Hyprctl dispatch. If it’s not, go to the repo root and /hyprctl.

Expected outcome. killall -9 Hyprland. However, this styling is only applied on the focused Waybar. For live event handling, see the socket2. Using Hyprctl hyprctl calls Oct 30, 2023 · In the one on the right hand side, run hyprctl dispatch resizeactive 1000 0 a few times so that the window is at minimal width. on Jul 2. i've seen a lot of people's dots where they put an update interval in their bar config for the most absurd things: layouts, volume, etc. 2; hyprctl dispatch focuswindow "^(Rofi)" As I wait for the few X-only menu programs I use to be updated to support Wayland, this does the job of dealing with those Xwayland shenanigans. Example: hyperctl dispatch dpms off DP-1 to sleep my left display. Have the config with misc. hyprctl dispatch dpms off and hyprctl dispatch dpms on work fine. For anybody stumbling over this Issue, here's a bit of config I wrote to add this functionality using hyprctl and grep: Nov 9, 2022 · I am using Fedora 36 with Hyprland and when I use the command tofi-drun | xargs hyprctl dispatch exec I can open programs like Calendar, Alacritty, Sublime Text, Kitty, Calculator, Firefox, but other programs like Spotify, GNOME Files, VS Code, VLC Media Player don't open. Maybe systemd should be in optdepends? Jun 24, 2023 · Steps to reproduce. I've tried updating the mode variable in eww using an exec binding but for some reason eww doesn't seem to pick it up when hyprland runs the command. issue a dispatch to call a keybind dispatcher with an arg. (e. hyprctl dispatch exit &. The session crashed, have to login again. config/waybar/. If you switch to vdesk 2 and back to vdesk 1, you will see workspace 4 on monitor B instead of workspace 2. I have tried the following but they don't work. IPC. I hoped that it will kill compositor when it hangs on exit (after 10 seconds). swayidle -w \ timeout 10 'if pgrep swaylock; then hyprctl dispatch dpms off; fi' \ resume 'hyprctl dispatch dpms on' \ before-sleep 'swaylock -f' Try this if you want to put screen off 10 secs immediately after calling swaylock bind = SUPER, F, exec, hyprctl --batch "dispatch togglefloating ; dispatch centerwindow" Although that works when using the binding, I wonder if there's a better way > `bind = MOD,KEY,exec,sleep 1 && hyprctl dispatch dpms off` I installed swaylock-effects and swayidle and in my hyprland config I now got working: `exec-once = swayidle -w timeout 150 'swaylock -f' timeout 200 'hyprctl dispatch dpms off' resume 'hyprctl dispatch dpms on'` Feb 2, 2023 · swayidle calls swaylock normally after the timeout, swaylock does its job if input activity happens before hyprctl dispatch dpms off is called. If you wish to get all workspaces across all monitors, pass the special argument "ALL". gesture swipe up 4 hyprctl dispatch fullscreen 0. You could connect to that socket, filter for closed window events, and then do a count of the windows in the active workspace. on-timeout = hyprctl dispatch dpms off. conf and edit it, edit this one according to the wiki instructions. It's always the same monitor. May 9, 2023 · and hyprctl in your scripts: hyprctl --batch "dispatch resizeactive exact 800 1000; dispatch centerwindow" before-sleep 'gtklock -d'. Apr 13, 2023 · if is_focused_master: hyprctrl dispatch "focuscurrentorlast" hyprctl dispatch "layoutmsg swapwithmaster" else: hyprctl dispatch "swapwithmaster" In an ideal world, hyprctl would provide metadata about the current workspace layout, the order of clients within the layout and a MRU clients stack. on-timeout = brightnessctl -s set 10 # set monitor backlight to minimum, avoid 0 on OLED monitor. fix (hyprctl): allow dispatcher to have no args ozwaldorf/Hyprland. h header for all the keysyms swayidle -w timeout 3600 'swaylock -f -c 000000' timeout 7200 'hyprctl dispatch dpms off' resume 'hyprctl dispatch dpms on' before-sleep 'swaylock -f -c 000000' Recently (last month or 2), the monitor starts turning back on after going to sleep for no apparent reason. If I move the exit command out of the --batch command sequence into a separate subsequent call like this, it works as expected, closing all windows and exiting hyprland: #!/bin/sh. Could be that the monitor is designed to fully shut down when the display is turned off. } listener {timeout = 150 # 2. Feb 17, 2023 · to reproduce: start Hyprland, for this, I use the command XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland dbus-run-session Hyprland. No matter if they are in a group or not. hyprctl calls will be dispatched by the compositor synchronously, meaning any spam of the utility will cause slowdowns. Jun 16, 2024 · after_sleep_cmd = hyprctl dispatch dpms on # to avoid having to press a key twice to turn on the display. 