This typically means better form conversions compared to using reCAPTCHA v2. Namun pada kenyataanya google reCaptcha hanya mengerjakan 1 juta API request perbulan, selebihnya akan dikenakan biaya sendiri dengan menggunakan akun reCaptcha Enterprise. Captcha Solver. Jul 10, 2024 · If you wish to make more than 1000 calls per second or 1000000 calls per month, you must use reCAPTCHA Enterprise or fill out this form and wait for an exception approval. Usuarios y empresas se preparan para adaptarse a esta transformación en el servicio de protección contra spam y abuso. Another simple Google reCaptcha plugin, with Login No Captcha reCaptcha, you can add a reCaptcha checkbox to your WordPress and WooCommerce login areas as well as default forms like comment section, registration forms, and the likes. Instalando o reCAPTCHA V3 do google no site e a Nesse vídeo, ensino como evitar e bloquear os comentários de spams do blog e os spams do email institucional. It would be difficult to argue that this data transfer is necessary to protect your website. Aug 13, 2022 · Il plugin Google reCaptcha v2 di Prestashop è compatibile con SSL e facile da installare e utilizzare. smythsys. Utiliza un motor de análisis de riesgo avanzado y Captchas adaptables para evitar que el software automatizado participe en actividades abusivas en su sitio. Ayuda a los clientes a obtener fácilmente la clave del sitio y la clave secreta con instrucciones sencillas. Karena dikembangkan oleh Google, maka pembuatan recpatha harus melalui Internet Explorer versi 8, 9, atau 10. This chart shows the distribution of scores for your site for the specified action name. Sedangkan Captcha sendiri merupakan tes turing untuk membedakan manusia dan bot. Feb 11, 2020 · 4. Protect your WordPress/WooCommerce website from spam, brute-force attacks, and fake accounts with Google reCAPTCHA. O reCAPTCHA é uma tecnologia do Google que se faz presente em sites e aplicativos comuns na vida dos usuários. Features: - Automatically solve reCaptcha free of charge - Solve reCaptcha without any limit - No need to register or login How does it work? Simply install our extension, sit back and let the AI take care of the reCaptcha challenge. Antes de comenzar a resolver reCaptcha v3, hay algunos requisitos y puntos que debemos tener en cuenta que son necesarios para saber. A seamless detection. The library wraps the reCAPTCHA API. 6 y 1. Langkah 2: Install Plugin reCaptcha by BestWebSoft. The package provides a component that simplifies the process of handling and rendering reCAPTCHA in React with the help of useful props. Fast, reliable, and accurate automated CAPTCHA solving service with round-the-clock availability. To get started with reCAPTCHA Enterprise, you can use our Site Registration Tool. Buster. As per the latest survey by SimilarTech, more than 3. 7 million websites use reCAPTCHA. -> Check None to detect on the popup page to stop auto solving if you want to solve captcha Automatically solve reCAPTCHA, hCaptcha, FunCAPTCHA, AWS WAF, text CAPTCHA, and more using AI. recaptcha = r} sitekey="Your client site key" grecaptcha Oct 10, 2021 · reCAPTCHA Enterprise → https://goo. Import the FormsModule, RecaptchaFormsModule, RecaptchaModule modules. Unlike other solutions, ALTCHA is free, open-source and self-hosted, without external services, does not use cookies nor fingerprinting, does not track users, and is fully compliant Hoy vamos a poner de forma muy simple el reCAPTCHA de google en nuestro sitio web, de forma gratis y sencilla, en tan solo unos pocos pasos, vamos a estar li Advanced Google reCAPTCHA protects your WordPress site from spam comments & brute force login attacks using captcha. Neste vídeo eu mostro como resolver Apr 30, 2021 · Google ReCaptcha V3 takes a sledgehammer approach. com/recaptcha/about/NoCaptcha Avanzado y Captcha Invisible (v2 Supported CAPTCHAs. Jan 31, 2024 · A partir del 1 de abril, Google realizará cambios sustanciales en los cupos gratuitos de reCAPTCHA. Google Bantuan. Seamless integration with NoCoding Data Jul 10, 2024 · The following illustration provides a high-level overview of the implementation of reCAPTCHA on websites: Setting up reCAPTCHA on websites involves the following steps: Create reCAPTCHA keys: Choose the reCAPTCHA