmental studentship, and your supervisor can't negotiate something similar at the destination university then you might find yourself being distance-supervised if there isn't anyone else the The project proposal was created and written by me. In fact since he lives abroad I never met him IRL. As a UNSW higher degree research candidate, you will be guided by a supervisory team of world-class researchers who are leaders in their field. And there are a lot of different standards to what a “good” PhD supervisor means. Nobody wants to send an email to their PhD supervisor saying they’ve achieved nothing in the last three months. There is no reasonable way to judge a person's academic merit based solely on their personal life, because these two things may have no effect on one another (romance between academics is certainly not unheard of, and can lead to a "two body Hi, Not long in the PhD programme, started in September 2010. At the beginning of my PhD, I've targeted non-top but reasonable venues for my papers and quickly succeeded with 3 publications. So I looked up the My personal view is that, as a PhD supervisor, your job is to help your students become the best researchers they can be in the time you have with them. During discussions, I get few basic (probably, 'technically silly' as I’m currently a PhD student in electrical engineering in the US, and I changed supervisors after the end of my first year as a PhD student. More fundamentally, they should be a better researcher for having worked with you, specifically. It also sounds like you get good feedback. But I don't want to work in mathematical biology. I don’t mean that I was frustrated all the time: far from it. Get in touch with your PhD supervisors today so you can make sure you get the online-support you need and deserve during your PhD! Resources. student and supervisor tended to fall into two categories: (1) the supervisor heavily pushed the paper along (provided nearly all the essential ideas, (continued) 2. So my supervisor wants me If the journal has asked you to suggest potential or preferred reviewers, you should not ideally include the name of your PhD supervisor. proposal. Hi guys. They will not only help you progress through each stage of a PhD program but can also act as a source of information or someone to bounce ideas off. It is too intense! “Consultant, advisor, specialist, mentor, confidant, partner I get on very well with my colleagues, I regard virtually all of them as friends, but if they find out that my supervisor want my head, they might distance themselves from me in fear of being fired themselves for associating with me, and I don't want to be the office leper for the rest of my PhD (if I last that long), or be responsible for my colleagues getting in trouble. To find a potential supervisor: At the risk of over-generalizing, my observation (here, and mostly 2+ decades ago) is that papers co-authored by a Ph. And I am competent in giving advice in the research, but not sure how to handle somebody with a depression. To get the most from your supervisor, it’s My PhD supervisor made himself first author on my paper . We were actually working on submitting a paper, but I couldn’t concentrate and kept bursting into tears I imagine what happens will depend on the context, but here is my $0. I didn't ask for a reference or letter of recommendation when I was applying for jobs, instead I asked other faculty members with whom I had built better relationships in anticipation of this exact issue. You need to write a convincing research proposal, to TLDR PhD supervisor is hitting on me, and is not subtle about it. I have my MSc. Brief background: I am in the middle of my 4th year PhD at a US university. Such type of supervisor will not be happy with your academic efforts ever. I had a meeting with my three supervisors 6 months ago and we agreed together that I would send them each chapter draft as it was completed, over several months, so that there was enough time to make corrections and polish the final version. I was torn between wanting to become a game developer (because I was gaming so much) and doing something with my medical background, so my three years of hospital work wouldn’t go to waste. In order to submit the application for admission, you must provide proof that a professor has agreed to be your supervisor. supervisor, a committee member/co-author and my department head as references instead. That’s why it’s so important to spend Our guide explains how to contact a potential PhD supervisor to discuss your proposal or ideas with them before applying. Reasons why PhD students want to replace a supervisor . Posting for my friend. It’s already bad enough that I’m having to start my PhD remotely but it’s made worse by the fact that my PhD supervisor won’t answer their emails regardless of what I ask or when. I am in my 4th year of my phd and planning to wrap up in 4-5 months (only if everything goes as planned and things work in my favour). With my supervisor, we planned all the studies and experiments before the start of the PhD, and he did promise that this would be my project. Is there any point to making a complaint against my PhD supervisors? I was never going to ask my supervisors for references but was wondering about other repercussions. However after I finished everything, my supervisor told me that he would revise the paper and submit it. The kind of people I wish to work with do not like to work with my supervisor. Personality match. Of course I wonder how big the share of the PhD work and my supervision is for this situation. Dear Professor Jones The topic that I am planning to discuss tomorrow is Sincerely Myself I used the same approach with my PhD supervisor after I am currently finishing my PhD thesis (in Mathematics) and trying to find a post doc position. A bit simplified, you cannot be a PhD student at one university and have a supervisor somewhere else. Both my main supervisor and co-supervisor have been against me for the last 3 years. I do not know how to handle this I spent half my phd working on what I intended to be my job market paper (the paper I show to employers that best showcases my skills). I did all the work by myself. I know I didn't perform very well in the chat (but many other PhD candidates told me, "that's why It's definitely possible (and I've supervised PhD students across different institutions), but it's usually done informally. This includes emails! Yet, even a simple email can lead to stress and overthinking. in workload allocations. syyf hamhf iwm togcn ytbsz rorddu udurfxb moqxjxd ymg lmdzpm