2023-11-21. Edit: wrongfully pasted two lines in the scripts. This will work: hyprctl dispatch exec [float] kitty. seems setfloating and settiled are not valid dispatchers despite being documented, so how is one supposed to set a window to floating? of course hyprctl dispatch togglefloating works but that's a toggle and not always desirable. To check if hyprctl is installed, simply execute it by issuing hyprctl in the terminal. 2 participants. dispatch Dispatch. cant change to tty. I want to have bindings that turn off the screen, put the laptop to sleep May 22, 2023 · The script closes all client windows (in my case, about 9), but the final dispatch exit hyprctl command does not appear to get executed. 2a. sleep 3. These are my bindings to toggle the screen on and off: bind = , XF86PowerOff, exec, sleep 1 && hyprctl dispatch dpms off. conf. Syntax windowrule=RULE,WINDOW RULE is a rule (and a param if applicable) WINDOW is a RegEx, either: plain RegEx (for matching a window class); title: followed by a regex (for matching a window’s title) Examples Sep 27, 2022 · When i select image new window is spawned, but this also change focus to newly opened window. If hyprctl dispatch dpms off is called, the monitor turns off, and turns back on after a few seconds. hyprctl keyword monitor DP-4,preferred,auto,1,transform,1. To take a screenshot of the entire screen press mod+s-> f. It also has the effect of appearing as if it will only resize if the expansion is Need some assistance with creating scripts using Hyprctl to start and move apps to specific workspaces I'm having a little bit of trouble moving some functionality I had in sway over to Hyprland. gesture swipe down 3 hyprctl dispatch fullscreen 1. No response Jul 1, 2023 · @vaxerski this commit works well on newly-created floating windows, but not when I float an existing tiled window using the togglefloating dispatcher. The monitor will turn off. This module provides the EventListener struct Feb 17, 2024 · listener { timeout = 900 on-timeout = hyprctl dispatch dpms off on-resume = hyprctl dispatch dpms on } works fine. Jun 3, 2023 · vaxerski commented on Jun 21, 2023. . gives me my first requirement. I'm on Arch Linux and using Hyprland as wm. after_sleep_cmd = hyprctl dispatch dpms on # to avoid having to press a key twice to turn on the display. for example hyprctl dispatch exit Usage: hyprctl dispatch <dispatcher> <arg> Execute a hyprland keybind dispatcher with the given argument But it should instead just exit. Supports multiple monitors. firefox ≠ Firefox) Window Rules V1 You can set window rules to achieve different behaviors from the active container. ```. Using Hyprctl {{< hint type=warning >}} hyprctl calls will be dispatched by the compositor synchronously, meaning any I autostart a terminal in the special workspace like this. dispatch. After quitting the overview mode, hycov can perfectly recover a window's previous state (fullscreen, floating, size, positon, etc. For any future visitors from Google: Here is my setup: eDP-1 (left) DP-2 (middle, 2k, landscape) DP-4 (right, 1920x1080, rotated) Here is the command to rotate the right hand monitor. config/waybar/config replace all the Jul 25, 2023 · The “exec-once” (remember, you need to restart Hyprland for that) will lock the screen after 300 seconds, but it will also turn it off using a “hyprctl” dispatch command. I got the right monitor that woke up - the left monitor is still black and will not wake up whatever I do. bindl=,switch:Lid Switch,exec,hyprctl dispatch dpms off # Repeat binds # Example volume button that allows press and hold: binde=, XF86AudioRaiseVolume, exec, wpctl I've got a dual monitor setup (left/main monitor 1440p, right monitor 1080p) that works perfectly aside from when resuming from the displays being switched off with "hyprctl dispatch dpms off". hyprctl [(opt)flags] [command] [(opt)args] Description. If you install with make install , or any package, it should automatically be installed. hyprctl dispatch exec '[title;float]' firefox. Uncommon syms / binding with a keycode See the xkbcommon-keysyms. Jul 29, 2023 · hyprctl dispatch dpms toggle doesn't work for me - command prints "ok" but nothing happens. SYNOPSIS. If it's not, go to the repo root and /hyprctl. Feb 5, 2024 · I put a kitty window into a special workspace, in pseudo-tiling mode with a CLI command. 