key type that is best for your use case and create keys. The user's answer will be in two form fields, recaptcha_challenge_field and recaptcha_response_field. Basicamente, é isso que o reCAPTCHA faz. PHP client library for reCAPTCHA, a free service to protect your website from spam and abuse. • Provide 2 types of reCAPTCHA: Google reCAPTCHA - V2 and Google reCAPTCHA - V3. ReCaptcha Solver. ts file and add the lines as below. Drag in a Form widget. getResponse (opt_widget_id) after the user completes the reCAPTCHA reCAPTCHA v3 is the version of reCAPTCHA we recommend for use on your forms as it requires no interaction from individuals filling out your forms. • Supports enable reCAPTCHA for 3 types of forms: Contact form, Registration form, and Login form. What is reCAPTCHA? Google developers says: "reCAPTCHA protects you against spam and other types of automated abuse. Instalando o reCAPTCHA V3 do Apr 1, 2024 · An editable page opens in Elementor. Mar 24, 2021 · O Google Recaptcha usa inteligência de Neste vídeo eu demonstro como criar o Google Recaptcha para você colocar no seu site, aumentando a segurança do site. Learn more about results and reviews. La tecnología "CAPTCHA" actúa como una prueba de Turing Jul 26, 2021 · Apa itu Google reCAPTCHA? Google reCAPTCHA adalah layanan gratis yang disediakan oleh Google yang dapat digunakan untuk memproteksi website Anda dari SPAM dan penyalahgunaan. Más info en http://woofreelance. To use reCAPTCHA with Java/JSP, you can download the reCAPTCHA Java Library here (contributed by Soren) and unzip it. ly/3EYnf5dI pacchetti di hosting sono offerti da noi di Assistenza WP utilizzando server Keliweb ad alte prestazioni. -> Check All tabs on the popup page to start auto detection (in default) . Google reCaptcha. Using Advanced Google reCAPTCHA (most popular captcha on the market), you’ll be safe from spam Using that component will oblige you to manage the grecaptcha dep and load the script by yourself. Nov 26, 2020 · Previamente reCAPTCHa de Google era gratuito, aunque en los últimos meses anunciaron sus planes de pago para grandes páginas web con tráfico. lo cual es completamente gratuito y verificado, el cual ya lleva tiempo funcionando. Captcha alternative. Passo 3. reCaptcha is een "gratis" dienst van Google, waarmee je het aantal SPAM berichten kan verminderen. Simply generate your Google reCAPTCHA v2 site “key” and “secret” and add these to the settings. En esta página se muestra cómo habilitar la Verificación de aplicaciones en una aplicación web mediante el proveedor integrado de reCAPTCHA v3. Questo articolo ti guiderà per integrare il molto popolare Google ReCaptcha di Jun 14, 2022 · Sebagai solusi, anda juga bisa menggunakan fasilitas recaptcha dari Google secara gratis. This tool will help you create a new reCAPTCHA Site Key, and if needed also create a new Google Cloud account. 🚀 Blog de Diseño Web: h Sep 13, 2021 · Langkah 4: Salin Site Key dan Secret Key. The top 11 Recaptcha alternatives are as follows Hcaptcha: 5 days ago · There are some other tools you can refer to if CAPTCHA Solver is not the most suitable tool for your task: NopeCHA enables you to solve reCAPTCHA, hCaptcha, FunCAPTCHA, AWS WAF, and text CAPTCHA challenges using AI after activating API key; Captcha Solver enables you to solve many types challenges after adding funds and API key; Captcha Solver Aprenda a gerar as chaves do Google reCAPTCHA para o seu site. Learn more here. reCAPTCHA es una aplicación q Jul 10, 2024 · reCAPTCHA v3 introduces a new concept: actions. Adaptive risk analysis based on the context of the action, because abusive behavior can vary. We use a lightweight image classification model to solve it. O serviço de resolução de captchas mais rápido. Jul 10, 2024 · The reCAPTCHA Java Library provides a simple way to place a CAPTCHA on your Java-based website, helping you stop bots from abusing it. ALTCHA uses a proof-of-work mechanism to protect your website, APIs, and online services from spam and unwanted content. Enter the following: Type – Choose reCAPTCHA3. 5 days ago · reCAPTCHA documentation. 