Reddit aita college. Read the comments to see who is the asshole.

“A” went to community college for a semester, decided it wasn’t for him, and dropped out. I wasn't expecting a similar level of support but I was expecting some kind of help, my mom told me that my bio mom didn't leave money for my college so I'll We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I can't fault him for being upset, especially if you didn't tell him about this before. These 529 funds are owned and controlled by the people who create them and the use of the money is entirely at their discretion. Read the comments to see who is the asshole. Reply reply. My late husband left me everything and told me to trust his lawyer. You put the money into the fund to send your daughter to college, not to some fan convention in Australia. Saw though my son struggled through most of school once Covid hit he seem to find a stride and his grades gotten much better. Join the community of moral philosophers and share your dilemmas. Nomanodyssey. Kikitiki3. When my stepson, “A”, graduated high school, my husband (his dad) offered to pay for his college. My mom had my sister a year later. 1. I know what the title says but let me explain myself. AITA for not giving my daughter her education fund money? Asshole. Most likely go to community college for 2 years first too to save money. AITA for revealing my bf's real age to his college friends : r/AmItheAsshole. We are not rich but… In case anyone is wondering HYPSM = Harvard Yale Princeton Stanford MIT FAANG = Facebook Amazon Apple Netflix Google All throughout high school, my parents prodded me (23M) to study hard, earn good grades, and involve myself in extracurriculars. I (54M) have two children (23F and 21M) with my wife (52F). Maddy has a full ride & competes in NCAA. We (my wife and I) started his college fund the minute we found out she was pregnant. She is 26. Award. ago. I’m gonna go with NTA or NAH, you said you paid for your daughters college and if you approve of your youngest son’s major you will pay for his too which makes your eldest son right to be frustrated as you didn’t pay for his but, when you gave the offer you were clear on the conditions/strings attached and your other children were happy GiftEvening2336. aitathrowaway2613. If she is dumb enough to bite the hand that feeds her, maybe she isnt fit for college anyways. She currently hates me, her mom (who is on my side) and brother for spending the money when “he could have gotten a cheaper car”. Our family situation is complicated, so let me explain: my wife and I (39 M/ F) have two 17 year old daughters. Since we make good money (in the mid 6 figures), his college fund currently has almost $400k in it. Your parents need to understand that they helped you do this, and that they are responsible. Here’s where the argument happened…. 8K comments. Hope your daughter cuts you off and excels in her musical career. We were friends for years prior to graduating and remained friends some years after. AITA for using my kids college accounts for my retirement. Help keep the sub engaging! There is a deviation instantly; the middle kid, who isn’t ‘dads’, has to get scholarships because mummy used all her college fund on an extortionate degree. AITA for making my son go to college. AITA for having a college fund for my niece and not my nephew. If the college gives you an offer based on your parents’ finances, they can refuse to pay; if you are separated from them, the college might be able to work with you on what you can afford to pay. 6. One does not have to trump the other, if done right. AITA for donating my daughters college fund instead of giving it to my step daughter to help buy a house - 16 January 2020 . We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Yeah, all education has value, but with a $300k price tag you'll want some monetary benefit to it. Dad has me (18m) and his wife has Ellie (17f who will be 18 in a week). Lots of individual and family therapy helped, and Luke was able to graduate from high school with high honors and get a college scholarship (out of state). No, you don't HAVE to pay for your daughter's schooling, but you will ruin your relationship with your daughter (already have, tbh) and are demonstrating your CLEAR favoritism for your son. I had poor mental health and no motivation to work and ended up failing a class. J has a daughter (my stepdaughter V, 18) with her first partner. are more concrete for each of their school options, we’ve started the specifics of the budget conversations. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. I was her only kid. The cost for my first semester (with scholarship) is about 2,500. AITA for making a real life Pokédex of girls at my university? Asshole. For example here (MO), community college is $3660/yr for full time. I (45F) have been married to my husband (56M) since I was 18. When the kids were young, my parents set up education funds for both of them, which was very generous of them. So freshman year of college, I began working on this project casually. I'm there right now, sitting on my dorm room bed typing this. Beth graduated last year with similar honors and is also now in college, several states away. AITA for not sharing my kid's college funds with my sister kids? Not the A-hole. When I first met Hanna, she seemed to be shy and polite and we seemingly got along well. I (17F) have been admitted and am going to UC Merced for college. Reply. Hi r/AITA ! This is the obligatory apology for formatting, as I’m on mobile. Good luck! We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. So my (16M) girlfriend (17F) and I have been dating for a little over 4 years now. AITA for not splitting my daughter's college fund. A place to satirize, crosspost from, poke fun at, and hold meta discussions on the never-ending ridiculous stories and creative writing exercises from AITA and AITA-adjacent subs, including classic tales of your local reddit heroes seeking validation. AITA - for not paying sons college tuition. We met at summer camp when we were twelve and connected immediately. r/AmItheAsshole. Klutzy-Main-3064. My wife and I always expected our kids to attend college and then graduate school, as A place to satirize, crosspost from, poke fun at, and hold meta discussions on the never-ending ridiculous stories and creative writing exercises from AITA and AITA-adjacent subs, including classic tales of your local reddit heroes seeking validation. This September, a boy from my old school who was applying to colleges, asked me to write his college essays for AITA for using my money won in a lawsuit on my college funds/expenses? Context: I (20F) am going to school at a university (this is important for context). OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I complained to the athletic department about my coach 2. We live 5 1/2 hours apart from each other. Find out if you were wrong or right in an argument. I am 32F. The favouritism is instantly clear. The first, “Annabelle,” is our biological daughter. I (34M) own a restaurant and I offered my niece and nephew (twins both 18 now) a job at the restaurant during . I am putting my future in college before ADMIN MOD. 30+ years later, not a penny. She told me she was on the pill and, like the stupid teen I am, I didn’t use a condom. My son is already off at school and doing very well, and Sam was accepted into her desired college school and We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I made a big deal out of something small. Everyone else gets their college tuition paid for. Taking the posts seriously is heavily discouraged. Naturally, she’s been in hysterics about the college fund and thinking I’m going too hard. AITA For refusing to pay for a former friends daughters college? Not the A-hole. About 2 years ago I was in a car accident and I decided to sue the person We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. AITA for liquidating my daughter's college fund to keep our dream house? I (50F) lost my husband 4 years ago. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I told my 16yo son that if he doesn't want to see me, I'll be cutting his college fund. My daughter’s college/graduation fund is worth roughly 150k while my stepson has approximately a 15k dollar amount. Vote and comment on others' posts. My grandma aka mom's mom died recently and I found out she AITAH for moving away for college and abandoning “my” son? I got my a highschool hookup “Lily” pregnant when we were both 17 (I’m 18 now). Now my oldest went to trade school and we used his account to pay for that, it was relatively cheap. They can't afford it themselves and I do have the money to cover it. When my (42F) daughter (17F) was 7, we lost her father to an avoidable accident. I (48M) have a son that graduated this year from highschool. AITA for revoking my daughter's college fund. A college education is a precious thing and often is only available during this short time in your life. Likely, she will need to go a cheaper school. My mom has not ever really supported the fact I wanted to go to a bigger school as she went to community college. If your parents make $350K they should have been saving for your college to offer you something, even if not $30K/yr. I have never met my dad. It may benefit you to get some counseling to help with your insecurities in being separated from your twin. Due to that and the subsequent settlement, my daughter was able to have a trust fund of sorts that provided for college, grad school if she wanted, and even some left over for whatever OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: We used our daughter’s tuition money on our house after she dropped out of college. When my wife and I divorced, my daughter (14F) took my wife's side, which I was pretty upset and surprised about. That might be something to