为了您更好的观看体验, 建议移步至我的博客观看: This module provides helpers to easily config Hyprland. sh #!/usr/bin/env fish # set pid (pgrep -f "foot… General The general config of a monitor looks like this: monitor=name,resolution,position,scale A common example: monitor=DP-1,1920x1080@144,0x0,1 This will make the monitor on DP-1 a 1920x1080 display, at 144Hz, 0x0 off from the top left corner, with a scale of 1 (unscaled). I tested on this a bit, hyprland doesn't crash if I wake the monitor up before 3 minutes. timeout 900 'swaylock' \. This module is for calling dispatchers and changing keywords. Styling for active workspace even when the monitor has not the focus (waybar) As per the waybar documentation, #workspaces button. If I run eww update mode="NORMAL" in a terminal, the widget updates as expected, but hyprctl dispatch exec eww update mode="NORMAL" appears to do nothing, and so does the binding bind = CONTROL Sep 8, 2022 · Just the same bug but with hyprctl. But for logout (hyprctl dispatch exit), initially it will just relogin. For a code editor, I recommend VS Code or Neovim, but anything that can use Clangd will work If you use Clangd, make clangd will generate a simple compile_flags. Open terminal. Pass the name of the monitor to follow as the only argument. May not be needed. To list all available monitors (active and inactive): hyprctl monitors all Monitors are positioned on a virtual hyprctl - Utility for controlling parts of Hyprland from a CLI or a script. If -i is used, this sets the background of the image to the given color. sleep 1 && hyprctl dispatch dpms off. dispatch No milestone. hyprctl [(opt)flags] [command] [(opt)args] DESCRIPTION. Expected outcome: Waybar shows workspaces with their names. timeout 300 'swaylock -f' timeout 900 'hyprctl dispatch dpms off' resume 'hyprctl dispatch dpms on' timeout 1200 'systemctl suspend -i' before-sleep 'swaylock -f --grace 0' trying hyprctl dispatch dpms off; sleep 5s; hyprctl dispatch dpms on. autostart. After additional time: use hyprctl to suspend the displays (hyprctl dispatch dpms off) After more time: sleep the system. hyprctl is a command line utility that comes installed with Hyprland to communicate with the display server. hyprctl dispatch exec "[workspace special:term silent;pseudo;size 75% 75%]" kitty. Invalid dispatcher. on-timeout = loginctl lock-session. When using the dispatchers resizeactive and resizewindowpixel either as a bind or directly from hyprctl, it seems only values for the resizeparams argument to these dispatchers only actually change the window's size if the resulting resize is bigger. hyprctl dispatch exec kitty. Two options (seems to have to do with dpms): systemctl suspend. Hycov can tile all of your windows in a single workspace via grid layout. Development. If I issue hyprctl dispatch focuswindow addr:<someaddr from the client list>, I get hyprland zu switch to the appropriate workspace and focus the given window. I've added an extra binding that allows me to pin the active window, but I need to remember to trigger it after floating a tiled window, which is a bit annoying. The screenshot also gets copied to the clipboard using wl-copy which I'm able to pull up anytime using copyq. Issue a make all and then sudo cp . 16-29-18. The bug: instead of configuring a hypridle listener to disable all displays with hyprctl dispatch dpms off, disable only one display in the listener. hyprland logs contain nothing even hinting at a exit. hyprctl dispatch exit puts my PC in a weird hanging state. I've also tried: hyprctl dispatch exec '[float]' firefox. Furthermore, it does not enter hyprctl dispatch fullscreen 1 automatically when soffice is called anymore. See the full documentation. Basically, if you have multiple screens connected and change to a new `vdesk` (with `hyprctl dispatch vdesk 2`), all of your screens will switch to a new set of workspaces. log. external: switches to external monitor only. But if I exit again, just a black screen blinking. An arg has to be present, for dispatchers without parameters it can be anything. Notice that, in this case, workspace 4 would also be shown on vdesk 2. Parameter explanation Param type Description window a window. exec-once = hyprctl dispatch workspace 5000000. Waybar is a GTK status bar made specifically for wlroots compositors and supports Hyprland by default. hyprlandDPMS. Crash reports, logs, images, videos. 