7 e di seguito scrivo guida su come fare: IMPORTANTE: questo modulo funziona solo con recaptcha V2 O Google utiliza o teste CAPTCHA para reforçar a segurança nos pontos mais sensíveis do acesso às contas. Fitur ini berfungsi mengidentifikasi sebuah perangkat benar-benar dipakai manusia atau bot. Jun 5, 2020 · Register a new site for Google reCAPTCHA. Kirim masukan tentang Pusat Bantuan kami. Step 1: Register your website(s) with Google to receive your reCAPTCHA v3 Site Key and Secret Key Sample Form with ReCAPTCHA. import { ReCAPTCHA } from "react-google-recaptcha"; const grecaptchaObject = window. Apr 22, 2021 · 2. Serve para ajudar esses sites a evitar a entrada de diferentes ferramentas automatizadas que podem até levar ao envio de spam e ameaças. com/como-anadir-google-re May 24, 2023 · Cómo resolver reCaptcha v3. It is not guaranteed that challenges are always solved, the limitations of the technology need to be considered. 0, last published: 4 months ago. google. Click Add Item . Centro de asistencia; Comunidad Jul 10, 2024 · Compare features between reCAPTCHA tiers. En este tutorial te enseñaré a Como implementar reCaptcha V2 de Google, vamos con ello. Apr 18, 2018 · Aprende a instaar y configurar el módulo gratuito de reCAPTCHA de Google para Prestashop 1. Nov 8, 2021 · Most of the websites use ReCAPTCHA to prevent any malicious activity by using bots. If disabled, you are required to check the hostname on your server when verifying a solution. Felizmente, o time de desenvolvedores do Google fizeram todo o trabalho duro por nós, então apenas vá ao projeto do ReCAPTCHA no Github e faça uma cópia da biblioteca recaptchalib. É um serviço do Google, gratuito, que verifica se a entrada em uma página ou plataforma é feita por um ser humano e não por um bot. Then, click on the CAPTCHA tab. Caranya dengan membuka Internet Explorer kemudian klik menu> Alat> Pengaturan Tampilan Kompatibilitas. 0 will be validated on Client Side using JavaScript and jQuery in ASP. Ayuda de Google Chrome. Saltar al contenido principal. 3 captcha types. 6. Más información aquí: https://www. Pengumuman. We are continuously adding support for more. Hingga saat ini, Google reCAPTCHA memiliki 3 versi yaitu v1, v2 dan v3. To configure Google reCAPTCHA, select the reCAPTCHA option. Solo para agrandar este magnífico post te dejo un vídeo de mi nuevo módulo recaptcha v3 para el formulario de contacto en la versión 1. Pusat Bantuan. Iniciar sesión. Dada la inmensidad de Cloudflare, decidieron Admite habilitar reCAPTCHA para 3 tipos de formularios: formulario de contacto, formulario de registro y formulario de inicio de sesión. The Edit Form panel shows. Google anunció modificaciones en reCAPTCHA, su servicio destinado a proteger sitios web contra el spam y el abuso. grecaptcha // You must provide access to the google grecaptcha object. Cara Memasang Captcha Google di WordPress. This system creates challenges to help distinguish between human and automated bot access to websites. Es un servicio que pertenece a Google, gratuito, que verifica que la entrada en una página o plataforma es llevada a cabo por un humano y no un bot. Challenges are solved by clicking on the extension button at the bottom of the reCAPTCHA widget. After the user has filled out the HTML form, including their answer for the CAPTCHA, we want to check their answer when they submit the form using the recaptcha_check_answer function. • Support multiple languages. This means that the data is a restricted transfer. Solve any CAPTCHA freely with NopeCHA for Chrome Ranked as "the best free CAPTCHA solver" by HackerNoon, NopeCHA is able to solve all popular challenges such as reCAPTCHA, hCaptcha, FunCAPTCHA, and more. Il modulo Google reCaptcha di Prestashop consente all'amministratore di scegliere il numero di percorsi di accesso prima che venga visualizzato il reCaptcha. Il vantagg O processo para resolver o reCAPTCHA V3 é o seguinte: pegamos nos parâmetros captcha da página na forma de data-sitekey, action e URL da página e transferimos para o serviço 2Captcha, onde é resolvido por um funcionário com a classificação "humanidade” apropriada, após o que a resposta é-nos devolvida na forma de token, que deve ser inserido no campo apropriado para resolver o Sep 10, 2021 · 5. gle/3DjumEBreCAPTCHA Enterprise learns by monitoring real traffic on your website, assigning a score to each request based How to use it? -> Simply install