Aita for giving my sahm wife a performance review. Im glad We were able to get this out in the open.

We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I decided to write her a performance review, as a SAHM. He knows I’m a SAHM and I obviously consider what I do “work” even if it’s not a traditional 9 to 5 or whatever. Jun 27, 2024 · "AITA for wanting to cut my wife's spending money (mine too) to hire help?" I am 29m and my wife is 28f, we have 2 kids (5m and 3m) and planning on 3rd kid. 5 hrs Monday-Friday to maintain a household, and only one kid to take care of, but I would still like help from my husband. Be fair in all her decisions, stop making rash decisions without taking all three kids into consideration. I would be the SAHP. In my defense, I haven’t dated her in 10 years, but she was my manager at Dairy Queen in high school, so I had it memorized for work, and it’s one of those childhood things that you don’t forget. My husband had the idea to save the money she was giving us as rent and give it all back to her when she’s about to move out as a surprise. AITA for giving my brother and his wife 2 days to return my piano. Spoiler alert: It did not go well for anyone. There was never any danger) My schedule was an issue too: most of the workshops were on weekends, and since he worked weekdays, we would have little time for us. My issue is that his ex-wife is withholding his children from him. I gave her all the pros that having a help can give her. com/AITA Great! I support it if thats what works for them. she manages everything at home and I truly am grateful for everything that she does for the home and our family. 5 year old together. "No, this is absolutely a case of ESH. "AITA for giving my SAHM wife a written performance review with suggested areas needing improvement?" "AITA for telling my roommate my stripper pole is staying in the living room?" "AITA for not picking my girlfriend's daughter up from an event?" "AITA for not letting my sister's boyfriend use hot sauce?" Mar 7, 2023 · Dusty Thunder covers r/AITA (and other Reddit stories) and provides reactions to each story. When our son was first born my husband my husband worked on the road while I stayed at home with the kids. Then after about a year of doing that I found out he was cheating on me. Subreddit Announcements Feb 13, 2023 · Sure, performance reviews for a spouse are a terrible idea, but quite a few Redditors think OP's wife was equally a jerk. My current boyfriend (43M) knows my ex husband (40M) was abusive towards me and changed after I was already pregnant so I ended up having to do all the child rearing alone while studying full-time and also finding means to work all alone at a young age, as my ex husband now lives in a completely different continent. Flowchart of Route Structure; Coaches Course Information; AITA Reg Valid Coaches; Course Schedule; Course Result; Course Archives; Important Events. Asshole. AITAH - I told my wife that there's nothing wrong with being a SAHM, and that many working women would probably be much happier staying home with the kids. AITA for making my SAHM fiancée to pay for minor personal purchases. I might be the asshole because my communication with my father is driven by wanting financial support instead of pursuing a dynamic driven by genuine familial connection. He proceeds to then vomit ALL over My other BIL worked full time while my sister was a SAHM for a few years, but he has also never left a dish unwashed in his life. You will get a lot further in this convo if you come from a place of caring for her, not a place of My rationale is that I do like my job but I want to spend at least the early years bonding with our child. My wife doesn’t want to hire anyone. Home NTA First off, obviously, no - you do not deserve this level of mad. AITA for telling my wife to get a job. Reasons you shouldn't be with this man. WIBTA For Telling My Wife She Needs To Do Better As a SAHM. She refused that, turning me into a ATM and domestic help. Taking the posts seriously is heavily discouraged. My kids' biological mom died 2 years ago from a rare form of cancer called mesothelioma. AITA for telling my wife to do her chores? Not the A-hole. I caused damaged to the trust he has for me and made him feel excluded and unappreciated. Khelo Indians Youth Games 8143; Khelo OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I told my wife I don't think she's cut out to be a SAHM 2. No, I don’t want my wife there because she intentionally creates a toxic environment. The teens said that was not true, she had gone swimming as well. She hates working, she complains about working all the time. Subreddit Announcements Happy Anniversary, AITA! The Asshole Universe is Expanding, Again: Introducing Another New Sister Feb 19, 2024 · Being a SAHM is a lot harder for her than she realizes. After a bit my wife was more open to the idea. Icy_Slice8226. " This is OOP's response in another of his posts. Thr cigarettes are my limit. My wife thinks I am converting her household labor to cash and giving it to my exwife which makes no sense to me. He would be gone for 2 weeks at a time. AITA for giving up and hiring a nanny even though my wife doesn't work? My (45M) current wife " Alicia" (29F) is the stepmother of my two kids (10F, 8F). https://linktr. Maybe she's depressed. It's a massive shift in dynamics that places the lion's share of the