5min. 在Linux下畅玩明日方舟, 包括按键自定义, MAA使用, 超宽屏视野, 直播推流等教程. Hey there! For those of you who love a drop down quake-like terminal here's my attempt: quake_toggle. {{< /callout >}} Commands dispatch. 2. If it’s not, go to the repo root and /hyprctl. please use the config provided in the git repo /examples/hypr. It does, strangely enough, return "ok" when run. display freezes completely. hyprgrass - hyprland plugin, but still alpha. Run hyprctl dispatch resizeactive -100 0 and the window doesn't change its size. I'm pretty sure it can be done, but I think I'm using the wrong syntax. only sysrq works to reboot. After switching to that workspace hyprland crashes. Suspending the machine instead might stop that from happening. active (hyprland) sets the styling for the active workspace. sound keeps running fine, even youtube videos keep for several minutes - possibly forever. EDIT: Aug 7, 2022 · Steps to reproduce. event_listener. Show empty workspaces (waybar) It would be nice to have empty workspaces shown in waybar too. $ exec-once = firefox --private-window & kitty. The internal display and one external monitor turn on without any problems but the second external display stays turned off. Both approaches result in a crash waking up from suspend. data. So you could try removing the 'hyprctl dispatch dpms' lines and use 'systemctl suspend' instead and see if that stops it thinking your monitor is disconnected. works as expected. it will also do the same if im on the second monitor and go to say the 4th tab. $ exec-once = hyprctl dispatch workspace 9 & thunderbird & sleep 1 & hyprctl dispatch workspace 2. echo "Hyprland failed to exit" | systemd-cat -t coffebar -p err. To use it, it’s recommended to use your distro’s package. hyprctl keyword windowrule "workspace unset, kitty". ctl. Run the command hyprctl dispatch dpms off. # HYPRLOCK TIMEOUT. dreded@Nix ~ hyprctl dispatch settiled. Jun 30, 2023 · I use a submap. Replies: 5 comments Table of contents Table of contents Parameter explanation List of Dispatchers Grouped (tabbed) windows Workspaces Special Workspace Executing with rules Please keep in mind some layout-specific dispatchers will be listed in the layout pages (See the sidebar). $ exec-once = thunderbird | hyprctl dispatch movetoworkspacesilent 9. Now, say you focus workspace 4 with hyprctl dispatch workspace 4 on monitor B. # DPMS ONTIMEOUT. txt file with the proper include paths and flags, which will make Clangd recognize the includes etc. Any of the following: Class regex, title: and a title regex, pid: and the Jun 16, 2024 · Bug or Regression? Bug System Info and Version System/Version info Hyprland, built from branch at commit 9e781040d9067c2711ec2e9f5b47b76ef70762b3 (props: bump version Nov 16, 2022 · Yes, basically I entered in hyprctl dispatch fullscreen 1 whenever soffice was called. I really don't know where to start searching for what's going wrong. ug where if i press super 6 to go to the 6th workspace but my mouse is on the first monitor itll bring the 6th workspace to the first monitors screen. WLR_NO_HARDWARE_CURSORS = "1" is set (via env vars) Jun 27, 2022 · hyprctl is a utility for controlling some parts of the compositor from a CLI or a script. If you want to use the workspaces module, first, copy the configuration files from /etc/xdg/waybar/ into ~/. conf, with the intention of locking the screen after a 15 minute timeout. system suspends, resumes upon keyboard / mouse input. SYNOPSIS¶ hyprctl [(opt)flags] [command] [(opt)args] DESCRIPTION¶ hyprctl is a utility for controlling some parts of the compositor from a CLI or a script. I'm not quite sure, to be honest. dreded@Nix ~ hyprctl dispatch setfloating. noted outcome: Waybar doesn't show workspaces with their names. Something like hyprctl dispatch exec imv && hyprctl dispatch cyclenext prev doesn't work. The dispatcher list can be found in Dispatchers. Then, in ~/. gtklock -d; systemctl suspend and swaylock -f; systemctl suspend do not result in any crash. sh. # DPMS TIMEOUT. without a monitor connected, closing the lid will suspend the laptop. firefox and kitty to start on workspace 1. timeout = 600. the second binding works but screen turns on for a second and back off. It's recommended to use --batch for many control calls, and limiting the amount of info calls. I want to have all my workspaces except 8 and 9 to float by default and can't find a good way to do it . It allows you to dispatch commands to the server (equivalent to commands in the configuration