Free Captcha Solver extension. Each email address must be associated with a Google account. The reCAPTCHA library FAQ reCAPTCHA - Komunitas Google Penelusuran. reCAPTCHA última versión: Extensión de navegador gratuita para reconocer texto en imágenes. Plataforma de cursos: https://codersfree. Badge – Choose where to place the badge – right, left or inline. Net MVC Razor. Cómo bloquear los ReCAPTCHA en Firefox. Ayuda de Google. . O teste CAPTCHA pode ser solicitado quando você: se inscreve em um novo serviço do Google (Gmail, Blogger, YouTube); se inscreve para qualquer edição de uma conta do Google Workspace; muda a senha de uma conta; configura serviços Jul 10, 2024 · A list of email addresses that will have ownership rights over the site key. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Score based (v3) captcha. reCAPTCHA is a service that helps to protect your websites and mobile applications from spam and abuse. Jan 13, 2020 · Hoje vou mostrar neste tutorial passo a passo como inserir recaptcha na área de login do Wordpress para aumentar a segurança do seu site. Un CAPTCHA te ayuda a protegerte del spam y del descifrado de contraseñas pidiéndote que completes una simple prueba que demuestre que eres humano y no un ordenador que intenta acceder a una cuenta protegida con contraseña. Resolva Recaptcha V2, Recaptcha V3, hCaptcha, captchas de imagem e muito mais com os nossos profissionais treinados e de alta qualidade. Login No Captcha reCAPTCHA. With reCAPTCHA, you can protect your websites or mobile applications from spam and abuse, and detect other types of fraudulent activities, such as credential stuffing, account Jun 11, 2023 · Criar um ReCaptcha é fácil e rápido. 0 to 1. 0 indicating abusive traffic and 1. Google Cloud Protect your WordPress/WooCommerce website from spam, brute-force attacks, and fake accounts with Google reCAPTCHA. La prueba de un CAPTCHA consta de dos partes simples: una secuencia de letras o números generada aleatoriamente que Getting Started. Sirve para ayudar a esos sitios a evitar la entrada de diferentes herramientas automatizadas que incluso puedan derivar en el envío de Spam y amenazas. Start using @nestlab/google-recaptcha in your project by running `npm i @nestlab/google-recaptcha`. It beats reCaptcha when data privacy is the main concern. If a site key exceeds 1000 QPS, then some requests may not be processed. Jul 10, 2024 · This document provides an overview of Google reCAPTCHA v3 and v2. You need to refer the following article for information on how to get Google RECaptcha Site key and Secret key. Proporciona 2 tipos de reCAPTCHA: Google reCAPTCHA - V2 y Google reCAPTCHA - V3. grecaptcha. Then, in the settings that appear, go ahead and select the reCAPTCHA Type you’d like to use. Scores range from 0. Langkah 5: Masukkan Site Key dan Secret Key. Langkah 4: Pilih Versi reCaptcha. Oct 25, 2018 · Ciao a tutti, ho appena installato reCaptcha di google su ps 1. 7 y 1. module. Google has been defending millions of sites with reCAPTCHA for over a decade. Aug 9, 2023 · Dengan menerapkan Google Recaptcha, Anda dapat dengan efektif memblokir akses dari bot yang tidak diinginkan dan memastikan bahwa interaksi di situs web Anda berasal dari manusia yang sebenarnya. Learn more. Captcha Solutions. Langkah 3: Buka Pengaturan Plugin reCaptcha by BestWebSoft. Als je gebruik Free, open-source. Komunitas. Change the app. Label – Give a label to identify. Latest version: 3. es/15244/obtener-una-clave-de-recaptcha-de-go Jun 9, 2022 · Installing react-google-recaptcha. Google Penelusuran. For more information about the tiers, contact your account representative or Google Cloud sales. View all product documentation. Note: For an overview of each reCAPTCHA type, be sure to check Nov 7, 2019 · tirto. Typically the only thing you'll need is the jar file Mar 28, 2022 · Hosting Keliweb https://bit. Using Advanced Google reCAPTCHA (most popular captcha on the market), you’ll be safe from spam comments and protect user accounts, WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads, BuddyPress and other forms from brute-force Google doesn't verify reviews. This captcha plugin, quickly adds Google reCAPTCHA and other captcha tests to WordPress comment form, login form, and other