look into if it wouldn’t make your current situation worse. I have two children, a daughter Sam (17f), and a son (19m), and I have always made sure that their education is a top priority. I also have a 16yo daughter. I am always the friend who would take ADMIN MOD. The state university in our city is about $12,000/yr for full time. I’m going to community college for a few years so it isn’t too expensive. Help keep the sub engaging! Basic context, I (18f) just got into a really good college. Asshole. •. YTA, not because you're forcing her to go to a closer community college. AITA for not letting my daughter use her college fund for a wedding or house? Not the A-hole. If middle kid doesn’t get scholarships then she’s the only one with loans. Plus the son will see it as the father is prioritizing his new wife over his son and the damage to the relationship will still be done ADMIN MOD. He took a gap year (not really) and he is going to college too, but he's going to a college less costlier than mine. AITA for letting my daughter (17) have the entire college fund for her dream school after badly injuring her knee while her sister (20) "settled" for a less preferred school where she got an athletic scholarship? I have two daughters, Maddy (20) and Kayla (17). By then you will be educated, and hopefully will have taken advantage of counseling available at your college. I (M37) had a friend 'Roy' (M37) when I was in highschool. So recently my parents, moreover my step dad, is bugging me about sharing my college funds with Damon. In total it would be enough for her to pay for her children's college expenses (they were accepted to public colleges in her country) and not to have to work anymore. She was 12 when we separated and we were very close, unlike her and her mother. He got a job, met a girl, and decided he’d rather work and have kids with We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. AITA for how I handled my girls college tuition? Asshole. Seeing her at breakfast/meals is probably a minimum. I talked to my parents about college and what help I can expect and surprisingly they told me there won't be any help because they don't have money left after they've paid for my siblings. We quickly became great friends and there was an attraction but we kept everything professional. My mom died when I was a baby. My mom passed away when I was 10. AITA for getting my boyfriend arrested : r/AmItheAsshole. NTA. Go take advantage of it! Stay in touch with your brother, in 4 years he'll be 16 and he will really need you then. I like to keep notes on women I talk to about their favorite things, activities they enjoy, gifts/candy they like, sappy shit like that. I have a college account for each kid, they all have like around 50k at the moment. Think about that, and about the fact that your sister was ok knowing this and still is ok with this. AITA for holding my son's college fund hostage? Not the A-hole. 5 hours long on this post. AITA for screaming at husband and forcing my son to pay for his boyfriend medical bills out of his college fund? Not the A-hole My husband against my wishes decided to get our oldest "Bryan" (16M) a motorcycle for his 16th birthday a few months ago so they could go riding together. JacquesBN. I applied for a scholarship and got a partial one. Some background: my parents have always made it clear that education was important to them. Now you are making sure that that money doesn't help send your daughter to college. I freshly turned 20 female have been trying to go back to college from having a rocky start from starting at community college to transferring to college I knew nothing about just to play basketball for them We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. AITA for cancelling my friend college tuition? I’ve been friends with this girl let’s call her Sarah for 4 years and I would consider her as my best friend, I was more financially stable and lived in my own house since 19 and Sarah still live with her parents. I asked her what she meant and referred to my post and I reminded her that my legal obligation to Sophie ended the day she turned 18 and that I was talking about Katie. See our ~~*Best Of*~~ "Most Controversial" at /r/AITAFiltered! AITA telling my daughter it’s her own fault she missed out on her “dream college”? Edit #3 - Don’t steal this and send it through a TTS or make a video on it for YouTube likes, you animals. The kid is 100% OP’s, but golden boy “doesn’t wanna be a dad”, so he goes to mummy and daddy. 12000 is enough to put me and my sister through 2 years at community college. I know it sounds bad but please hear me out. Be Strong! Judgement_Bot_AITA. He'd been talking about it since we were in middle school. Aita for not being willing to pay for my stepdaughter college tuition. ” Edited to add that I’m struck by the audacity and callousness to even request another child’s college fund. Our daughter wants her to help her l financially now that she’s decided she wants to go back to college. With both Luke and Beth now adults and away from home, I can finally focus more on myself. 