file, but with a slightly different syntax), set keywords, send queries and request information. It's the same for hyprctl dispatch movetoworkspacesilent <workspace> <window> . For example hyprctl is a command line utility that comes installed with Hyprland to communicate with the display server. Successfully merging a pull request may close this issue. config/swaylock/config' timeout 930 'hyprctl dispatch dpms off' resume 'hyprctl dispatch dpms on' before-sleep 'swaylock -f -C ~/. , `hyprctl dispatch vdesk 1` or `hyprctl dispatch prevdesk`), you'll get back the previous set of workspaces. Synopsis. This module provides functions for getting information on the compositor. Basic Usage. When the monitor turns back on, swaylock is bypassed, and a new workspace is created. evccyr. Feb 6, 2024 · By looking at its “man page”, we can see:-c, –color <rrggbb[aa]> Turn the screen into the given color instead of white. g. #3098. mouse_move_enables_dpms = true. I created this script to Force exit: echo "Hyprland exit" | systemd-cat -t coffebar -p info. timeout = 660. I run Hyprland on Archlinux, and I launch the compositor using sddm, which is reported to work pretty well according to the wiki. CONTROL COMMANDS. json which is a bit more granular. Examples: Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly Floating by default. However, if that window is in the back of a group, nothing hyprctl - Man Page. Wait for 3 minutes. Oct 12, 2023 · Crash reports, logs, images, videos. It will be saved under ~/screenshots/full/ with the date and the time. CONTROL COMMANDS¶ dispatch With hyprctl clients I get all windows. exec-once = swayidle -w timeout 10 'if pgrep -x swaylock; then hyprctl dispatch dpms off; fi' resume 'hyprctl dispatch dpms on' exec-once = swayidle -w timeout 900 'swaylock -f -C ~/. waybar log: waybar. Hyprland Instance Signature (HIS) Dec 15, 2022 · Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly Feb 7, 2023 · A DropDown can be configured to spawn a defined process and bind thats process' window to it. ) Hycov supports a variety of trigger methods, such as touch pad gestures, hot corners, and keyboard shortcuts. This is the output trying to open GNOME Files: exec-once = swayidle -w timeout 1200 'hyprctl dispatch dpms off' resume 'hyprctl dispatch dpms on' & I have added & hoping it would work - does not make a difference. Utility for controlling parts of Hyprland from a CLI or a script. Hyprland exposes 2 UNIX Sockets, for controlling / getting info about Hyprland via code / bash utilities. Thus - for example - your favorite terminal emulator turns into a quake-like terminal by the control of Qtile. the name for the monitor is the first monitor specified in the hyprland. To start waybar I use: exec-once = waybar & in hyprland. It will then follow that monitor (s) and output the workspaces details in JSON to stdout. /hyprctl /usr/bin. config/swaylock/config' after hyprctl - Utility for controlling parts of Hyprland from a CLI or a script. edit: Perhaps it is for the typical usage of loginctl. Call a dispatcher with an argument. Basic bind=MODS,key,dispatcher,params for example, bind=SUPER_SHIFT,Q,exec,firefox will bind opening Firefox to SUPER + SHIFT + Q ℹ️ For binding keys without a modkey, leave it empty: bind=,Print,exec,grim For a complete mod list, see Variables. hyprctl - Utility for controlling parts of Hyprland from a CLI or a script. Here are some of the gestures that I had in my libinput-gestures config that I’d like to either reproduce or continue using in NixOS: gesture swipe up 3 hyprctl dispatch fullscreen 1. Commands that should work: hyprctl dispatch exec kitty hyprctl monitors Get the same code error: Couldn&#39;t connect to /tmp/hypr/6e195a6b8cb98e96d15c51003da4b1 server mode. My idle script is as follows: But the cursor disappears when moving the mouse between screens [on the external sceen] It is likely not a dock-issue, or displaylink issue [which sadly the dock is using] as the issue can be reporduced even when the monitor is directly connected to the HDMI port of the laptop. Alternatively, use bear to generate compile_commands. An argument must be present. I don't have systemd, but I have access to loginctl via elogind. mp4. here is the code from this line Dec 7, 2023 · Description. bindl = , XF86PowerOff, exec, hyprctl dispatch dpms on. if you want to launch lf with kitty for example, you need to use kitty -e lf. hyprctl keyword windowrule "workspace special silent, kitty". hyprctl dispatch workspace 