forms. Páginas de lojas, aplicativos como o Caixa Tem, NuBank, sites de redes como Pinterest, Zoom ou fóruns e grupos de suporte estão entre alguns dos exemplos de espaços En este tutorial vas aprender que es Google reCaptcha y como puedes implementarlo en tus sitios y aplicaciones para evitar robots. -> Free Captcha Solver extension detects hCaptcha and reCaptcha on any page and automatically solve the challenges. The tool analyses personal data in US Data centres. When you specify an action name in each place you execute reCAPTCHA, you enable the following new features: A detailed break-down of data for your top ten actions in the admin console. And that is huge! But there are a few other Google ReCAPTCHA alternatives to protect against spammers and frauds. 7. 0 indicating good traffic. You must register your website at the Google reCAPTCHA Admin console to use this free Google serviceGoogle Jan 29, 2024 · According to the email I got this morning: Google reduces the free assessments from 1mln to just 10000 a month for both recaptcha enterprise service and previously “free recaptcha service”, which constitutes a 100x allowance reduction, renames recapcha no-cost plan to reCAPTCHA-lite (with up to 10000 assessments a month) and introduces new May 17, 2020 · Comparto exactamente todo lo que piensas y compartí tus ideales. Configure the Google reCAPTCHA key. Click the edit icon to edit your form. Langkah 1: Login dan Buka Dashboard WordPress. 4 days ago · This page explains how to verify a user's response to a reCAPTCHA challenge from your application's backend. reCAPTCHA Autoclick. com----- Laravel ReCAPTCHA is a very simply-to-use Laravel 5 package to embed Google reCAPTCHA in your application. Google Recaptcha es eficaz para bloquear la mayoría de spam y bot . There are 2 other projects in the npm registry using @nestlab/google-recaptcha. Automatically solve reCaptcha using AI. First Name; Last Name; Email; Pick your favorite color: Red Green Green Oct 30, 2018 · Por defecto, reCAPTCHA v3 usará un umbral de 0. Aug 12, 2020 · The Google RECaptcha 2. Cómo evitar el ReCAPTCHA de Google en Chrome. Jul 10, 2024 · The recaptcha_check_answer function. Cuando habilitas la Verificación de aplicaciones, ayudas a garantizar que solo la app pueda acceder a los recursos de Firebase de tu proyecto. Registration form in Google reCaptcha dashboard allows you to register your app. For web users, you can get the user’s response token in one of three ways: g-recaptcha-response POST parameter when the user submits the form on your site. Verify that the reCAPTCHA solutions originate from whitelisted domains. Another possible reason to go with MTCaptcha is their CAPTCHA user interface customization facility. Integrate reCAPTCHA with your website: To collect information about the user Un breve tutorial sobre cómo conseguir un código reCaptcha de Google. Jul 3, 2024 · Catatan : Google mempromosikan google reCaptcha sebagai layanan keamanan yang bersifat gratis. Key features worth mentioning: 3 days ago · Buster is a browser extension which helps you to solve difficult CAPTCHAs by completing reCAPTCHA audio challenges using speech recognition. Basta seguir alguns passos simples para im roteja seu site, app ou sistema de bots e spammers com o Google ReCaptcha V2! Aplicaciones de Google. Google's reCAPTCHA service helps protect websites and mobile applications from spam and abuse. reCAPTCHA uses advanced risk analysis techniques to detect fraud. There are two reCaptcha options v3 or v2 you can choose either of the version. The Prestashop Google reCaptcha module increases the website's security and provides protection against spam, abuse, and bots by adding Google reCaptcha on the store pages. To install react-google-recaptcha, type and run the following command: npm install Find us. 0, with 0. A new reCAPTCHA WooCommerce field will then be displayed on your checkout, and other selected forms to protect them from spam! . Verify origin. • Help customers easily get site key and secret key with simple instructions. Google recaptcha module for NestJS. Langkah Cara Daftar Google Recaptcha Langkah 1: Masuk ke Akun Google Anda Langkah pertama dalam mendaftar Google Recaptcha adalah masuk ke akun Google Jul 10, 2024 · reCAPTCHA overview. MTCaptcha