2. I told my mom that I wanted to take a gap year to focus on myself, but it quickly turned into me not wanting to go back at all. The second, “Nyshia,” was adopted when she was four (former foster kid). Like “Oh your child died, that sucks but what about the money that would have put him through school, cause we kinda really want it and clearly you can’t put it to use any other way than specifically someone’s college. Now, i have a stepbrother Damon (19M). AITA for ruining someone's chance to go to college? So I graduated a year early from high school last year and got into a pretty prestigious university, which was surprising to a lot of people in my grade because I didn't tell anyone. A couple of days later I got a message from my ex asking me to pay for Sophie's college expenses on my own since the pandemic has made money tight. A minute or two in, when I was introducing myself, his mom came in and introduced herself and started talking about her son's work ethic. My wife's mother also stole her hard-earned money from her pre-college jobs, and any gifts she had from grandparents, etc. AITA for taking away my daughters college money? Everyone Sucks. You in no way are obliged to help her out, especially after the hurtful thing she said about your newer relationship A place to satirize, crosspost from, poke fun at, and hold meta discussions on the never-ending ridiculous stories and creative writing exercises from AITA and AITA-adjacent subs, including classic tales of your local reddit heroes seeking validation. Convince your parents that you were selfish and used your sister to satisfy your needs when you were young and again when you followed her to university. I considered him my best friend. The problem started when my wife started complaining that I was paying college for a "stranger's" children but not her daughter's. I’m confused if I am being a dick, so my friend pointed me here. I suck at remembering things like that so I decided to We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. Golden boy goes to uni and does absolutely nothing regarding his daughter, whilst his parents pay Darla’s mum a small amount of money. Dad's family came from old-money, he is filthy-rich I (19M) was in college for the 22-23 academic school year and got my ass obliterated. she isnt entitled to go to college and should pay for it herself. I have 2 boys (21&23) from my first marriage and a girl with my current wife (J). Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both If your brother's reasons to attend college far from home appeal to you, then choose a different college based on what you want to study and other considerations. That means you were to have paid your own way to school. AITA for using my brother's college fund for my own education? Not the A-hole. I (38M) got a divorce 5 years ago. Oh, and refused to supply the tax information required for the FAFSA, which is a prerequisite for almost any financial aid in college. Running and studies should be equally as important. I don’t know if she lied about being on the pill, or if her pregnancy was the 0. Go to the school of your dreams, work hard, and live your best life. They need to learn to be independent, research the information on their own and also be advocates for themselves. Add the information about what community college costs for you locally and what the local state university and flagship state university cost. 15K votes, 1. Me (17F) and my best friend (17F, let’s call her Hanna) were basically childhood best friends. My grandparents couldn't help my dad through college, and he had to work multiple part-time jobs to support himself. Please view our voting guide here, and remember to use only one judgement in your comment. Contest mode is 1. Go to AmItheAsshole. I grew up with a narcissistic mom. Realistic-You9997. My deceased ex wife and I have created a trust fund for our 2 boys and when she passed away they both NAH. *throwaway *on mobile *English is not my first language *I'll convert tithe currencies to the us dollar since it's a more well known currency. 01%, but a month and a We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I have a son 27M and a daughter 22F.     Go to AmItheAsshole. Not the A-hole. We also have our biological son r/AITAH. However, with college being so expensive, I can't fault you for not wanting to spend that money on a major that's not likely to get him a job with decent pay. AITA for leaving for college instead of taking care of my sick mom? Not the A-hole. AITA I lied about having a college fund for my step sister to save my sister. 