10; hyprctl dispatch workspaceopt allfloat; hyprctl dispatch workspace 7; hyprctl dispatch workspaceopt allfloat; Apr 18, 2023 · ##### autogenerated hypr config. /hyprland-workspaces eDP-1. Jun 11, 2024 · fusuma. Using Hyprctl hyprctl calls ⚠️ Window rules (both V1 and V2) are case sensitive. When you go back to the previous `vdesk` (e. so the way… It seems that it hooks to it correctly, but does nothing with it: [LOG] Idled: rule 60ff7bf8ec40 ─╯ [LOG] Running hyprctl dispatch dpms off [LOG] Executing hyprctl dispatch dpms off [LOG] Process Created with pid 212972 ok [LOG] Resumed: This behavior isn't built in, but you can definitely do it with a little scripting. This module is for calling hyprctl commands, for getting data use data. sleep 10. /hyprland-workspaces ALL. The associated window can then be shown and hidden by the lazy command dropdown_toggle () (see Lazy objects) from the ScratchPad group. only way to get out is reboot OS: Arch and sddm-git installed from AUR GPU: Nvidia with hyprland-nvidia-git installed I use wlogout for logout utility but logout command is hyprctl dispatch exit Any ideas? run hyprctl dispatch dpms off (is likely hard to reproduce as this feature seems to work for most configurations) Crash reports, logs, images, videos. Oct 11, 2022 · hyprctl dispatch focuswindow <window> View full answer . ⚠️ hyprctl calls will To check if hyprctl is installed, simply execute it by issuing hyprctl in the terminal. This opens but ignores the rule (is tiled): hyprctl dispatch exec [float] firefox. OS: Arch Linux Machine: Asus TUF Gaming A15 laptop Hyprland version: Latest from the official repository (not the -git one from AUR) Jun 4, 2023 · Everything works smoothly until I try to wake up the displays with hyprctl dispatch dpms on. If you install with make install, or any package, it should automatically be installed. Output of hyprctl monitors: Symptoms: Firefox isn't obeying rules added to hyprctl dispatch exec. This will disable any subsequent parsing of options by hyprctl. Now I have run hyprctl dispatch fullscreen 0 with soffice open, and the Libreoffice window is tiled again. Hyprland publishes all of its events on a socket. First of all, thank you so much for this script it's really helped! Second of all, I have noticed a odd b. Is it possible to spawn new window without changing focus? Jun 6, 2023 · I started a swayidle script in hyprland. and launch it with exec-once in your config. Aug 27, 2023 · Can't connect to socket after logging out. If I exit Hyprland using hyprctl dispatch exit 1, I get popped right back into sddm (which is expected). Once in Hyprland, everything works fine, until I exit Hyprland. sleep 1 && hyprctl dispatch dpms on. I added the following to a script bound to ```exec-once```. This ensures that an empty workspace will always be created in the left direction if no other occupied workspaces exist. Control Commands dispatch. # HYPRLOCK ONTIMEOUT. Jan 29, 2023 · hyprctl dispatch move to workspace <workspace> <window> doesn't do anyhthing. To pass an argument starting with - or --, such as command line options to exec programs, pass -- as an option. if there is a monitor connected and you close the laptop lid, the laptop will be stopped from suspending and instead uses the external monitor. I experimented with running the command hyprctl dispatch dpms off alone to see if it will work, while that it did turn off the screen, nothing I can do will turn on the screen again, excepting a reboot. Note that when that happens, you need to press a key or move the mouse, and the instruction above instructs the system to turn the screen back on. . I think the default is off, according to waybar`s idle indicator. hyprctl and IPC. Dec 10, 2023 · Description. Example: bind = [superkey], [key], exec, [rofi script path or command] & sleep 0. hyprctl is a utility for controlling some parts of the compositor from a CLI or a script. Steps to Reproduce from start login through lemurs login manager execute hyprctl dispatchers exit or hyprctl dispatch exit or pkill Hyprland -this takes me to lemurs login manager again re-login Hyprland crashes and opens lemurs again Ex Aug 1, 2023 · I currently do this using hyprctl (as seen below) but my approach is kinda hacky (as seen below :D) and I think having this as a default functionality in Hyprland would be nice. 3. Which is fine; this is what I want anyway. Issue a dispatch to call a keybind dispatcher with an Oct 26, 2022 · 1. yl ik uf rh sr qp sp wm ac ru  Banner