is another popular free CAPTCHA service that you can choose over the Google reCaptcha alternative. Users can now migrate Google Podcasts subscriptions to YouTube Music or to another app that supports OPML import. Step 4: Register a new application, select reCaptcha v3 or v2 from the reCAPTCHA type option and register the domain name and click on save button. This page lists reCAPTCHA features across the Essentials, Standard, and Enterprise tiers. Google reCAPTCHA Admin Console. MTCaptcha: One of the best reCAPTCHA competitors. You will need to import the following namespace. O serviço mais preciso, mais barato e mais rápido, com uma área de apoio ao cliente e suporte fantásticos. Free up to 10,000 assessments per month * . For information about reCAPTCHA Enterprise, see the reCAPTCHA Enterprise documentation. Capsolver é um solucionador automático de captchas com inteligência artificial (IA), capaz de resolver reCAPTCHA, hCaptcha, FunCaptcha e outros tipos de captchas. May 10, 2021 · Sabe aqueles quebra-cabeças que alguns sites pedem para você resolver para provar que é humano? Aquilo se chama Captcha. Berikut ini merupakan penjelasan reCAPTCHA dan cara untuk mengatasi kode CAPTCHA yang tidak muncul, hingga jenis nya yang sudah sampai ke re CAPTCHA v3. The react-google-recaptcha library enables the integration of Google reCAPTCHA v2 in React. Básicamente esto es lo que hace reCAPTCHA. Google reCAPTCHA is a free service that protects your website from abuse by creating challenges. php. solve hCAPTCHA and reCAPTCHA using AI on any pages. Lo primero que tenemos que tener en cuenta es qué es un CAPTCHA ya que esto nos va a ayudar a entender su función y por qué podemos saltárnoslo. Goolge reCaptcha API key aanvragen. Jul 10, 2024 · This chart shows the number of requests that reCAPTCHA received from your site for the specified action name. May 28, 2021 · Básicamente esto es lo que hace reCAPTCHA. - google/recaptcha Oct 10, 2015 · Google antes nos daba una solución llamada Google reCaptcha, la cual con escuchar un audio o digitar el número que aparecía en el cuadro nos validaba si la persona que llenaba el formulario era un robot o un humano. Jan 13, 2015 · É esse valor que nós precisamos enviar para o Google para ser verificado; então vamos fazer isso a seguir. Free up to 10,000 assessments *, $8 for up to 100,000 assessments per nestjs recaptcha. → Link para site re Aug 3, 2022 · En este nuevo video, te enseñaré a como proteger tus formularios con Google reCaptcha v3. May 21, 2024 · To get started, you’ll need to log in to your WordPress site and go to WPForms » Settings. Maximizar o Potencial Empresarial. Google Cloud Platform lets you build, deploy, and scale applications, websites, and services on the same infrastructure as Google. Nov 12, 2021 · Cómo Configurar o Instalar Google reCAPTCHA en un Sitio Web. Google Recaptcha es un servicio Captcha gratuito que ayuda a proteger los sitios web del spam y el abuso. 5 puntos, y todo aquel visitante con puntaje inferior necesitará demostrar que es humano, pero este umbral se puede personalizar. Enhance your workflow with our AI-driven solutions designed to bypass CAPTCHAs effortlessly. • Support multi-store mode. If a v3 site key exceeds its monthly quota, then site_verify may fail open by returning a static reCAPTCHA, descargar gratis. Consulta una descripción general de esta función. Google reCAPTCHAhttps://www. Als je gebruik gaat maken van Google reCaptcha, dan kan je een veld aan je formulier toevoegen waarmee iemand die het formulier invult ook kan aangeven dat hij geen robot is. render( <ReCAPTCHA ref={(r) => this. Other issues with Google ReCaptcha & Legitimate Interests. Requisitos: Clave de Capsolver; Proxy (Opcional) El proxy es opcional, pero siempre se recomienda que uses tu propio proxy para reCaptcha v3 ya que la IP es muy importante. Power Captcha reCAPTCHA supports 3 Google reCAPTCHA types integrated into 6 common WordPress forms, including login and comment forms, and 7 WooCommerce forms. id - reCAPTCHA adalah layanan gratis dari Google yang membantu melindungi situs web dari spam dan penyalahgunaan. Menú principal. Choose which forms you want it to show on, and set the theme to either dark or light. ba eb gj rq kg tt ne zl bb st