domestic duties on one person and all of the financial burden on the other person. and I felt like it was never fair to my dad that she got to live rent-free. It was hard. My wife currently has no job since Daycare expense would have been 30 % of my wife's salary, 15 % of our joint income. He works and I agreed to stay at home since the birth of our son. She became unemployed about a month ago, but since day A little back story to get the context necessary, my (22M) wife (26F) and I have been together for just under 3 years. “I (33 Male) share one child (6 Female) with my wife (36 Female). But I touched on how she needs to listen better, stop being biased. I don’t want her to. My wife then got mad at her and said it was her fault for not just letting Carson play with them. “I loved how smart, ambitious and driven she was. Anyone suggesting a nanny. My daughter is turning three months soon and I love my husband very much. I left my job after my son was born. Dresses, skirts and other things like this however the problem is that Amy doesn't have much of a "girly" face and doesn't look good in girly clothes. About 40-60% goes into household expenses, this includes the nanny/housekeeper, food, gas, electricity, and my wifes school expenses. That woman deserves all the breaks I can possibly give her, and when I'm home, we split everything 50-50 because her role is as hard as mine. Our 6 year old is on the autism spectrum. Your spouse absolutely needs to see a therapist to work on alternative ways of getting their anger out, not just because physical destruction of objects is an unhealthy (and expensive) way to cope with anger, but because it can very easily spiral into physical violence. AITA for telling my wife I won’t give her a ‘allowance’ every month. Not having my children raised by strangers so my wife can “hang out with adults”. Her areas in need of improvement, well it was a lot. It goes without saying that this is a very stressful position and neither of us get very much of a break from this. I been feeling kinda shitty though since I feel pressure from him to do more than just care for my baby right now. My daughter does not know that we have been saving her rent money. I’m mad at myself. I work a consultant type job which requires me to have periods/roughly a month where I work 70~ hours a week We don't have kids and my wife does not have a job. She said none. ————————————————————————————— I’m shutting my DMs since I’m not interested in OF We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. The first step in personal finance management is creating a budget. Memes allowed, shitposts only on weekends. She has another daughter (13 Female) who lives with us full-time, and we also have custody of our niece (15 Female). The percentage varies each month ofc course but lately due to the war all these expenses have risen, so its always on the higher side. Wife's behavior towards the youngest vs the teenagers is a huge a--hole move," a Redditor wrote. B) For your wild assertion that a Middle Eastern woman can't find a good job in America. SAHM who is taking her first ever trip away from my kids. In the meantime, I will be taking care of all of the bills, which is nearly $4000 per month . I make breakfast and dinner, and do the financials Single_Virgo_of_1978. My wife and I have a 2 year old son who she watches as a stay at home mother. Ive arranged for my share to go evenly to four parties and my wife share to go to the mutual kids only. Mar 15, 2024 · Unless you have a prenup, and are in the us, she would be entitled to half of the house if she is on the deed or not, or at least the increase in equity over your down payment on the house (buy 600k house, put 100k down from sale of old house, sell for 1 million, she would get half of profit from sale minus 100k). After I finish my Master's in the spring I expect my salary to rise by another ~10-20%. Find out my wife took the kids to the parade and just left me. I told my bf about and said he would speak to her but never did. I totally understand why she’s mad. We were high school sweethearts, but ultimately i broke it off with her because our lives at that were going in opposite directions. My wife believes that girls must wear girly clothes. I have helped at my kids nurseries, schools (helping run events and also covid mass testing) and I am waiting for my placement at my local hospital to start. THIS SUBREDDIT IS FOR A PODCAST CALLED Reddit On Wiki, THAT READS REDDIT STORIES. Since we are getting married, my fiancé and I would love to have the kids attend the wedding. Im glad We were able to get this out in the open. This ensures that the funds are easily accessible and earning Feb 13, 2023 · One husband on Reddit asked the AITA thread if he is the a*hole for writing his wife, a SAHM, a performance review. Feb 13, 2023 · One husband thought that he could gently let his wife know what she was doing wrong as a stay-at-home mom by playing manager and literally writing her up. Our youngest is now 6 months old and my wife already talks about going back to work. I started to notice about a year in she was getting overwhelmed and asked what I could to help. I was laser focused on sports and higher education and she The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver AITA for giving my SAHM wife a written performance review Video. A few weeks ago we took some pictures of both girls and my wife put Lisa's pictures in the livingroom however she insisted that we should put May 13, 2024 · "AITA for telling my wife she no longer has an excuse to not work?" My wife and I had our first child two years ago, a beautiful little girl. And I was watching our daughter up until 8 months ago. NTA. AITA for treating wife like my slave. ‘AITA for divorcing my wife for being a sahm’ The Reddit post begins with a 30-year-old man explaining that he married his wife five years ago and they have been together since high school. ee/dustythunderhttps://www. Even if you can afford to have a SAHP, it's valid for one or both parties to not want the dynamic. Help keep the sub engaging! Don’t downvote assholes! Do upvote interesting posts! Click Here For Our Rules and Click Here For Our FAQ. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. ). I politely explained that -in my opinion- domestic work was very much still AITA I am SAHM with a huge trip coming up. When I got home and my daughter told me the situation, I spoke with my wife and asked her what punishment she gave our son. I expect financial support from my father in paying off my mortgage and helping me out with schooling. I feel like my sole duty is to give I wake and it’s 10am. If the roles were reversed and she made more than me. I was earning only about 1/8 of what he was anyways, so we decided the most sensible arrangement since getting married was that I'd become a homemaker and SAHM when we had a baby. My wife is a stay-at-home mom. •. Remember Having a SAHP is more than just about finances. Do not try this at home. She has another daughter (13f) that lives with us full-time, we also have custody of our niece (15f). Just hours after receiving an avalanche of feedback, OP shared yet another update. They’re all under 5 and both my wife and I are late 30. I decided to take my kids to the support groups. My husband and I have been married for 4 years and we have a 1. My question is is it okay for me to do that against my wife’s demands - who would literally lose it and probably call the police/drive to my parents. I, (24M), have been married to my wife Amelia (26F) for 4 years, (yes I know we married fairly young. The wife and I agreed it was better to have a stable job AITA For Giving My Wife a Comfortable, Stress-free Life? Advice Needed. My fiancé and I really recently had a baby and we decided that she will be staying home with the baby for about the year. I only have about 16,000. My wife and I argued, I felt strongly she needed to not only be punished for swimming, but also for lying. Maybe your son isn't as well behaved for her. I was offered either redundancy or a lower position and job security. A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. I run my own Dental Practice and because of this I am able to afford to keep her as a SAHM. Current-Respond2527. My fiancé had been upfront about his kids when we first met and it has never been an issue with me. She was annoyed saying that we agreed on her being SAHM and that I would provide financially for the family, including her expenses and I am going behind our agreed (I never For context I earn approx 80k per year. fallwarfare. Me (35M) and the wife (33F) happily married for 4 years, or so I thought until I’ve noticed increased frequency of hostility from and the starting of arguments from her (in front of friends, family, and public alike). Recently my son (31M) and his wife have been house hunting. AITA for not picking up my “personal trash”? "my mom is actually a stay-at-home wife. She needs to take responsibility for her daughter and stop letting her get away with murder. I even proposed to rearrange my schedule in case she wanted to do some freelancer (she's also a designer), but I wouldn't give her the money. My BIL randomly decides to bring his girlfriend of the month and her child over to our home. Not the A-hole. You're not inherently an asshole for wanting your wife to be a SAHM, but if you're insisting on it over her clear objections, that can put you into asshole territory. Jessi is a smoker, she doesn't smoke a lot, but she consumes 2/3 a day. It is very common that children are worse for their primary caregiver. Commence bragging how good you are and you earn ample money so she needn’t ever worry again. She used to work at the hospital and make ~50-55k per year. Now our kids are gone for most of the day at school and extracurricular activities. I’ll go back to work later if necessary when the kid is in school. . We live in a 3 bedroom new build home with a nice spacious garden. Jul 9, 2023 · AITA for giving my SAHM wife a written performance review with suggested areas needing improvement? I (33m) share one child (6f) with my wife (36f). She has about $25,000 in savings. Just got done discussing with my wife on why she hasn’t been doing her part as a SAHM. My husband and I, recently, got married after being together for 7 years. Financial experts recommend saving at least three to six months' worth of living expenses in a high-yield savings account. Me (F) and my wife, Jessi (F) had our daughter 2 years ago. I try to give her as much break as possible by doing the childcare after coming home, sharing chores, she has off days, she can take "sick leaves", every We have $15,000 in a college fund already (we live in Canada so tuition is already subsidized and cheap otherwise) and our savings is $40,000. She also refused to buy her a new one. calm-down-okay. He values being a parent, but he really just hates his job and thinks that being a SAHD would be easier/more enjoyable because I could support our family and be the Dec 8, 2023 · Argument me and my wife are having is that I keep telling my wife I don't have time to iron my clothes etc and since she is SAHM, she should do it, but I know that having 2 kids makes her job as hard as mine, so I offered to get us nanny or help for our house, but It would mean both of our spending money would be cut by around 10-15%. Beginning with the context of the story, the OP is a 32-year-old female who developed a passion for piano after meeting her The teens said that was not true, she had gone swimming as well. She wanted to be the one who got pregnant and I told her that she couldn't smoke at any point in the pregnancy and only after our baby stopped breastfeeding, she could start consuming again. I work 70-80h on avarage and my wife is SAHM, I make really good money even for USA standards and we live in europe in a country where cost of living is way lower. 2) I might be the asshole for lying to him and giving him the wrong address after he said he was trying to help. A well-planned budget allows you to track your income and expenses, ensuring you live within your means while saving for the future. Anything that would enable me to have quality time with my child too. Okay great, happy to meet them! Said child arrives visibly sick, upset, crying and refusing to eat. Throwaway636ye. The hospital that had treated my late wife offered grief support groups that specialized in helping kids deal with their grief. I understand that being a stay at home mom I guess involves house duties as well. Her and I were not together very long before she got pregnant and I had her move in May 23, 2024 · "AITA for not giving more money to my wife?" I have an 18yo daughter and a 17yo stepdaughter. Posted by u/kat4str0phe - 1 vote and no comments ThrowawyTri. But her mom offered to watch our baby, she doesn’t mind she loves to spend time with her grandchild but my wife doesn’t want to do that because she wants to be the one with our baby. Maybe being a SAHM isn't for her and she'd be happier going back to work. Only the teens were punished, my wife refused to give the youngest any type of consequence. AITAH for giving my wife three options. I get out dogs fed and walked, get dressed and walk to the parade. I will not receive anything if she passes first and vice versa. I ignored it thinking he would do something else . People cross-post… I’m a SAHM to a school aged kid so I have about 5. AITA for expecting my wife to prioritize me for Father’s Day instead of going to a funeral. A couple of weeks after we got married we got the keys to the apartment we bought 3 years ago (we bought it when they were still in the foundation phase) and started talking to our engineer about the way we want to refurbish our place, costs, etc. r/AmItheAsshole. She’s also upset that I still have my ex’s phone number memorized. I(24F) had an argument with my partner (36M) Age gap, now don't get me wrong my husband is 11 years older than me, HOWEVER, had we met when I was in my 20s then we wouldn't have been a good match, he was already established in his life, knew what direction he was/wanted to go in, he was financially stable, I wasn't, he simply had more life experience. They haven’t found anything in there budget that fits their needs. ADMIN MOD. While I make $80k/yr + bonus, our bills amount to maybe $15k/yr. Im still wondering if I should take some time off work before I hire someone to help my wife, that may possibly be more comfortable for her. mostly cause my ex-husband was so insistent on my job being a danger to my kid (I used my house to host alternative workshops. She really wants to be a SAHM and believes that it would be what's best for the children. Apr 2, 2024 · He Feared His Wife’s Lack Of Parenting Skills Was Harming Their Kids, But She Said Giving Her A “Performance Review” Only Made Things Worse by Trisha Leigh One of the more challenging moments in life is when two parents don’t agree on how their children are being reared – but it’s almost impossible to make it through raising kids “AITA for giving my SAHM wife a written performance review with suggested areas needing improvement?” The OP lived in a full household. With the advent of various budgeting tools and apps, it’s easier than ever to monitor your spending patterns and adjust as necessary. A Redditor took to the forum and asked, “ AITA for giving my SAHM wife a written performance review with suggested areas needing improvement?” Backstory: The Original Poster (OP) is a 33-year-old man who has a 6-year-old daughter with his 36-year-old wife. . My fiancé has 2 kids (7,5 both F) with his ex-wife (?F). At one point she wanted to go back to work, and he asked her to wait another year or two for the kids to get a little older bc he couldn't pick up the slack he would need to We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. dusty-thunder. We get home and my wife flips at me. ” Jun 22, 2023 · AITA for giving my SAHM wife a written performance review with suggested areas needing improvement? by u/Garrbie in AmItheAsshole The man further said, "The lying, blaming and favouritism ultimately caused the teens to act out, understandably. An emergency