74 votes, 15 comments. She's 19. It’s likely a college savings vehicle called a 529 fund that is used to encourage people to save for college because of tax savings (let’s say it’s like an IRA but for college savings). Too many young people flounder when they’re done with school because they’ve had their parents and siblings do all of the heavy lifting for them throughout their lives. At the end, we would have transferable credit to pretty much any 4 year university of our choosing. They saved this money for your sister to go to college. AITA for refusing to split my college fund (s) with my stepsister? Not the A-hole. El (22f) Katie (17f) cam (15m) isla (5f) and I'm also currently pregnant. I have a cousin (18m) that also wanted to attend this particular school. Even if she isn't on the college tours, the idea that she will be 100% separated from them seems unreasonable. If this is your way of getting your daughter to college, it stinks. I hope that helps. The first hug I have received in my life was at 10 years old when Dan (my mom's BF) hugged me when I thanked him for a gift. Honestly, he's only going to attend college because of his dad's incessant nagging. Supposedly, my cousin had a full on We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Your job after that is to respect her desire for distance from you. Memes allowed, shitposts only on weekends. Mummy and daddy convince the girl not to go the child support route, and promise to take care of ber. My husband had worked for 20 years as a doctor and did some minor investing so I inherited over 7 figures. It was a virtual interview over Zoom because of covid. • 1 yr. AITA for spending my son's university fund on a trip to Europe to drink beer like I always threatened instead of giving it to his step brother after he passed away. Always with the lie it would be paid back. Edit #2 - this is only the second edit. So I have a 16 year old daughter that passed away in a car accident October 19th. He went into debt for a nostalgia trip, I can’t even explain how upsetting this must be to college aged kids reading this right now. I met her when I was 5 through our parents and we first met at a playground. My parents were already divorced at this point, so I was the sole beneficiary of her estate, so I have a trust fund which my granddad manages for me until I turn 25 (I’m currently 18). Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you ADMIN MOD. ADMIN MOD. It covers about 50 percent of the cost. Although the other four colleges did not let NTA. YTA for preventing her from seeing her friends, and participating in an extracurricular activity- especially as an adult. Hanna came from a wealthy background while I was from an average, middle-class one. I refused to hand over a big chunk of money from my college fund to pay for my little sister's surgery. Me and my husband (50m) started adding to college funds every month for each of our kids pretty much as soon as we found out we were AITA for liquidating my daughter's college fund to keep our dream house? I (50F) lost my husband 4 years ago. He was absolutely positive he would get in, but didn't. Had they put away just a little in a 529, over the course of 18 years it would have been a considerable chunk of change. Backstory: I (43f) have 4 kids. My parents really want my youngest sister to have a better quality of life and it sounds like this surgery could do that for her. AITA for Wanting to go to a different College than my GF after 4 years? Not the A-hole. Basic context, I (18f) just got into a really good college. OP shares how he cut off his sister who abused him and his wife, and refuses to help her financially. 692K subscribers in the TwoHotTakes community. Me (36F) and my twin sister Amanda (36F) were the stereotypical daddy's girl, we were very attached to our dad, he was a ''super dad'' (the most present dad possible without being controlling or annoying). AITA for not getting more involved in my daughters college fund situation? Not the A-hole. Congrats! Edit: Ask your parents if they'd approved you being accepted in Stanford when it first started in 1885. Dad married his wife when I was 10 but they met and moved in together when I was 9. Now that a majority of scholarships are in, tuition and housing etc. As a result she was able to apply to five colleges including one that my aunt and seven other members of my family have gone to. By the time I was accepted to college it had gotten to about $20,000. Both are talented athletes. AITA for refusing to share money with my stepsister? Not the A-hole. ADMIN. I met my new wife Sara (34F) at the workplace and getting to know her made me realize how unhappy I was with my own married. We had a guy, about 19 years old, applying for a summer internship between his freshman and sophomore years of college. I didn't hold in against her because she We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. honestly if they wanted to make this a thing then make it a thing make it known all over that the college is against women unionizing and protecting each other. af nc ks pt hm sv kh ci nz ah