fund is your financial safety net designed to cover unexpected expenses like medical emergencies or sudden job loss. And we can’t decide which is more shocking: his actions, or the fact that he A place where it's obvious OP is the asshole. The rest of the money is split between my wife and I but not evenly and here Idk what sort of person your wife is but as someone who has crippling anxiety and depression for over 20 years I have found volunteering has helped me immensely. me (m23) and my wife (f22) got married 2 months ago, she moved 100 miles away from her family and friends to live with me in my city. End up arriving just in time to help pack up and carry things back. Help keep the sub engaging! gave my husband the wrong address of the company i had my interview in. My wife and I have two children, a 4 year old and a 6 year old. 132K subscribers in the AITAFiltered community. To add context, I made it clear to her that in no way was I saying women shouldn't work or weren't capable. I was not even demanding day care, I offered my mom's help, part time, different shifts etc. Been a SAHM for about 3-4 years now; never got paid for it; if I need something or want to get something extra I talk with my SO who works and pays all the bills (we aren’t making a six figures either, so we are lower there and need to discuss all extra purchases. ADMIN. She agreed. I might be the asshole because I yelled at my husband and he feels I was attacking him. Help keep the sub engaging! Don’t downvote assholes! My wife is a SAHM, but without any assistance whilst I'm at work. AITA I told wife that her demand makes no sense. Feb 13, 2023 · AITA for giving my SAHM wife a written performance review with suggested areas needing improvement? I (33m) share one child (6f) with my wife (36f). We have no family in range, so it's her doing all the school runs, and being climbed all over all day whilst maintaining the house. Daycare expense would have been 30 % of my wife's salary, 15 % of our joint income. But I was the perfect wife/step mom. Of my income, I'd say about 20% goes into savings or work into the house (renos, etc), <5% for my leisure, around 5% for her leisure. NATIONAL AMUSEMENTS 0827 GOA; Khelo Hindustan Youth Games. My wife has been an SAHM for the last 3 years, after she lost her job. Not interested. And then to make it worse, my husband tried to move her in with us! I was She would bring up about my "weight loss" and how I was saving my virginity for marriage was boring and how her brother would soon leave me . Reply reply. I think they might qualify as selfish and extractive in some peoples eyes. But one friend in particular kept bringing up the fact that being a SAHM wasn’t a “real job”. I later found her wet swimming suit hidden in the garage. She did the lions share, he still helped. A place to satirize, crosspost from, poke fun at, and hold meta discussions on the never-ending ridiculous stories and creative writing exercises from AITA and AITA-adjacent subs, including classic tales of your local reddit heroes seeking validation. I accepted that she would do so since our kids weren’t in school. Lacey was really upset and went downstairs to tell my wife. We have two daughters (~2 and ~1), and she has just recently become a full time SAHM which has been a dream of hers ever since the oldest was born. Soon I was celebrating my birthday and I invited everyone to come . Only The Most Interesting AITA Posts Saving for Emergencies. From diagnosis to losing her it was just over 4 months. 144K subscribers in the redditonwiki community. Oct 5, 2023 · When this husband upsets his wife with a financial proposition, he asks Reddit: "AITA for telling my wife that I could pay her salary to be a SAHM?" Hi, my wife and I have 4 children. Mar 13, 2024 · Ask if she's happy as a SAHM. We got pregnant and everything was fine, I had plenty of time with our kid, and my wife took to being a sahm well. My parents don’t get to genuinely bond with their grandchild. Then the pandemic hit, the company I work for took a big hit and scaled back the workforce a great deal. So let me start out by giving you all a little history of my wife [39] and I [38]. Everyone is gone. How to destroy a relationship in 3 easy steps: Denigrate her job, and completely ignore the fact that she loves the work, and totally invalidate her thoughts and feelings. AITA for not doing my SAHM duties yet. May 23, 2024 · "AITA for not giving more money to my wife?" I have an 18yo daughter and a 17yo stepdaughter. When my wife and I got married we had some agreements including that cooking will be her job since she is a SAHM and I'm the breadwinner. Jul 10, 2024 · I can count on both hands how often my wife watched our children after giving birth. Completely overreact. We bonded over academics and nerd stuff. My wife and I agreed that her being a SAHM was worth it, and I can sustain the household on my income. AITA Tournament Application Form Junior 5363; AITA Tournament Use Form Pro Circuit 6157; Coaching. The problem is that my wife makes tuna sandwiches twice a week. She was burnt out on that job and recently switched to a private clinic where she makes ~$18 an hour or so. Honestly, her whole reaction seems petty and desperate. This could be taken as me implying she's incompetent. My wife doesn’t want to work full time because she wants to stay home with the baby. qe ng af zo cy wj ub yk tp oa